
  • 网络park avenue;parkway;Park Ave;Park Av
  1. 莉莉住在公园大道附近的一套顶层豪华公寓里。

    Lily lives in a penthouse just off Park Avenue

  2. 在公园大道上露天展出费尔南多·博特罗的雕塑,这在纽约还是破天荒的事。

    It is a first for New York . An outdoor exhibition of Fernando Botero 's sculpture on Park Avenue .

  3. 在菲利普斯的纽约公园大道(ParkAvenue)拍卖厅里,一位现场投标的女士显然认为这幅画的价值不止于此。

    A woman bidding in Phillips 's Park Avenue saleroom clearly decided it was worth even more .

  4. 一开始,这对金童玉女过着令人头晕目眩的空中飞人生活,经常出入纽约54俱乐部(Studio54),参加公园大道的各种派对,不断来往于欧洲和美国之间。

    At first the glamorous couple lead a dizzying jet-set life , whirling through Studio 54 , Park Avenue parties and constantly criss-crossing the Atlantic .

  5. 周一晚间,美国奥巴马总统出席了黑石集团(BlackstoneGroup)总裁托尼•詹姆斯在纽约公园大道公寓内举行的晚宴,席间他极力鼓动这些华尔街人士,向每位到场者募集了35800美元。

    President Obama last night spent time at the Park Avenue apartment of Blackstone Group ( BX ) President Tony James , to press the Wall Street flesh and collect $ 35,800 per plate .

  6. 值得注意的是,麦克洛地产公司(MackloweProperties)没有将公园大道432号的公寓放上StreetEasy和住宅挂牌服务系统(ResidentialListingService,RLS)等大受欢迎的经纪人数据库,而是大力吸引俄罗斯寡头。

    Notably , while Macklowe Properties had kept 432 Park Avenue 's units off of popular broker databases like StreetEasy and the Residential Listing Service ( RLS ) , the firm was going full-throttle in its attempt to court the Russian oligarchy .

  7. 就在此时,CIM挺身而出,为麦克洛多个陷入困境的项目提供融资,双方就此建立合作关系,这才有了后来开创性的公园大道432号。

    CIM stepped into the breach , providing financing for several of Macklowe 's troubled projects , and a partnership was born that would lead to the groundbreaking at 432 Park .

  8. 纽约市长比尔•德布拉西奥(BilldeBlasio)表示,初步信息显示,上午9点30分左右发生了煤气爆炸,116街附近的公园大道(ParkAvenue)1644号和1646号大楼随后倒塌。

    Bill de Blasio , New York City mayor , said preliminary information showed that 1644 and 1646 Park Avenue , on the corner of 116th Street , had collapsed after a gas blast around 9.30am .

  9. 本月(9月——译注),Huys大楼正在做最后的修整。这座大楼位于公园大道(ParkAvenue)和第28街,以前是座办公楼,目前已被改建成了包含58个单元的奢华共管公寓楼。

    This month , finishing touches are being put on Huys , an office building at Park Avenue and 28th Street that has been converted into a 58-unit luxury condo .

  10. 到2011年8月,公园大道432号大厦的惊人计划——此项目将在拆毁的麦克洛名下德雷克酒店(DrakeHotel)原址上建造——开始在Curbed和《纽约观察家》(TheNewYorkObserver)等房地产新闻网站上出现。

    By August 2011 , their incredible plans for the tower - which would occupy the land where the Macklowe-owned Drake Hotel had been demolished - began to leak onto real estate news sites like Curbed and The New York Observer .

  11. 在公园大道黑石集团总部顶楼一个可以俯瞰上东区、用木壁板装潢的会议室中,苏世民接受了75分钟长的采访。他谈的主要是这个奖学金项目,虽然也比较简短地讨论了GE的交易。

    During a 75-minute interview in a wood-paneled penthouse meeting room overlooking the Upper East Side at Blackstone 's headquarters on Park Avenue , Mr. Schwarzman spoke mainly about the scholars program , while discussing the G.E. deal more briefly .

