
  • 网络The Governess
  1. 当他用餐之后,她可以通过敞开的窗子看到她们跟随着家庭女教师或保姆下楼去,簇拥在桌子周围;

    When he had dined , she could see them , through the open windows , go down with their governess or nurse , and cluster round the table ;

  2. 他不喜欢英国那种写家庭女教师的小说,他是这么说的,也不喜欢法国的那种用对流风和玫瑰花杆炮制成的东西,不,他要读传记,读关於大自然的奇妙的书。

    He loved neither the English governess novels nor the French ones , which he called a mixture of empty wind and raisin-stalks : he wanted biographies , and descriptions of the wonders of , the world .