
  • 网络market demand potential;enterprise demand
  1. 监理企业需求量和供给量是分析监理市场的基础,根据公路里程、工期等指标来推导需求和供给量的计算公式,可依据公路建设发展的历史数据,对历年公路建设监理市场状况进行比较。

    According to the road mileage and construction term indicators etc. , the calculating formula is derived . Based on the history data of China highway construction development , the demand and supply quantity of supervision market can be compared .

  2. 拉美和非洲对社会企业的需求量是巨大的,霍尔布鲁克表示。

    There is huge appetite for social enterprises in Latin America and Africa , Holbrook says .

  3. 在此基础上,得到了预测企业人才需求量的方法及控制手段。

    On the basis of this , a new method for forecasting and controlling required quantity of enterprise human resources is obtained .

  4. 工业企业产品市场需求量测定方法浅探

    Porbe to the determination methods of the industrial product market requirement

  5. 神经网络在企业流动资金需求量预测中的应用

    The Application of Neural Network in Enterprise Flowing Funds Demand Prediction

  6. 重庆市工业企业天然气需求量统计调查方案设计

    Study on Statistical Sampling Methods of Natural Gas Used in Industries in Chongqing

  7. 虽然我国中小企业潜在资金需求量巨大,但现实资金需求能力不高,中小企业融资难所要表达的正是存在于潜在与现实之间的巨大缺口。

    It finds that there is huge gap between the potential demand and realistic demand .

  8. 本文通过对企业产品的需求量和投入要素的最优组合分析,得出了投入要素的最优组合条件;

    This article analyses the optimum assembly of demand amount of business product and input factor , and obtains the optimum assembly condition of input factor ;

  9. 分析了在市场经济条件下测定企业产品市场需求量的重要性,探讨了产品市场需求量测定的主要方法,指出了测定方法的运用所必须具备的主要条件。

    The importance , the main methods and the necessary main condition of industrial product market under the conditions of market economy are analyzed in this paper .

  10. 中小企业潜在资金需求量极大,但是潜在的需求能否转化成现实需求则受企业自身经营状况,特别是财务状况的约束。

    Small and medium-sized enterprises ( SMEs ) have big potential demand for fund , whether the demand can be turned into realistic demand according to the management status , especially finance status .

  11. 面对如今迅猛发展的市场经济,各企业的资金需求量日益庞大,如何在贷款的过程中减少风险,就要求商业银行对企业进行有效的信用评价。

    In face of the rapidly developing market economy , the enterprises need huge capital . So a valid credit rate for enterprise is necessary if the bank wants to reduce risks when it issues a loan .

  12. 考虑蒸汽介质的可替换性,确定钢铁企业最小蒸汽需求量,并对1000万吨钢铁企业提出理想的供汽、用汽模式。

    Considering the energy media displacement , the minimum steam demand is determined , and an ideal model of steam production and utilization aiming at an iron and steel company with 10 million ton scale is proposed . 3 .

  13. 公路工程监理企业市场需求与供给量计算方法研究

    Calculation on Supply and Market Demand of Highway Engineering Supervision Enterprise

  14. 根据企业发展需要,由于企业多品种产品需求量的不断增加,需要批量生产。

    According to the need the enterprise Development . multi-variety product of enterprise demand unceasing increase , so they need to be volume produce .

  15. 首先,通过对企业目前状况及企业发展战略的分析,利用预测理论确定企业人员需求量;

    Firstly , by analysis of the current condition and development of enterprise , demand numbers of personnel are defined with forecast theory .

  16. 借助相关数据分析了我国中小企业融资现状是我国中小企业有很强的融资欲望,中小企业资金的潜在需求量大;

    The present situation of financing of small and medium-sized enterprises has been analysed by means of relative statistical data .