
  • 网络Eris;erised
  1. 科学家还要解释厄里斯星如此眩目明亮的原因。

    Scientists also have to explain why Eris is so blindingly bright .

  2. 你需要知道这颗星的位置和厄里斯的轨道,且要非常非常的精确。

    You need to know the location of the star and the orbit of Eris very , very precisely .

  3. 正是厄里斯魔镜。

    It was the Mirror of Erised .

  4. 第十二章厄里斯魔镜


  5. 我发现你和许多人一样,发现厄里斯魔镜带来的无穷乐趣,相信你已经知道它的魔力了。

    I see that you like so many before you have discovered the delights of the Mirror of Erised .

  6. 在太阳系的行星里,厄里斯星和它的卫星已知距离太阳最远的行星了。

    Along with its moon , Dysnomia , Eris is the most distant known object in orbit around the sun .

  7. 冥王星的粉丝曾有一复仇的希望,那就是要准确确定厄里斯星的大小是很难的。

    The one hope Pluto fans had for revenge was that it was very tough to pin down Eris'size exactly .

  8. 我可不是非要隐形衣才能隐形。那么,你能不能想一想,厄里斯魔镜使我们大家看到了什么呢?

    I don 't need a cloak to become invisible , now , can you think what the mirror of Erised shows us all ?

  9. 其他稀罕物品,如厄里斯魔镜,跟静态图片比起来,也能透露已故亲人更多的情况。

    Other rare objects , such as the Mirror of Erised , may also reveal more than a static image of a lost loved one .

  10. 当新娘、新郎退场后,厄里斯偷偷溜进了大厅,向地上抛出了一个金苹果,上书“献给最美的人”。

    Eris slipped into the hall after the couple left and rolled on the floor a golden apple , having the words ," For the fairest " .

  11. “我可不是非要隐形衣才能隐形。”邓布利多温和地说,“那么,你能不能想一想,厄里斯魔镜使我们大家看到了什么呢?”

    I don 't need a cloak to become invisible , said Dumbledore gently . Now , can you think what the Mirror of Erised shows us all ?

  12. 冥王星2006年被从行星兵团中开除,那么它要为此怪罪的话,就非厄里斯星莫数了。

    If Pluto 's looking for someone or something to blame for being drummed out of the planetary corps back in2006 , it need look no further than Eris .

  13. 正如布朗在他的博客中写的那样,“我想,解释冥王星和厄里斯为什么如此不同会让我们忙上许多年。”

    As Brown writes on his blog ," explaining why Pluto and Eris are so different is going to keep us busy for many years , I suspect . "

  14. 科学家们怀疑,它的答案是:在厄里斯在它极为扁长的轨道运行接近太阳时,表面冰变暖而形成了暂时的大气。

    The answer , the scientists suspect : when Eris comes closer to the sun in its highly elongated orbit , surface ice warms up to form a temporary atmosphere .

  15. 邓布利多说服哈利不要再去寻找厄里斯魔镜,所以在圣诞假期剩下来的日子里,那件隐形衣就一直叠得好好的,放在箱子底部。

    Dumbledore had convinced Harry not to go looking for the Mirror of Erised again , and for the rest of the Christmas holidays the invisibility cloak stayed folded at the bottom of his trunk .