
  • 网络Innovative Brands
  1. 为客户创新品牌价值。

    Brand value being innovative for the customer .

  2. 经营方针:造就人才队伍,创新品牌价值。

    Management Policy : Great both the Grand value and the excellent staff team .

  3. 凝聚人才创新品牌拓宽渠道&关于广州玩具产业发展的几点思考

    Condense elites , create brands and develop wider channels Ponders on Guangzhou toy industry development

  4. 创新品牌营销模式,通过科学有效的品牌推广工作进行品牌营销在当前烟草行业形势下具有重要意义。

    Innovative brand marketing mode is of significance in the current situation of Tabaco industry through the scientific and effective brand promotion work .

  5. 顾客价值创新品牌战略是从顾客的需求入手,不断开辟新的市场空间,提高品牌的竞争力。

    Band strategy based on the customer value innovation starts from the study of customer 's demand and exploits the space of market gradually , and improves key competitiveness of brand .

  6. 临武县小徐瓜瓜食品有限公司组建于2003年12月,公司成立后不断创新品牌,开发新产品,取得了较好的经济效益和社会效益。

    Xiao Xu Gua Gua Food Corporate was established in December 2003 ; Company is committed to serving farmers and serves the community , innovates , develops new products and achieved better economic and social benefit .

  7. 尤其是奇瑞,目前是国内最大的自主品牌汽车企业,连续6年轿车出口量位列全国第一,被评为我国自主创新品牌的一面旗帜,更是安徽的一张名片。

    Especially chery , at present is the largest independent brand auto enterprise , continuous six years was the first car exports in China , was rated as a flag of self-innovation brand , but also a card in AnHui province .

  8. 只有不断完善产业政策,拥有自己的创新品牌和较高的自主创新、自主知识产权的研究能力,才能不断丰富汽车产品的品质,不断提高技能和自身核心竞争力。

    China constantly needs improve industrial policy and have its own brand of innovation , research capacity , higher independent innovation , and independent intellectual property rights , to enrich the quality of automotive products , and improve the skills and core competitiveness continuously .

  9. 苹果首席执行官蒂姆•库克(TimCook)必须在一个充满竞争对手(其中一些对手他甚至还无法辨识出来)、不断变化的市场中综合考虑定价、创新、品牌和设计因素。

    Tim Cook , chief executive , had to align pricing , innovation , brand and design considerations in a shifting market crowded with rivals , some of which he cannot even identify yet .

  10. 建立创新性品牌医院方法与手段分析

    Analysis of the Methods and Means of Creating Innovation Grand Hospital

  11. 中国制造业企业的创新与品牌之路

    The Development of Innovation and Brand in Chinese Manufacturing Enterprises

  12. 在感性层面生动的体现出专业的、创新的品牌个性。

    Furthermore it echoes a professional and innovative brand characteristic .

  13. 中国企业正在学习如何发展独特、创新的品牌。

    Chinese companies are learning how to develop unique , innovative brands .

  14. 只有不懈创新,品牌才可持续发展。

    We believe that continuous development is only from the unremitting innovation .

  15. 品牌价值社会化评价方法的改进与创新&Sinobrand品牌价值评价法

    Sinobrand : An Innovated Method for Socialized Brand Valuation

  16. 得出代理公司创新自主品牌的可行性结论;

    The verdict that the feasibility of innovative and independent brand is obtained ;

  17. 诚信、专业、创新、品牌、价值是我们成就“经典”的准则。

    Integrity , profession , innovation , brand and value are the standards for classic .

  18. 在百分百的科技创新与品牌塑造上我们将不断努力。

    In the full scientific and technological innovation and branding efforts , we will continue .

  19. 自主创新的品牌经济学研究

    Brand Economics Research of Independent Innovation

  20. 创新、品牌和销售网络&杭州天堂伞业集团成长的案例研究

    Innovation , brand and sales network & the case study : the growth of a family business

  21. 工业产品和服务的持续创新是品牌资产长盛不衰和不断增值的重要手段。

    The continuous innovation of products and services is very important for brand equity enduring and value-added .

  22. 中国制造;贸易摩擦;金融危机;自主创新;品牌;转型;

    Made in China ; trade friction ; financial crisis ; independent innovation ; brand ; transition ;

  23. 海南昌江、东方、乐东三县市高新农业调查报告技术创新与品牌农业战略&广西壮族自治区平乐县农业的发展

    High-tech Agricultural Development in Changjiang , Dongfang and Ledong , Hainan Agriculture , Technological Innovation and Brand Strategy

  24. 鼎丰茶行在不同的茶业领域都表现出支持创新的品牌方向。

    Dingfeng Tea Line is supportive of innovation in a wide variety of fields in the tea industry .

  25. 得出创新自主品牌是中大型代理公司最好的发展方向之一。

    The conclusion that innovative and independent brand is the best development direction for medium large agency companies .

  26. 冯军仍在制定知识产权与创新、品牌建设、财务和人力资源等方面的策略。

    Mr Feng continues to set strategy in intellectual property and innovation , brand-building , finance and human resources .

  27. “务实求发展,创新铸品牌”是康尔美公司永恒不变的经营理念。

    " Pursue development by being practical and establish famous brand by innovation " is our eternal business principle .

  28. 其目的在于探索无性别服装创新与品牌,从而改变男女衣橱。

    Its purpose is to explore gender clothing innovation and brand , there by changing the male and female wardrobe .

  29. 然后重点从技术创新、品牌营销与组织学习三个方面分析了企业集群的成长转型过程。

    The three main drivers of cluster continual growth , i.e.innovation-push , marketing-pull and organizational learning , are discussed in detail .

  30. 区域合作、整合创新、品牌营销,是加速湖南旅游发展的关键。

    Regional Cooperation , Integration innovation and Brand Marketing are the three keys to accelerating the development of tourism in Hunan .