
  • Ferrari;Scuderia Ferrari;Enzo Ferrari
  1. 阿兰·普罗斯特的法拉利赛车将排在起跑线的第二位。

    The Ferrari of Alain Prost will be second on the grid .

  2. 法拉利表示,概念车的电池被安置在浅盘形地板下方,这种设计能降低重心,从而提高而非妨碍其性能。

    Ferrari said that the design of its concept car , with its batteries positioned below the floorpan , would improve rather than hinder its performance by lowering the centre of gravity .

  3. 他的房间里贴满保时捷和法拉利车的图片。

    His room is plastered with pictures of Porsches and Ferraris .

  4. 值得一提的是,法拉利正是菲亚特-克莱斯勒公司(FiatChrysler)旗下的品牌之一。

    Notably , Ferrari is one of Fiat Chrysler 's brands .

  5. 刘汉曾在2010年接受《华尔街日报》(TheWallStreetJournal)采访。在接受采访后驾驶他那辆黑色法拉利飞奔而去之前,他曾说:刘汉从来都是赢家,刘汉从不失手。

    In an interview with The Wall Street Journal in 2010 , he said , before blazing away in his Ferrari : ' Liu Han always wins .

  6. 在法拉利看到的是我想要在车队里看到的(再搞个ms给你好伐)&他们真的很擅长于荣辱与共。

    All I wanted to see at the team was what I found at Ferrari – they were really good at winning together and losing together .

  7. 法拉利、高盛和cvc也拒绝置评。

    Ferrari , Goldman Sachs and CVC also declined to comment .

  8. 英国新闻联合社(PressAssociation)称,据报道他想“要辆赛车开”,在到达法拉利维修站时被安保人员扣留。

    He reportedly wanted to " try a car " and was detained by members of the security staff when he reached the Ferrari garage , the Press Association reported .

  9. Fred刚买了辆法拉利,而他的工作是在肯德基里当服务员!

    go figure ! Fred just bought a Ferrari and he is working as a waiter in KFC .

  10. 抑或是他一直想要试试杜卡迪,就像是F1里每个人都想去开法拉利一样。

    Or is it that he always wanted to try out a Ducati just as everyone wants to drive a Ferrari in F1 .

  11. 我认为他能建造一个Honda时代,就像他在法拉利做到的那样。

    I think he can build something that will be a Honda period for winning , just like he had at Ferrari .

  12. 美国车手菲尔•希尔赢得了1961年的世界锦标赛,从而法拉利也稳固了1961年国际杯赛的F1制造商地位,同时156型赛车也达到了她的顶峰。

    Phil Hill won the1961 World Championship of Drivers and Ferrari secured the1961 International Cup for F1 Manufacturers , both victories achieved with the156 .

  13. 20世纪60年代,谢尔比曾在勒芒大胜法拉利(Ferrari);然而此后,他们再也没有赢得过超级拉力赛。

    Shelby felled Ferrari in the ' 60s at Le Mans ; they have not won the grand endurance race since .

  14. 中国检察机关周四对四川汉龙集团(SichuanHanlongGroup)原董事长刘汉提起刑事公诉,曾以一身貂皮大衣和黑色法拉利轿车闻名的刘汉是中国最具争议的富豪之一。

    Prosecutors on Thursday brought a string of criminal charges against one of China 's most controversial magnates , a man once known for his mink coat and black Ferrari .

  15. 法拉利车队宣布将于今年9月与他再续签一年合约,因此在2010年F1赛季期间这位冰人仍可以手握方向盘为法拉利车队效力。

    Ferrari announced a one-year extension in September , so the Iceman will remain behind the wheel for the Ferrari team through the 2010 F1 season .

  16. 至于法拉利(Ferrari),尽管名头甚大,但它只是保时捷的一个小竞争者,因为保时捷的销量是它的20倍以上。

    And for all its panache , Ferrari is a boutique competitor to Porsche , which sells more than 20 times more cars .

