
pēn guàn
  • sprinkling irrigation;spray irrigation
喷灌 [pēn guàn]
  • [sprinkling irrigation] 一种灌溉方法。利用机械和动力设备,使水通过喷头或喷嘴射至空中,以雨滴状态降落田间

喷灌[pēn guàn]
  1. 本试验对喷灌区不同水分处理的麦田进行取样分析,分别测定0~10、10~20、20~40、40~60cm四个层次的土壤水分。

    This experiment was carried in a wheat field with different water treatments under sprinkling irrigation conditions . Soil samples were obtained from each point under four layers of 0 ~ 10cm , 10 ~ 20cm , 20 ~ 40cm and 40 ~ 60cm .

  2. 旱坡地微喷灌系统规划设计方法

    Design Layout of Micro Sprinkling Irrigation System for Dry Contoured Land

  3. PLC和触摸屏在自动喷灌控制器中的应用

    Application of PLC and Touch Screen in Automatic Spray Irrigation Controller

  4. 基于PLC大型喷灌恒压控制系统的研究

    Study on Control System of Isobaric Sprinkler Irrigation Based on PLC

  5. PLC及变频调速恒压喷灌系统的设计

    Design of Constant Pressure Sprinkler Irrigation System through PLC and Frequency Control

  6. GPS技术在大型喷灌机变量控制中的应用

    Application and Study on GPS Technology for Irrigation System

  7. 多孔式PVC微喷灌管喷水特性实验研究

    The Study on Water Application Rate Distribution of Punched Micro-Irrigation Tubing

  8. 基于SolidWorks的大型喷灌机专用减速器小齿轮建模与分析

    Modeling and Analysis of a Small Gear in Special Reducer of the Irrigation Machine with SolidWorks

  9. 利用多喷头组合喷洒试验研究了分布均匀系数DU与喷灌均匀系数CU之间的关系。

    Overlapped sprinkler water distributions were tested to determine the relationship between Distribution Uniformity ( DU ) and Christiansen Uniformity Coefficient ( CU ) .

  10. 笔者尝试设计利用PLC实现体育场草坪喷灌自动控制系统,简单介绍了PLC在工业自动化控制中的应用。

    The author in this article tries to apply PLC to the auto-control system of stadium lawn spaying and irrigation . It introduces briefly the application of PLC in industrial auto-control system .

  11. 渗灌条件下冬小麦产量比喷灌提高12%,农田水分利用效率提高4.49kg/(hm2·mm)。

    Finally yield increased by 12 percent and the water use efficiency was more 4.49 kg / ( hm 2 · mm ) than that under sprinkling irrigation .

  12. 喷灌条件下田间小气侯的变化和SPAC系统土壤水分运移规律的研究

    Study on Microclimate Changes in the Field under Sprinkler Condition Principles of Soil Water Movement in the SPAC System

  13. 射程在5m以上的大射程微喷头与普通的微喷头相比,具有降低工程系统投资,提高系统的经济性,降低喷灌强度,减少用水量等优点。

    Comparing with common micro-sprinklers , the micro-sprinkler over 5 m range has the advantages of decreasing cost , lowering irrigation intensity and reducing water usage , etc.

  14. 播后29d,相同氮素处理下喷灌的菠菜生长明显好于畦灌;

    Since 29 days after seeding , the spinach growth was better in sprinkler irrigation than that in border irrigation under same N levels .

  15. 喷灌条件下灌水对表层45cm的土壤含水率均匀系数影响明显,均匀系数随深度的增加而加大,但超过45cm土壤深度后,均匀系数随深度基本无变化。

    Sprinkler irrigation affected the coefficient of soil water uniformity in 45 cm layer apparently . The coefficient increased with depth above 45 cm soil layer , and almost no change below 45 cm soil layer .

  16. 喷灌条件下灌溉水主要分布在土壤表层0~50cm范围内,地面灌溉条件下灌溉水可达地表以下150cm处。

    The irrigation water was distributed in 0 ~ 50 cm soil layer under sprinkler irrigation , and it could reach 150 cm layer below ground surface under surface irrigation .

  17. 恒压喷灌系统水泵综合调节的研究

    A Study on Comprehensive Regulation of Pump in Constant-pressure Sprinkler System

  18. 广东省发展喷灌技术的必要性和可行性

    The necessity and applicability of developing irrigation technology in Guangdong Province

  19. 喷灌水流射程喷嘴雾化研究

    On spray range of water flow in sprinkler irrigation atomization study

  20. 丘陵山区喷灌设计中的问题探讨

    On some Problems of Sprinkler Irrigation in Mountain and Hilly Area

  21. 卷盘式喷灌机喷头水力损失研究

    Research of Hydraulic Losses of Sprinkler Head of Hard Hose Traveler

  22. 喷灌系统加压泵的优化选型

    Optimization and Selection of Pressure Increasing Pump for Sprinkle Irrigation System

  23. 结合喷灌、渗灌等的节水灌溉。

    Water conservation irrigation which is combined Sprinkling Irrigation , Subirrigation etc.

  24. 漫灌和喷灌条件下土壤养分运移特征的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Soil Solute Transport Under Sprinkler and Flood Irrigation

  25. 草坪喷灌系统水力参数调整

    Adjustments in Sprinkling Irrigation Systematic Water Conservancy Parameter of the Lawn

  26. 研究了基于基因遗传算法的喷灌系统优化模型。

    Study the optimized model of sprinkler irrigation system based on GA.

  27. 低扬程提水灌区喷灌节能措施的探讨

    Measures to Save Energy for Sprinkler Irrigation in the Low-lift Plain

  28. 圆形喷灌机非旋转喷头流量系数的研究

    Study on the Discharge Coefficient of Nonrotatable Sprays for Center-pivot System

  29. 井灌区喷灌管路系统的效率分析

    Efficiency of Pipeline System for Sprinkler Irrigation in Well Irrigation Areas

  30. 固定式喷灌系统经济管径的计算方法

    Calculation method of economical tube diameter of fixed spray irrigation systems