
nú ɡōnɡ
  • slave labor;slave laborer;serfhood
  1. 南方则继续利用奴工和自己的棉花、烟草、大米等主要作物,在数十年间基本保持着乡村特征,直至内战最终结束了奴隶制。

    The South , with its slave labor force and its staple crops of cotton , tobacco , and rice , remained largely rural in the decades leading up to the Civil War that would finally put an end to slavery .

  2. 倘使你充满梦想&但毫不做梦想的奴工;

    If you can dream & and not make dreams yourmaster ;

  3. 至少有一名奴工被绑架者打死。

    At least one worker was killed by his captors .

  4. 获得种子投资的对冲基金有点像契约奴工。

    The seeded enter into a relationship that operates like indentured servitude Lite .

  5. 日本人压迫这些奴工在极度恶劣的环境下长时间工作。

    The Japanese made the men work long hours under extremely difficult conditions .

  6. 美联社的报道成功解救了2000名奴工。

    The reporting has led to the release of more than 2000 slaves . ▌

  7. 他们用机器代替奴工。

    They replaced slave labour with machines .

  8. 平均每月有80名奴工死于家族工厂,很多奴工还被处死。

    An average of80 slave labourers per month died at Quandt factories and many were executed .

  9. 只留下足够的囚徒以取代劳工营失去的奴工,和补充他们的收藏。

    Taking only enough prisoners to replace the labourers lost from their work camps and restock their stores .

  10. 联社由于其对东南亚渔业奴工现象的深入报道而获得新闻类“公共服务奖”。

    The Associated Press won the award for its investigation into abusive practices of the fishing industry in Southeast Asia .

  11. 基因工程开始被黑暗端所使用,创造出奴工种族及人兽混合体。

    The genetic engineering began being used for dark ends , in creating a race of worker-slaves and hybrid man animals .

  12. 他们的语言和为文化受到压制,数以百万计民众在恶劣条件下为日本人做苦力,有些人完全变成了奴工。

    Their language and culture were suppressed . Millions of Koreans found themselves working for the Japanese in deplorable conditions , some effectively slave laborers .

  13. 在第二次世界大战期间,被迫成为采矿奴工的当地中国居民和外国战俘一起采矿。

    During World War Two , the local Chinese , forced to work the mines like slaves , were joined by foreign prisoners of war .

  14. 由于监狱囚犯是廉价奴工,你根本没有办法和他们竞争,所以建筑业全都怕极了诺顿的外役监计划。

    The construction businesses in the area were deathly afraid of Norton 's Inside-Out programme , because prison labour is slave labour , and you can 't compete with that .

  15. 山西发生的“黑砖窑”事件,暴露出严重非法用工、拐骗农民工、强制劳动、雇佣童工等奴工现象,引起了社会的广泛关注。

    Through the " black brickkiln " in Shanxi province , people pay great attention to slave worker , illegal recruitment , kidnap migrant workers , forced labor and child labor .

  16. 上月,受到严格管制的中国官方媒体报道称,数百名儿童和成人被拐骗到一些中部省份的砖窑和煤矿,充当奴工。

    Last month the tightly controlled state media reported that hundreds of children and adults had been abducted and were working as slaves in Dickensian brick factories and mines across central provinces .