
  • 网络xinyu;Xinyu city
  1. 关于旅游业税收政策执行情况的分析&以新余市为例

    Analysis of execution of tourism tax income policy & A case study of Xinyu City

  2. 针对新余市电子政务的发展现状,借鉴国内外电子政务发展经验,提出具体的发展对策。

    Xinyu City for the development of e-government status , learn from the experience of e-government development , the development of concrete measures .

  3. 接着,再以江西赛维LDK为例,分析了新余市中小光伏企业的融资模式。

    Then , the article takes the LDK Solar for example to analysis the financing model of small and medium PV enterprises in Xinyu City .

  4. 对新余市林业产业结构调整的思考

    Thought on the Readjusting of Forestry Industry Construction of Xingyu City

  5. 谈新余市古民居的保护与利用

    Protection and use of the ancient civilian residences in Xinyu city

  6. 集体经济规模与村民选举的竞争性&以江西省新余市分宜县村民选举为例

    The Scale of Collective Economy and the Competitiveness of Villager Election

  7. 新余市城东污水处理厂项目经济效益后评估

    Xinyu City East Sewage Treatment Plant Project Economic Evaluation

  8. 试论农村基层党员干部能力建设&以新余市为例

    On the capability development of grassroots Party members and leaders in the countryside

  9. 江西省新余市仙女湖旅游码头工程施工技术研究

    Study on Construction Techniques of Xiann ü hu Tour Dock Project in Jiangxi Province

  10. 新余市城市森林建设初步效益定量评估

    Quantitative Evaluation on Initial Benefit of Urban Forest Construction of Xinyu City in Jiangxi

  11. 新余市新农村建设中的现代农业发展研究

    Research into the modern agricultural development in the building of new countryside in Xinyu

  12. 新余市国家硅材料及光伏应用产业化基地建设的研究

    Research into the building of the national silicon materials and photovoltaic application industrialization base

  13. 新余市民办大学生心理健康状况调查研究

    Investigation into the psychological health status quo of students of non-government colleges of Xinyu City

  14. 产业集群与内陆中小城市的跨越发展&以新余市为例

    Industrial clusters and the leap development of inland small-and-medium cities & taking Xinyu for example

  15. 提出了调整新余市商业布局结构的若干思路和具体策略。

    This paper puts forward some countermeasures for adjusting the layout structure of commerce in Xinyu .

  16. 城市名片与城市高校&以新余市和新余高专为例

    " City card " and city colleges and universities & taking Xinyu city and Xinyu college for example

  17. 对新余市城东污水处理厂可研编制中几个问题的探讨

    Discussion on Several Problems in Drawing Up the Feasibility Study Report of East Xinyu Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant

  18. 新余市广播电视中心钢与钢筋混凝土组合球面网壳结构的静力和稳定分析

    The Static and Stability Analysis of the Spherical Reticulated Shell Composed by Steel and Reinforced Concrete in Xinyu Broadcast-TV Center

  19. 在此结论基础上根据新余市的现实条件,对新余市城镇体系规划及发展提出了改进建议。

    Then , according to the result of the analysis , some suggestions on the Xinyu urban system planning are put forward .

  20. 结合新余市龙池墅大道建设的实例,提出了反滤层加固法。

    Taking the construction of Longchishu Road in Xinyu as an example , this paper introduces the method of reinforcement by anti-filtration .

  21. 网上报税系统在新余市国税局的上线运行一年多以来,其安全问题日益突出,原来的安全措施已不能满足其发展需求。

    The internet tax payment system has been running more than one year in Xinyu city national tax bureau with its increasing security breaches .

  22. 解放思想探索城市建设发展之新思路&新余市加快城市建设成功实践记实

    Emancipating the Mind and Exploring New Ways of the Urban Construction & The record of the practice of the urban construction of Xin Yu

  23. 以江西省新余市的城市发展为例,分析了在城市意象方面存在的不足,提出了构建良好城市意象的若干建议。

    This paper , taking Xinyu for example , analyses the disadvantages of the city image and forward several suggestions about improving the city image .

  24. 调查发现,新余市中等职业教育实训基地建设积累了经验,增强了中等职业教育的竞争力。

    The survey found that secondary vocational education training base construction of XinYu city accumulated enough experience , and enhanced competitiveness of secondary vocational education .

  25. 建设服务型政府是新余市加快区域中心城市建设、决战决胜工业500亿的重要保证,为此,应增强服务意识,建设现代政府文化;增强服务能力,提升执行力;

    Building the service government is the important guarantee for Xinyu city to quicken the building of central city and strive for 50 billion yuan investment in industry .

  26. 紧接着论述了课程知识的个体建构过程,这一部分所用的是调查实证的研究方法,以江西省新余市9所中小学为研究对象,对课程知识的个体建构过程进行了剖析。

    And the process of personal construction of curricula was discussed with the help of an inquiry which held in 9 primary and secondary schools in Xinyu City of Jiangxi Province .

  27. 之后笔者对新余市对台招商引资管理工作的整体情况、激励措施、比较优势等进行了细致分析,在此基础上笔者对地方政府对台招商引资管理管理工作进行了系统探讨。

    After the author the overall situation of the Taiwan investment work in Nanchang , incentives , comparative advantage and other detailed analysis on this basis , the author Taiwan investment work of the local government system of .

  28. 报道了马尾松毛虫在新余市历年来的发生情况及生活史,探讨了该虫的发生原因,根据该市实际情况总结并提出了综防对策。

    He thesis reports the occurence over the years and the life cycle of Dendrolimus punctatus Walker in Xinyu city , explores the cause of this insect occurrence , puts forward integrated control countermeasure according to the city real conditions .

  29. 通过应用该评价指标体系对新余市电子政务进行了测评,对该评价指标体系进行了检验,并统计分析出了新余市电子政务发展现状。

    The evaluation index system through the application of e-government , Xinyu City , conducted evaluation , the evaluation index system was tested , and statistical analysis of the development of electronic government , Xinyu City , the status quo .

  30. 如何保证光伏产业融资的畅通,所需资金的及时到位,促进新余市光伏产业健康、稳定、持续的发展是当前我们迫切需要解决的问题。

    How to ensure the smooth flow of financing PV industry and the necessary funds in place to promote PV industry in Xinyu City , nowadays , healthy , stable and sustainable development is an urgent need to address the problem .