
  • 网络policy-oriented agricultural insurance;policy agriculture insurance;policy agricultural insurance
  1. 2008年湖北省水稻保险纳入政策性农业保险中央财政保费补贴试点省份,至此政策性水稻保险在湖北省全面铺开。

    In 2008 , Hubei rice insurance brought into the policy agriculture insurance experiment province that its premium subsided by central finance .

  2. 自2007我国政策性农业保险试点以来,中央及地方财政安排大量资金以健全政策性农业保险保费补贴制度。

    From the pilot project started about policy agriculture insurance in 2007 , the central and local budget for a large amount of money to improve the premium subsidies system of policy agricultural insurance .

  3. 在加入WTO的新形势下,必须尽快建立符合我国国情的政策性农业保险体系,确保我国农业的健康发展和农民收入的稳步提高。

    Under the new situation , it is urgent to set up agriculture policy insurance system according to our country .

  4. 而在国际上发展政策性农业保险早已成为WTO框架下世界农业政策的重要走向之一。

    Developing agriculture policy insurance is one of the important trends of the agriculture policy in the world under WTO .

  5. 首先,通过构建SAR模型评价政策性农业保险各主体利益协同度。

    First , the interest synergy degree of each participator of policy-oriented agricultural insurance in China has evaluated by constructing a SAR model .

  6. 顺应WTO新形势,建立政策性农业保险已是我国农业保险制度创新的首要任务。

    Along with the new circumstances of the WTO , building agricultural policy insurance has become the foremost task of system innovation of China 's agricultural insurance industry .

  7. 在国外,政策性农业保险是全球性的农业发展策略,这既符合农业发展自身的需求,同时又是WTO允许的绿箱政策。

    In the abroad , policy insurance in agriculture has been a global strategy , not only according with the agriculture development itself but also complying to green box policy of WTO .

  8. 并以农业大省湖南省为例,对样本采用描述方法和构建Logistic模型来分析政策性农业保险系统各主体利益的协同效应。

    Taking Hunan Province as an example , the synergistic effect of each participator interests of the policy-oriented agricultural insurance has been analyzed by synergistic effect description method and the construction of Logistic model .

  9. 连云港市政策性农业保险试点问题及对策研究

    Lianyungang City 's Political Agricultural Insurance Pilot Problems and the Countermeasures

  10. 政策性农业保险试点面临的问题与对策&以河南省为例

    Problems in Pilot Program of Policy Agricultural Insurance and Their Countermeasures

  11. 可持续发展是政策性农业保险的核心问题。

    The sustainable development is key issue of policy-oriented agricultural insurance .

  12. 政策性农业保险立法模式与立法框架研究

    Research on the Legislative Model and Framework of Policy-oriented Agricultural Insurance

  13. 论政策性农业保险中政府的地位和职能

    On Government 's Position and Its Role in Policy-oriented Agricultural Insurance

  14. 北京市玉米种植保险与政策性农业保险险种的选择和设计

    Beijing Corn Planting Insurance and Selection & Design of Policy-oriented Agricultural Insurance

  15. 中国种植业生产风险与政策性农业保险研究

    Study on Production Risk and Policy Agricultural Insurance in Chinese Cropping Sector

  16. 珙县政策性农业保险运行问题分析及对策探讨

    Discussion on Opertion Problems and Countermeasures of Policy Agricultural Insurance in Gongxian

  17. 建立我国政策性农业保险制度问题探讨

    Discussion on Several Problems of China 's Current Policy-oriented Agricultural Insurance System

  18. 论政策性农业保险的税收优惠问题

    On the Preferential Tax Policy of the Policy-guided Agricultural Insurance

  19. 当前政策性农业保险试验中的困难和问题

    The Difficulties and Problems of the Pilot Policy Agricultural Insurance

  20. 论我国政策性农业保险体系的构建

    A Study on Constructing Agricultural Policies Insurance System in China

  21. 政策性农业保险中农民和政府的行为分析

    A Study of Behavior of Farmers and Government in Policy-oriented Agricultural Insurance

  22. 粮食单产波动与政策性农业保险制度

    Fluctuations of Grain Per Unit Yield and Agriculture Insurance System by Policy

  23. 对地方政策性农业保险公司经营模式的探讨

    To place policy-type agricultural insurance company management pattern discussion

  24. 第五章提出了构建我国政策性农业保险体系的配套措施。

    Chapter 5 proposes some supporting measures in establishing policy AI in China .

  25. 我国的政策性农业保险自实施以来取得了巨大的成就。

    Policy-oriented agricultural insurance in China has made great achievements since the beginning .

  26. 浅析财政参与政策性农业保险的财税法规制

    Analysis of Legal Regulating on the Fiscal Participation in the Policy-oriented Agricultural Insurance

  27. 内蒙古农户参加政策性农业保险的意愿研究

    Studies on Farmers ' Desire of Participation for Agricultural Insurance in Inner Mongolia

  28. 我国政策性农业保险的现状、问题及对策建议

    The Current Situation 、 Problems and Suggestions for Policy-Oriented Agricultural Insurance in China

  29. 我国政策性农业保险可持续运营的影响因素分析

    Analysis on Influencing Factors for Sustainable Operation of China 's Policy Agricultural Insurance

  30. 论政策性农业保险立法的目的、模式与原则

    On the Purpose , Pattern and Principle of the Policy-oriented Agricultural Insurance Legislation