
jūn shì jì shù
  • military technique
  1. 军事技术太差,作战只靠勇敢。

    Poor in military technique , they fight on courage alone .

  2. 因此对后勤物流保障车辆的实时监控指挥已成为目前军事技术研究的重要内容。

    Therefore to control , command in real time to logistics vehicle has already became at present the important content of military technique study .

  3. 在世界范围内,大量的研究精力都投入到军事技术上。

    Worldwide , an enormous amount of research effort goes into military technology .

  4. 军事技术总是间断性地进步着。

    Military technology advances by fits and starts .

  5. 目标识别(TargetRecognition)是数据融合技术的一个重要组成部分,也是军事技术研究领域中的一个重要课题。

    Target recognition is an important part of data fusion technology , and it is also a key subject in the field of military technological research .

  6. 五角大楼顾问团国防科学委员会(defensescienceboard)正在进行一项研究,测定在美国军事技术中应用外国软件对国家安全的影响。

    The Defense Science Board , a Pentagon Advisory Group , is conducting a study to determine the national security implications of the use of foreign software in US military technology .

  7. 中国绝对他XX的在最少下半个世纪之前在军事技术领域赶不上美国。

    There is no way in hell China would ever catch up to the US military technology wise within the next half century at the least % e ;

  8. 俄罗斯联邦军事技术合作局(FederalServiceforMilitaryTechnicalCo-operation)的副局长弗拉基米尔.德罗若夫(VladimirDrozhzhov)称,我们正在履行去年11月签订的合同,并提到中国签订了保护俄罗斯知识产权的协议。

    We are now fulfilling the contract signed last November , said Vladimir Drozhzhov , deputy director of the Federal Service for Military Technical Co-operation , noting that China had signed an agreement to protect Russia 's intellectual property .

  9. 无线Mesh网络技术最早曾是一项军事技术,在战场上,移动网络需要很高的数据速率、很低的被检出概率和很好的防干扰的能力,而Mesh技术恰恰就具备这些能力。

    Wireless Mesh Network technology first was a military technology on the battlefield , mobile networks require a high data rate , low probability of being detected and a good anti-interference ability , and Mesh Technology with precisely these capabilities .

  10. YiftachShapir是以色列军事技术方面的专家。

    Yiftach Shapir is an Israeli expert on military technology .

  11. 高精度反射器是现代通讯和军事技术中的重要装备,反射器面板型面精度要求在10-2mm量级,非常规工艺所能达到。

    The high precision reflectors are the important equipment for communication and modern military affairs . Especially , this type of panels have surfaces of precision in 10 - 2 mm measure , so it is helpless to general manufacture technology .

  12. 稀土在军事技术上应用现状与展望

    Present status and prospects of defense applications of the rare earths

  13. 军事技术革命对军队规模结构的影响

    The influence of military technical revolution upon troops scale and structure

  14. 以军事技术创新探索我军发展新模式

    Exploring the New Pattern of Military Development by Military Technological Innovation

  15. 未来20年:5大军事技术走上战场

    Years afterwards : Appearance of 5 Military Technologies in Battle Ground

  16. 新的军事技术可以赢得战争建立国家

    A new military technology wins wars , makes nations .

  17. 一类具有时滞的军事技术创新模型的定性分析

    Qualitative Analysis of a Military Technological Innovation Model with Time-delay

  18. 新型制导律的研究成为各国军事技术研究的热点。

    New guidance law has become a hot spot of military technology .

  19. 稀土材料在现代军事技术上的应用及发展趋势

    Application and development trend of rare earth materials in modern military technology

  20. 论军事技术创新在军事变革中的动力作用

    The Dynamic Action of the Military Technology Innovation in the Transforming Period

  21. 许多学者把这种结果要么归结为军事技术因素,要么归结为一种神秘主义。

    Some scholars owe it to elements of military technology or mysticism .

  22. 中俄军事技术合作:现状、问题与对策

    Chinese-Russian Military-Technical Cooperation : Present Situation , Problems and Countermeasures

  23. 中国完全有能力开发任何的军事技术。

    China is fully capable of developing any military technology .

  24. 裁军只会反映出军事技术的指数级增长。

    A slimmer army only reflects the exponential growth in military technology .

  25. 边缘效应与明清军事技术对抗格局的逆转

    Edge Effect and the Reversion of Ming-Qing Military Technology Rivalry

  26. 论军事技术和装备保障的关系

    On the Relation of Military Technology and Equipment Support

  27. 军事技术创新主体的创新特征及其历史性分析

    Analysis about Characters and Historic significance of the Subject of Military Technological Innovation

  28. 二十世纪五十年代苏联对中国海军军事技术援助研究

    Research on Naval Military Technical Support from Soviet Union to China in 1950s

  29. 军事技术创新机制初探

    Briefly on the mechanism of military technology innovation

  30. 创新思维的运行机制军事技术创新机制初探