
  • 网络History of Political Philosophy
  1. 在政治哲学史上,社会契约论具有非同寻常的影响力。

    Social contract theory is very influential in the history of political philosophy .

  2. 马基雅维利可算作是政治哲学史上最有争议的思想家之一,对于他的理论,很多大家都有各自不同的理解,各执一词。

    Machiavelli can be counted as one of the most controversial thinkers of the history of political philosophy . For his theory , many philosophers have their own different interpretations .

  3. 宪法意义上宽容理念的早期萌芽&建立在古希腊政治哲学史上的考察

    The Infancy of the Idea of Tolerance in the Sense of Constitution

  4. 契约观念与正当性&一个政治哲学史的视角

    The Concept of Contract and Property : An Angel of History Political Philosophy

  5. 实际上,西方政治哲学史的主流思想就是政治的合法性问题。

    As a matter of fact , the major thought of the western political philosophy history is just the legitimacy question of politics .

  6. 本文基于对平等问题的讨论,把现代政治哲学史中关于平等的概念总结概括为两种,即消极平等概念和积极平等概念。

    This paper points out two concepts of equality according to thinking about the theories of equality in political philosophy : passive equality and positive equality .

  7. 列奥·施特劳斯主张回归柏拉图的苏格拉底哲学,重估西方哲学史,并将其改写成回复自然权利的政治哲学史。

    Leo Strauss restores Platonic Socrates , reevaluates western philosophy 's history , and rewrites it as history of political philosophy the returning of natural right .

  8. 摘要在政治哲学史上,柏拉图、马基雅维利、霍布斯、亚历山大?汉密尔顿、詹姆斯?麦迪逊、尼采、黑格尔、马克思等从不同的层面诠释了人的内在精神。

    In the history of political philosophy , machiavelli , hobbes , Alexander hamilton , James madison , nietzsche , Hegel aid Max have explained the human inner spirit from different aspects .

  9. 从政治哲学史的角度看,好人与好公民的问题产生于自然与习俗的区分以及随之的城邦政治的产生。

    From the perspective of political philosophy history , the problem of good person and good citizen comes from the difference between the ' nature ' and the ' convention ' , as well as the generation of the city-state politics .

  10. 政治哲学思想史就是一部人类社会史。

    The history of political thought is the history of human society .

  11. 正义是法的价值基础,也是法律的理想,正义在人类政治哲学以及法哲学史上可谓是最有生命力的话题之一。

    Justice is the value foundation of law , also is the legal ideal .

  12. 而现代学者多从古代经济思想史、社会生活史、政治思想史、哲学史、学术史等角度进行了多方面的研究。

    But the modern scholar many from angles and so on ancient times economical thinking history , social life history , political thinking history , philosophy history , history of learning has conducted various research .