
jù fǎ
  • syntax;sentence structure
句法 [jù fǎ]
  • (1) [syntax]

  • (2) 语法的一部分,它根据被研究语言的固定用法论述表语、修饰语和其他词的关系

  • (3) 句子的结构方式;表示其在句子中相互关系的词形式的排列

句法[jù fǎ]
  1. 从商务合同的恰当选词和严谨句法入手,在商务合同翻译中提出了同义词连用、选用正式的词、枝状结构、特殊句型等策略。

    Based on the analysis of word choice and sentence structure , this paper points out some strategies for translating business contracts : linking of synonyms , choice of formal words , ramiform structures , special sentence structures etc.

  2. 多歧义源歧义格式的几个歧义源如果处于同一个句法层次上,格式的P值等于它们P值的积;

    If several ambiguous sources of the form are on the level of the same sentence structure , P value of the form is equal to the accumulating of the value ;

  3. 无论口头还是笔头,他的文法和句法都非常出众。

    His grammar and syntax , both in oral and written expression , were much better than the average .

  4. 英语句法的难点

    the difficulties of English syntax

  5. 中动结构(middleconstruction)作为一种特殊的句法和语义结构在近几十年内成为语言学界中一个广泛讨论的话题。

    The middle construction has been a widely discussed topic in syntactic studies of recent decades .

  6. 粗略的XML在句法上是正确的,但可能没有使用正确的词汇表。

    The rough XML is syntactically correct , but may not use the proper vocabulary .

  7. 分词和词性标注模块采用了最大词长匹配算法,句法分析模块采用了改进的Chart算法。

    They have adopted the Maximum Match based approach algorithms and improved Chart algorithm separately .

  8. 当代生成语法的X阶标理论是对结构主义的向心结构理论的扩充和发展,其最重要的创新之处在于认定所有的合格句法格式都是向心结构。句子也是一种向心结构。

    The X-Bar Theory of the Generative Grammar is an extension of the endocentric construction theory of structuralism in spirit .

  9. 空语类PRO处在一定句法关系中,具有语义内容,但没有语音实体,它的存在具有句法和语义方面的依据。

    PRO is an empty category with semantic reference , but no overt phonetic form , existing in certain syntactic patterns .

  10. 一个自动构造增量式LR(1)句法分析器的有效方法

    An effective method for automatic construction of incremental lr ( 1 ) parsers

  11. 并且由于一N的非量化作用,使得一NX具有了描述性语义功能;一N在句法分布上也受到了非量化语义特征的约束而有所限制。

    " Yi NX " has the descriptive semantic feature as a result of " Yi N " non-quantizing function , which confines its syntactic distribution .

  12. 英语被动句的句法结构为S+Be+V-en+(Bytheagent),它也有原型和非原型之分。

    The syntactic structure of the passive sentence in English is : S + Be + V-en + ( By the agent ) and it also has the divisions of the prototype and the non-prototypes .

  13. 认知语言学对句法的研究通常聚焦于构造语法,以期能为语言提供一个统一的分析方法,同时也有力地批判了TG的基本假设,因而受到国内外认知语言学家的普遍关注。

    The cognitive linguistic approach to syntax goes under the name of Construction Grammar , which is purported to offer a unified account of language .

  14. 目前LTP集成了包括词法、词义、句法、语义、篇章分析等10项中文处理核心技术。

    Current LTP has integrated ten key Chinese processing modules on morphology , word sense , syntax , and document analysis .

  15. 前置词多有后置词用法,这与它们来自动词、而当时还有句法性OV语序有关。

    Pre-Qin prepositions often have postpositional usage , due to their verb origin and the existence of syntactic OV order .

  16. 句法加工的脑机制是心理语言学比较关注的问题,目前由于ERP技术和功能成像技术的进步,使对这一机制的探讨成为可能。

    The brain mechanism of syntactic processing is a very important issue in the study of psycholinguistics . With the development of technique of ERP and functional imaging , the possibility to study the brain mechanism of syntactic processing has emerged .

