
  1. 论文的第二部分重点论述新时期以来新闻典型人物报道的变革。

    Second part of thesis expounds the fact news change , typical character of report since the new period especially .

  2. 从报道的方式来讲,新闻典型人物的定位要融进更多的平民视角,在刻画细节上下功夫,才能使典型形象感染人、打动人。

    In term of way of the report , the localization of the news typical character should circulate more common people 's visual angle , work hard in portraying the detail , could make the typical image infect people , move people .

  3. 略谈新闻摄影典型瞬间形象的捕捉

    On the Catching of Typical Momentary Image in Journalistic Photography

  4. 新闻是典型的符号。

    News is a typical symbol .

  5. 同时,作为法制新闻的典型素材,该事件具有广泛的社会价值和重要的新闻价值。结论本次事故属于过量照射事故。

    At the same time , as the typical source material of legal system news , this incident possesses the society value and important news value extensively . Conclusion This incident belongs to an overexposed accident .

  6. 传递新闻信息是典型人物报道最基本的功能。

    The transportation of news and information is the primary function of reports on typical characters .

  7. 新闻英语是典型的现代英语,通过报刊学习英语是掌握最新英语的好方法。

    Newspaper English is typical modern English . Studying English by newspaper is a good way to master the up to the minute English .

  8. 作者在文中引用了若干虚构员工的话,以证实一些无中生有的指控,堪称蹩脚的报道技巧和黄色新闻写作的典型。

    In an exemplary display of poor journalistic skills and yellow journalism , the writer quoted references from several imaginary employees to corroborate accusations made out of thin air .

  9. 进而预知这样的发展趋势:在特定的社会情景中注入新闻性,典型人物报道回归新闻本体方能持续发展;

    So to foresee such development trend : the Typical People Report should immit news character on special society scene , to regress to the origin of news for persistence development .

  10. 日本高等新闻教育的典型性就在于它最符合日本文化的特点,它是日本文化的产物,它将继续遵循着重学轻术的理念发展下去。

    The typicality of the higher journalism education in Japan lies in its suiting to Japanese cultural tastes . It is the product of Japanese culture and the idea of valuing knowledge more than proficiency will remain .

  11. 政治新闻报道是个典型。

    Political news is a typical one .

  12. 硬新闻是体现新闻文本特征的典型。这种特征包括:简单性、语境低度性、文本语义封闭性。

    Hard news represents typical characteristics of news texts , including briefness , readability , and closeness of the text meaning .