- 名bond interest

To accrue bond interest payable for four months ended Dec.31 .
Bond interest income and the proceeds from selling bonds ;
The grace period for payment of those bonds ends Wednesday .
Accrued interest on bond sold Direct placement
But if the U.S. missed a bond payment would it be the end of the world ?
Accrued interest on bond sold
Will businesses in20 years'time be producing enough income to pay the dividends and bond interest to pay baby-boomers their private-sector pensions ?
As the shortcomings of each component become clear , investors'fears will surely return , bond yields will rise and banks'funding problems will worsen .
" Interest income on saving deposits and national debt obligations and other financial debentures issued by the state , shall be exempted from individual income tax "
Dividends , on the other hand , do not become legal obligations of the corporation until they have been formally declared by the board of directors .
The interest rate premium Athens pays over benchmark German bonds rose to more than 4 percentage points , its highest level since Greece joined the eurozone .
Note that the accrued liability for bond interest payable will be paid within a few months and , therefore , is classified as a current liability .
The FSLIC , which insured depositors ' money , itself became insolvent . interest income on saving deposits and national debt obligations and other financial debentures issued by the state ;
The Hong Kong-listed developer , which has $ 2.5bn of offshore debt , was due to make an interest payment of $ 26m on its US dollar bonds on Thursday night .
While it might be illegal or unethical to prioritize interest payments over , say , social security checks to the elderly , it would avoid the nation defaulting on its bonds .
The money the AMCs did manage to recover through the resale of bad loans went towards paying the interest on the bonds , although AMC officials admit they will never be able to pay back the principals .
Mr gross was also concerned that inflation , which erodes the fixed payments received as interest on bonds , would soon rise and spark the selling of Treasuries ; investors would demand a higher return to compensate for that risk .
Barely a day has passed this month without news of another Chinese company on the brink of collapse . There are solar cell makers missing interest payments on bonds , steel mills defaulting on bank loans and property developers going bust .
Sears pays a royalty fee to KCD , which uses the money to pay the interest on about $ 1 billion in bonds stuffed into a Sears insurance subsidiary .
The new Eurobonds could be serviced by revenues from such co-finance of projects .
Someone whose income is from property rents or bond interest and other investments .
The Accounting of the Cost of Long-term Loan Interest and the Profits of Bond Investment Interest
Also , interest paid on bonds is a tax deductible business expense for the corporation .
This refers to the increase in the Aggregate Balance due to interest payments on Exchange Fund paper .
Interest on bonds constitutes a legal obligation , and failure to pay it may result in bankruptcy .
Outstanding contingent liability at year-end But they receive no dividends until interest payments are made on outstanding bonds .
And the interest rate paid on those treasury notes actually went down because they were so much in demand .
Uncle Sam has to promise to pay interest on these bonds just you do on any loan you take out .
Unlike the treatment of interest on bonds , dividends paid to shareholders are not a tax deductible business expense for the corporation .
Institutional investors do not need to pay for the income tax when get the interest of national financial bonds and treasury bill .