  17. 法拉利(Ferrari)、保时捷(Porsche)、阿斯顿•马丁(AstonMartin)也有利润丰厚的副业:销售贴牌服装和珠宝,但他们大多不愿过多透露他们的周边商品销售业务。

    Ferrari , Porsche and Aston Martin also have lucrative sidelines selling branded bling , though most are reluctant to say much about their merchandising businesses .

  18. 他上一年在法拉利经销商用32.9万支票买下了法拉利458Italia。

    He walked into a Ferrari dealership last year and wrote a $ 329000 check for a 458 Italia .

  19. 由菲亚特集团(Fiat)拥有的法拉利表示,计划在3至4年内,开始推出所有公路车的混合动力版。

    The brand , owned by Fiat , said it planned to begin introducing hybrid versions of all of its road cars within three to four years .

  20. 二战时,法拉利将工厂从Modena搬迁到了Maranello。

    During World War II the Ferrari workshop moved from Modena to Maranello .

  21. 对巨富来说,还有专门面向法拉利(Ferraris)和玛莎拉蒂(Maseratis)的俱乐部。

    For the ultrawealthy , there are clubs dedicated to Ferraris and Maseratis .

  22. 听着,我从Ferrari跳槽到Honda的唯一原因是我在法拉利没有足够好的机会。

    RB : Listen , when I went from Ferrari to Honda , the only reason I did that was because my space at Ferrari wasn 't good enough .

  23. 但姚明对此并不十分感兴趣,他更喜欢开宝马7系列,而不是像法拉利和SUV那些较为奢华的车。

    But Yao is not so enamored of the four-wheeled sport , preferring to drive a BMW7-series rather than more extravagant rides like Ferrari roadsters or SUVs .

  24. 法拉利还要与总部位于迪拜的阿尔达房地产公司(AldarProperties)在阿布扎比开发一座专门展示法拉利品牌的主题公园,该公园将是规模更大的一级方程式世界主题公园的一部分。

    Ferrari is also developing a theme park devoted to the Ferrari brand in Abu Dhabi with Dubai-based Aldar Properties , part of a larger Formula One World theme park .

  25. 其他一些商人,比如法拉利(Ferrari)的董事长卢卡·迪·蒙特泽莫罗(LucadiMontezemolo),曾呼吁对富人征税,来帮助意大利摆脱经济困境。

    Some of your peers , such as Ferrari Chairman Luca di Montezemolo , have called for a tax on the rich to help Italy 's economy .

  26. 那是一辆法拉利250GTOBerlinetta,制造于1962年至1963年,在加利福尼亚州的拍卖成交价为3810万美元。

    A Ferrari 250 GTO Berlinetta , made between 1962-63 , sold for $ 38.1 million in California .

  27. 而就实际生产而言,法拉利、兰博基尼(Lamborghini)、保时捷(Porsche)、奥迪(Audi)和宾利(Bentley)这些大牌无一推出过1000匹马力的合法跑车。

    On the production side , none of the likes of Ferrari , Lamborghini , Porsche , Audi or Bentley are putting 1,000 legal horses to the ground .

  28. 2002年澳洲一级方程式赛车比赛上,威廉姆斯车队的RalfSchumacher的赛车高高飞起,几乎将巴西车手RubensBarrichello的法拉利轧平。

    Williams driver Ralf Schumacher gets off to a flyer in the2002 Australian Grand Prix and almost flattens the Ferrari of Brazilian Rubens Barrichello .

  29. 为提高其海外知名度,该公司最近数周启动了一个平面及在线媒体广告宣传活动,其中包括大力宣传它为法拉利(ferrari)提供的服务。

    To raise its profile overseas , the company in recent weeks has launched a frontline print and online media advertising campaign , touting among other things work it does for Ferrari .

  30. 很快,司机们就会在路上看到更多的法拉利跑车(Ferraris)从身边呼啸而过&在接下来几年中,每年大约增加3000辆。

    Drivers will soon see more Ferraris passing them by on the road – about 3,000 more over the coming years .