- syntax;sentence structure

(1) [syntax]
(2) 语法的一部分,它根据被研究语言的固定用法论述表语、修饰语和其他词的关系
(3) 句子的结构方式;表示其在句子中相互关系的词形式的排列
Based on the analysis of word choice and sentence structure , this paper points out some strategies for translating business contracts : linking of synonyms , choice of formal words , ramiform structures , special sentence structures etc.
If several ambiguous sources of the form are on the level of the same sentence structure , P value of the form is equal to the accumulating of the value ;
His grammar and syntax , both in oral and written expression , were much better than the average .
the difficulties of English syntax
The middle construction has been a widely discussed topic in syntactic studies of recent decades .
The rough XML is syntactically correct , but may not use the proper vocabulary .
They have adopted the Maximum Match based approach algorithms and improved Chart algorithm separately .
The X-Bar Theory of the Generative Grammar is an extension of the endocentric construction theory of structuralism in spirit .
PRO is an empty category with semantic reference , but no overt phonetic form , existing in certain syntactic patterns .
An effective method for automatic construction of incremental lr ( 1 ) parsers
" Yi NX " has the descriptive semantic feature as a result of " Yi N " non-quantizing function , which confines its syntactic distribution .
The syntactic structure of the passive sentence in English is : S + Be + V-en + ( By the agent ) and it also has the divisions of the prototype and the non-prototypes .
The cognitive linguistic approach to syntax goes under the name of Construction Grammar , which is purported to offer a unified account of language .
Current LTP has integrated ten key Chinese processing modules on morphology , word sense , syntax , and document analysis .
Pre-Qin prepositions often have postpositional usage , due to their verb origin and the existence of syntactic OV order .
The brain mechanism of syntactic processing is a very important issue in the study of psycholinguistics . With the development of technique of ERP and functional imaging , the possibility to study the brain mechanism of syntactic processing has emerged .
This thesis aims to study the syntactic derivation of adjective phrases in DP by using the latest phase theory , focusing on adjective classification and its syntactic status as well as adjective distribution .
The When + VP structure in modern Chinese language , formed by using nouns " shi " or " shihou " after the predicate , often serves as an adverbial and is generally considered as denoting time .
Analyzed the relationship between syntactic structure and semantic combination respectively when Nlis time , place , material or tool and possessor in the pattern . A table was arranged to summarize the relationship .
SYNAC : a Syntactic Analyzer for Chinese
Three methods of spatial analysis is used in this paper . DEM model , Voronoi diagram and Space syntax can help us to understand the suitability of the land use , the road layout and the scenic spots structure intuitively .
Sub-experiment 1-A investigates the reading patterns of native speakers as testees who have rather little explicit syntactic knowledge , when context is lacking .
McDowell ( 1987 ) claimed that the difference between epistemic and root modals is determined at the level of insertion ; epistemic modal verbs are merged somewhere within the IP level , and root modal verbs , somewhere within the VP .
The research also draws on the three metafunctions in Halliday 's systemic functional linguistics to find out some linguistic strategies associated with certain moves on its lexico-grammatical level , which is a complementary part to the methodology of the genre study .
Ten years later , based on the HK-Chomsky theory , James Huang developed a new idea which opened a new area in the study of Chinese syntax .
This thesis , by employing the Cooperative Principle , Face Theory and Politeness Principle of pragmatics , discusses the applications of " you-attitude " in the writing of bad-news business letters at lexical , syntactical and textual levels .
Explicit learning following implicit learning was sufficient for English syntax .
A Reinvestigation of the Syntactic Studies in The New Chinese Grammar
Automatically Acquiring Chinese Parsing Knowledge Based on a Bilingual Language Model
The system consists of two components : Words and Grammar .