
  • 网络From of thinking;Form of thinking;thought-form;thinking form
  1. 类比推理是人们认识客观对象的重要思维形式。

    Analogy reasoning is an important form of thinking for people to know objective target .

  2. 进而更加解放思想,更新思维形式,促进社会主义现代化建设大业。

    It also points out that mind emancipation and renewing the form of thinking helps to promote the socialist modernizations .

  3. 类的包含于关系的传递性是思维形式barbara的抽象内容。

    The concept that genus is contained in the relationship transmission is the abstract content of the form of mode of thinking Barbara .

  4. 语言中的词语就是思维形式中的概念。

    The words in language is the notion of thinking form .

  5. 隐喻是人类认识世界的一种思维形式。

    Metaphor is a form of human thought for viewing the world .

  6. 从数学解题看数学美联想:数学解题的重要思维形式

    Beauty in Mathematical Solution Association : an Important Thinking in Mathematical Solution

  7. 论马克思关于辩证思维形式的思想

    On Marx 's Ideas on the Form of Dialectical Thinking

  8. 汉语基本句型及其思维形式

    Basic Chinese Sentence Patterns and Their Forms of Thought

  9. 儿童思维形式障碍评估量表的修订及应用

    Amendment and application of the kiddie formal thought disorder rating scale in China

  10. 诡辩是一种特殊的负面思维形式。

    Sophistry is a kind of special negative thought .

  11. 非线性思维形式语言的言语表达

    Formal Expression of Non-linear Thinking in Architecture Design

  12. 从消解到重建&非线性科学思维形式语言建构

    From Deconstruction to Reconstruction - The Construction of Formal Language by Non-linear Science Thinking

  13. 联想:数学解题的重要思维形式

    Association : an Important Thinking in Mathematical Solution

  14. 明确的形象观念和丰富的想象能力&描写的思维形式与规律

    Explicit Image Idea and Rich Imagination & Mode and Rule of Thinking in Descriptive Writing

  15. 不同的语言形式反映了不同的思维形式。

    It is believed that the different patterns of languages reflect different modes of thinking .

  16. 弱式认知语言观认为,某些思维形式是离不开语言。

    The Weak-form cognitive conception holds that language is implicated in some types of thought .

  17. 空间形象思维形式的研究

    Study on thinking forms of spacial images

  18. 应建立一门以创新思维形式及其规律,以及创新思维方法为研究对象的创新逻辑。

    And methods of creative thinking as its subject for research needs to be established ;

  19. 普通逻辑是以普通思维形式及其规律为研究对象的。

    The object of study of general logic is general thinking form and its law .

  20. 归纳推理是小学阶段的重要的认知活动和基本的思维形式之一。

    Inductive reasoning is an important cognitive activity and the basic thinking form in primary school .

  21. 科学怀疑、创造想象和科学假说是贯穿于科学创造全过程的三种主导创新思维形式。

    Scientific suspicion , creative imagination and scientific hypothesis are three kinds of dominant innovation thinking mode .

  22. 从汉字的偏旁部首和英语的词根词缀看不同的思维形式关于词根与词缀的思考

    The Different Modes of Thinking Reflected Through the Chinese Character Components and the English Roots and Affixes

  23. 辩证逻辑的对象是辩证思维形式,不是思维形式的辩证法。

    The object of dialectic logic is not the dialectic of thinking formality but the dialectical thinking formality .

  24. 艺术是思维形式,在交流中如同数学和科学符号一样有力。

    The arts are forms of thought as powerful in what they communicate as mathematical and scientific symbols .

  25. 本文指出艺术语言通过意象、隐喻、转喻三种思维形式完成对它自身的创造。

    This paper points out that the modes of thinking in artistic language are images , metaphor and metonymy .

  26. 第二,研究人类共通的思维形式及规则在法律人思维中的应用条件;

    Studying the applying condition of the contain thinking forms and roles of human beings in law-man ' thinking ;

  27. 化学假说的形成和发展是人类思维形式和思维方法相结合的产物。

    The forming and development of the chemical hypothesis are results that human thinking forms combined with thinking method .

  28. 作为一种思维形式,概念对整个认识过程具有十分重要的作用。

    As a form of thinking , the concept of the whole process of understanding is a very important role .

  29. 那么辩证逻辑到底是什么?本文认为辩证逻辑是关于辩证思维形式及其规律的科学。

    So what dialectical logic actually is ? This article claims that dialectical logic is the science about the dialectical thinking .

  30. 本论文认为,这两种类比想象的思维形式潜隐地影响了中国早期文学思维的发生。

    The author holds that the two patterns of analogy imagination have some potential influence upon the ancient literary thinking patterns .