  12. 尽管汉克·格林伯格(HankGreenberg)抱怨他的大部分财富都损失在了美国国际集团(AIG),但他仍然拥有私人飞机,在公园大道拥有公寓,在瑞士还有度假屋。

    And Hank Greenberg , despite complaining about losing most of his wealth in American International Group stock , still has a private jet , a pad on Park Avenue and a vacation home in Switzerland .

  13. Huys的开发商KroonenbergGroep的首席执行官莱斯利·班贝尔格尔(LesleyBamberger)说,14年前,他买下了公园大道南404号的这栋大楼,用作投资。

    Lesley Bamberger , chief executive of Kroonenberg Groep , Huys 's developer , said he bought the building at 404 Park Avenue South 14 years ago as an investment .

  14. 而当我父亲不能带她去公园大道时。

    And when my father failed to deliver her to park avenue .

  15. 从公园大道入口进入采购部。

    Use the Park Road entrance to get to the buy department .

  16. 太空发现数英里的北方,较低公园大道。

    Space was found a few miles north , on lower Park avenue .

  17. 求购公园大道两居,或三居公寓房。

    Looking for apartment at Park Avenue to buy .

  18. 在他们乘坐的有轨电车与一辆菜店的卡车在公园大道相撞之后奇迹般地得以逃脱。

    After their trolleybus crashed into a greengrocer 's truck on Park Avenue .

  19. 我正沿着荷兰公园大道行驶时,有三个妇女招呼我停车。

    I was driving along Holland Park Avenue when I was flagged down by three women .

  20. 如今,在公园大道和莫特街都能找到针灸师的身影。

    Acupuncturists today are as likely to be found on Park Avenue as on Mott Street .

  21. 《公园大道的灵长目生物》不是全盘托出,而是一部带着诡计的传统型回忆录。

    Instead of a tell-all , Primates of Park Avenue is a conventional memoir with a gimmick .

  22. 我们的第一站是工艺餐厅,这是一家位于公园大道的法式小餐馆,他们的烤奶酷非常好吃。

    Our first stop is Artisanal , a French bistro onPark Avenue that serves the best grilled cheese .

  23. 简言之,公园大道432号是全球超富阶层崛起的历史见证物。

    432 Park Avenue is , in short , a monument to the epic rise of the global super-wealthy .

  24. 不到一年,我们就开始大概知道公园大道432号会是什么样。

    Within a year , we began to get a sense of what 432 Park Avenue would come to represent .

  25. 你还记得丽莎唱她喜欢公园大道,但准备去农场那一段吗?

    You know the part where Lisa sings that she loves Park Avenue , but she 's going to the farm ?

  26. 《公园大道的灵长目生物》的结尾是马丁自己的一个故事,它令人心碎,但并不该被这么轻易地用作一个伎俩。

    Primates of Park Avenue ends with a heartbreaking personal story . It should never have been used as a cheap trick .

  27. 公共记录显示,这两个相邻的建筑物,公园大道1644号是一栋住户公寓,而另一个是街头西班牙教堂。

    Accordingto public records , the neighboring building - 1644 Park Ave. - is home to apartmentsand the street-level Spanish Christian Church .

  28. 正是在这种复苏的大环境下,公园大道432号这样雄心勃勃的项目才得以诞生,并获得资金。

    It is in this recovering environment that a project as ambitious as 432 Park Avenue can even be dreamed of , let alone funded .

  29. 北美第三高楼——公园大道432号的数十位住户将于2015年春季开始入住。

    This coming spring , the few dozen occupants of 432 Park Avenue , North America 's third-tallest building , will begin to move in .

  30. 曼哈顿公园大道的会堂中响起音乐,1100人向这位新泽西州的议员致敬,他于本周初去世。

    Music filled the Park Avenue Synagogue Manhattan where 1100 people pay tribute to the New Jersey lawmaker , who passed away earlier this week .