  17. 本文旨在利用语段理论来研究DP语段内的形容词词组的句法推导,重在介绍形容词的多重分类方法和形容词的句法地位,以及形容词在名词词组中的位置分布。

    This thesis aims to study the syntactic derivation of adjective phrases in DP by using the latest phase theory , focusing on adjective classification and its syntactic status as well as adjective distribution .

  18. 在现代汉语中,有一种由名词时、时候放在各类谓词性成分之后构成VP时、VP的时候的句法结构,在句中充当状语,一般语法著作都认为其语义性质是表时间。

    The When + VP structure in modern Chinese language , formed by using nouns " shi " or " shihou " after the predicate , often serves as an adverbial and is generally considered as denoting time .

  19. 分别分析了N1为时间、处所、材料或工具、领属者时,语义组合与句法结构之间的对应关系,并列表加以总结。

    Analyzed the relationship between syntactic structure and semantic combination respectively when Nlis time , place , material or tool and possessor in the pattern . A table was arranged to summarize the relationship .

  20. 汉语句法分析器SYNAC

    SYNAC : a Syntactic Analyzer for Chinese

  21. 本文运用了三种空间分析方法对景区土地生态利用问题进行研究,DEM模型、Voronoi图和空间句法的引入,能够帮助我们更加直观的了解景区内土地利用的适宜性以及景点布局和道路的结构。

    Three methods of spatial analysis is used in this paper . DEM model , Voronoi diagram and Space syntax can help us to understand the suitability of the land use , the road layout and the scenic spots structure intuitively .

  22. 实验1-A考察了在缺乏语境条件下,显性句法知识较少的母语被试偏正/述宾歧义短语的阅读模式。

    Sub-experiment 1-A investigates the reading patterns of native speakers as testees who have rather little explicit syntactic knowledge , when context is lacking .

  23. McDowell(1987)认为这种差异是由句法因素决定的,即认知情态动词聚合在IP层面上,根情态动词聚合在VP层面上。

    McDowell ( 1987 ) claimed that the difference between epistemic and root modals is determined at the level of insertion ; epistemic modal verbs are merged somewhere within the IP level , and root modal verbs , somewhere within the VP .

  24. 其次,研究还结合了Halliday的系统功能语言学中三大元功能的学说,在词汇句法的层面对索赔信进行了某些话步的语言策略分析,这是对体裁分析理论的补充。

    The research also draws on the three metafunctions in Halliday 's systemic functional linguistics to find out some linguistic strategies associated with certain moves on its lexico-grammatical level , which is a complementary part to the methodology of the genre study .

  25. 90年代末,黄正德在HK-Chomsky理论的基础上,对轻动词假设提出了新的见解,并将其应用于汉语,为汉语句法研究开拓了新的领域。

    Ten years later , based on the HK-Chomsky theory , James Huang developed a new idea which opened a new area in the study of Chinese syntax .

  26. 本文采用定性分析的方法,结合语用学的合作原则,面子理论与礼貌原则,从词汇、句法和篇章等三个层面探讨You-attitude在坏消息商务信函中的应用。

    This thesis , by employing the Cooperative Principle , Face Theory and Politeness Principle of pragmatics , discusses the applications of " you-attitude " in the writing of bad-news business letters at lexical , syntactical and textual levels .

  27. 内隐学习、先内隐学习后外显学习的学习方式不适用于较简单句法规则的学习;

    Explicit learning following implicit learning was sufficient for English syntax .

  28. 对《新著国语文法》析句法的再认识

    A Reinvestigation of the Syntactic Studies in The New Chinese Grammar

  29. 基于双语模型的汉语句法分析知识自动获取

    Automatically Acquiring Chinese Parsing Knowledge Based on a Bilingual Language Model

  30. 汉语语义元语言体系的构建包括两个部分:词汇和句法。

    The system consists of two components : Words and Grammar .