
tóu zī jià zhí
  • investment value
  1. 基于EVA理论的国有银行投资价值分析

    Investment Value Analysis of State-owned Banks Based on the EVA Theory

  2. 基于DEA的新证券上市定价基准与投资价值研究

    Evaluation on the Pricing Norm and Relative Investment Value of New Listing Security Based on Data Envelopment Analysis

  3. 基于DEA的相对投资价值评价与股票投资策略研究

    Research on the Relative Value Evaluation of Shares Based on Data Envelopment Analysis and Investment Optimization

  4. 接着利用改进后的FO模型,测算了中国股市目前的内在投资价值以及中国股市泡沫的绝对规模和相对规模。

    Thirdly , it measures the bubble volume of China 's stock market by the modified F-O model .

  5. 基于ROV法的创业投资价值评估研究

    Venture Capital Investment Evaluation Based on ROV Approach

  6. 我们依据此原理建立了企业财务分析综合判断模型C,从而为进行财务分析、评估和选择有投资价值的企业,提供了一种科学、理性、简便、客观的方法和手段。

    Based on this principle , we have established Model C for making comprehensive judgment on financial analysis of the enterprise , thus providing a scientific , rational , simple , convenient and objective means for financial analysis , evaluation and selection .

  7. 最后通过2007年最新股市数据检验,证明预测准确,得出结论:EVA是一个衡量银行投资价值的良好指标。

    At last , the latest stock market data in 2007 show the forecast is correct , and then we can come to the conclusion : EVA index is a good indicator of value .

  8. 相对于市盈率、股息贴现模型等传统的投资价值分析方法,EVA有许多优点,能够更为准确地反映公司股票的真实价值。

    To proceed the investment value of the listed companies with the EVA theory compare with Price-earnings ratio and Dividends - discounts model of the traditional profits index can accurately reflect the true value of the companies .

  9. 2009年1月,中国联通获得了WCDMA制式的3G牌照,经过重组并获得3G牌照后的中国联通发展前景如何?投资价值如何?如何对其价值进行评估?这些是本文有待解答的问题。

    In January 2009 , China Unicom won the 3G WCDMA license , Does it has investment value or not after restructuring and winning the 3G license ? Does it has developing prospects ? How to evaluate its value ?

  10. 一个一般的结论是:一个项目的投资价值应该为完全不考虑后续投资灵活性时的价值加上灵活性本身的价值,前者就是经典NPV的价值,后者就是期权价值。

    The basic argument is that the investment value of a project should include the value of the project without considering further investment opportunities and the value of flexibility in the project , the former is priced by classic NPV , and the later is priced by option theory .

  11. 我国上市公司的股票投资价值研究

    Research on Stock Investment Value of Listed Companies in Our Country

  12. 拥有铁矿资源优势上市公司的投资价值

    The Investment Value of Listed Company with Iron Mine Resource Advantage

  13. 房地产投资价值的评估&一个新的框架及其应用

    Real estate investment valuation & a new framework and its application

  14. 行业投资价值分析的本构关系方法

    Method of Constitutive Relation for the Analysis on Industrial Investment Value

  15. 高科技公司投资价值信息识别的实证研究

    Empirical Research on the recognition of investment value of high-tech industry

  16. 建筑工程项目中的代理现象与投资价值的实现

    Commission Phenomenon of Construction Work and Realization of the Value of Investment

  17. 高技术企业投资价值的多级模糊综合评价

    The Multilevel Fuzzy Synthesis Evaluate about High - Tech Enterprise Investment Value

  18. 证券投资价值的综合评价法

    A Method of Comprehensive Evaluation on Value of Security Investment

  19. 不同市场阶段中公司投资价值评估指标的研究

    Research on the Investment Valuation Indices of Companies during Different Market Stages

  20. 中国电力国际发展有限公司投资价值分析

    An Analysis on the Investment Value of China Power International Development Limited

  21. 矿业工程项目投资价值实物期权评价方法

    Real Option Evaluation Method of Investment Value of Mining Projects

  22. 中国股市上市公司投资价值的实证研究

    An Empirical Analysis on Investment Value of Chinese Quoted Companies

  23. 我国汽车电子产业分析与投资价值研究

    Automotive Electronics Industry Analysis and Investment Value Study of China

  24. 投资价值评估中估计折现率的思路和方法

    Thought and Method for Estimating Discount Rate in Investment Appraisal

  25. 增长期权理论在企业战略性投资价值评估中的应用

    Application of Growth Option Theory in Business Strategic Investment Appraisal

  26. 贵州茅台和五粮液投资价值比较分析

    The Comparison and Analysis of Investment Value between Maotai and Wuliangye Companies

  27. 人才资本投资价值计量与模式选择

    On the Measurement and Models of the Value of Human Resources Investment

  28. 投资价值:我们将使投资者得到并超越平均水平的税后回报率。

    Investment Value : We seek for above average return on investment .

  29. 股市估值标准的确立有助于对证券市场投资价值的正确判断。

    An Exploration into the Estimative Standards of the Chinese Stock Market ;

  30. 应用收益做分母,一个广为人知的投资价值的决定性因素。

    Using earnings as denominator , a known determinant of investment value .