
  • The Odyssey;Odysseus
奥德赛 [ào dé sài]
  • 希腊荷马所作的叙事诗。叙述奥狄秀斯(Odyssees)于特洛伊战役(TroyWar)后,渡海返乡时触怒风神,以致飘流十年,经历种种困苦,终抵故乡的故事,为古希腊著名史诗。

  1. 本田(HONDA)奥德赛(ODYSSEY)轿车电路&发动机控制系统

    Circuit of HONDA ODYSSEY : Engine Control System

  2. Jones的选择是一辆本田奥德赛旅行车,他相信它的保值将比其它汽车要更好。

    Jones'choice of a vehicle was a Honda Odyssey minivan , which he believes will hold its value better than some other vehicles .

  3. 奥德赛公司是“Google月球X大奖赛”的参赛者,该比赛将为有能力向月球发射登月飞行器的公司提供2000万美元的奖励。

    This competition offers $ 20 million to any entrant who can launch , land and operate a rover on the lunar surface .

  4. 但是我们的追求,将很快成为一个卡夫卡式的官僚机构,PDF格式刮坏链的奥德赛。

    Our quest however , soon became an odyssey into a Kafkaesque bureaucracy , PDF scraping and broken links .

  5. 周三晚,在电影节中,第一个亮相的电影是乔治·克鲁尼和桑德拉·布洛克的最新3D奥德赛电影《地球引力》,这部电影在评比中脱颖而出。

    Kicking off proceedings Wednesday evening was the world premiere of George Clooney and Sandra Bullock 's latest offering , the 3D odyssey ' Gravity ' which is showing out of competition .

  6. 这是来自奥德赛设计公司的Paul,他将向我们介绍一个非常不可思议的简洁浴室系统。那么Paul,具体是什么样的呢?

    So here is Paul from Design Odyssey who is goanna explain to us this absolutely incredible compact bathroom system , so Paul , what is it ?

  7. 能够在电视上观看发射情况的观众可以看到奥德赛从德尔塔II火箭发射升空的远景。火箭的第二级上安装了两台报像机。

    Viewers who were able to watch the launch on television could see the lift-off from the perspective of Odyssey 's Delta II rocket , which had two video cameras attached to its2nd stage .

  8. 广汽本田汽车有限公司成立于1998年,目前生产的主要产品有雅阁系列轿车、奥德赛多功能系列轿车、飞度系列轿车和CITY锋范系列轿车共四大系列21种车型。

    Guangzhou Honda motor Co. , LTD. was established in 1998 . The main products it produces at present are totally four series of cars , including brands of Accord , ODYSSEY Multi-function , FIT and CITY . There are twenty-one kinds of car types in all .

  9. intelsat21卫星是从奥德赛浮动平台发射。

    The Intelsat-21 satellite was launched at from the Odyssey floating platform .

  10. 威利宣布将创建一家名为奥德赛(odyssey)的出版公司,意在把电子图书独家卖给亚马逊公司(amazon),彻底让出版商失去存在的必要。

    Mr Wylie had announced that he was creating a publishing imprint called Odyssey to sell e-books on an exclusive basis to Amazon , eliminating the need for a publisher .

  11. 相较之下,本田(Honda)奥德赛(Odyssey)小货车同样可以搭乘7人,但要轻近700磅,油耗为19英里/加仑(城市),28英里/加仑(公路)。

    By comparison , a Honda Odyssey minivan , which can also carry seven passengers , weighs about 700 pounds less and gets 19 mpg city / 28 highway .

  12. 《命运与权力:乔治·休伯特·沃尔克·布什的美国奥德赛之旅》(DestinyAndPower:TheAmericanOdysseyofGeorgeHerbertWalkerBush),琼恩·米查姆(JonMeacham)著(RandomHouse出版社,35美元)。关于老布什总统公正公平、不偏不倚的传记。

    DESTINY AND POWER : The American Odys of George Herbert Walker Bush . By Jon Meacham . ( Random House , $ 35 . ) A judicious and balanced biography of the elder President Bush .

  13. 在《奥德赛》(TheOdyssey)中,美丽的仙女卡吕普索(Calypso)向奥德修斯(Odysseus)许诺,只要留在她的岛上,他就可以长生不老。

    In " The Odyssey , " the beautiful nymph Calypso offers immortality to Odysseus if he will stay on her island .

  14. 比如,他想象了超级电脑控制了一切(《2001:太空奥德赛》中的电脑HAL),而核战争,小行星撞击地球以及气候变化终结了地球的生命。

    For example , he imagined supercomputers taking control ( HAL in2001 : A Space Odyssey ), and the termination of life on earth by nuclear warfare , asteroid impacts or climate change .

  15. 经过一番研究,我把试驾的围缩小到克莱斯勒城乡(ChryslerTown&Country)、本田奥德赛(HondaOdyssey)和丰田赛纳(ToyotaSienna)这三款MPV上。

    It was to be my primary car , and after doing my research , all I wanted to do before plunking down my money was test-drive the town & country , the Odyssey , and the Sienna minivans .

  16. 创新的华贵&奥德赛音响改装自主创新的气流床粉煤加压气化技术

    The independently innovative gasification technology of pressurized entrained-flow for pulverized coal

  17. 他刚刚完成了“奥德赛”的新译文。

    He 's just written a new translation of The Odyssey .

  18. 科林斯是在芝加哥公立学校开始她的教学奥德赛生涯的。

    Collins began her teaching odyssey in the Chicago public school system .

  19. 《奥德赛》充满着谎言,诡计,和阶级背叛。

    The Odyssey is full of lying , trickery , class betrayal .

  20. 这很明显是模仿奥德修斯降入地狱,《奥德赛》书中的故事。

    It is clearly modeled on Odysseus'descent to Hades in the Odyssey .

  21. 《奥德赛》的漂泊母题理论创新五题

    The Drifting Theme from Odyssey Five Issues in Theoretical Innovation

  22. 明显的例子有《格列佛游记》,《鲁滨逊飘流记》和《奥德赛》。

    Obvious examples are GULLIVER 'S TRAVELS ROBINSON CRUSOE and the ODYSSEY .

  23. 图片选自国家地理图书《奥德赛与照片》

    From the National Geographic book Odysseys and Photographs .

  24. 奥德赛号没有携带可以探索火星存在生物的仪器。

    Odyssey does not carry instruments that can search for life on Mars .

  25. 《奥德赛》里面的话

    A quote , from " The Odyssey . "

  26. 塞西把奥德赛的几个同伴都变成了猪。

    Crice metamorphosed the companions of Odysseus into swine .

  27. 在希腊则成了《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》;

    In Greece as the Iliad and the Odyssey ;

  28. 《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》都不是由一位诗人单独创作的,

    that neither The Iliad nor The Odyssey was written by a single poet ,

  29. 荷马史诗是欧洲文学的源头,它包括《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》。

    Homeric epic which includes Iliad and Odyssey is the source of European literature .

  30. 阿西娜采用曼托的伪装建议并且站在她心爱的奥德赛旁边。

    Athena used the disguise of Mentor to advise and stand beside her beloved Odysseus .