首页 / 词典 / good


zhù zhòng
  • pay attention to;emphasize;attach importance to;lay stress on;lay emphasis on
注重 [zhù zhòng]
  • [lay stress on;pay attention to;attach importance to] 重视

  • 注重基本功的训练

  • 注重艰苦朴素

注重[zhù zhòng]
  1. 今后应开展多种形式的合作,注重面向农村开设的专业和课程的针对性,注重现代远程教育的经济和社会效益等问题,使现代远程教育在云南农村出现一个更为广阔的发展前景。

    The future work will lay stress on multi - form combination and economic and social efficiency so that the modern distance education will have a greater development in the rural areas in Yunnan .

  2. 本文指出高等职业教育应注重教育的专业性、实用性。

    Higher Vocational Education should lay stress on speciality and practicality .

  3. 注重身体健康的消费者想得到更多有关他们所购买的食物的信息。

    Health-conscious consumers want more information about the food they buy .

  4. 她从来不怎么注重外貌。

    She had never been greatly concerned about her appearance .

  5. 不同程度的注重礼节适用于不同场合。

    Different levels of formality are appropriate in different situations .

  6. 这个学习计划较注重小组活动而不倚重讲座。

    The study programme concentrates more on group work and places less reliance on lectures .

  7. 她十分注重守时。

    She lays great stress on punctuality .

  8. 他非常注重英语的正确使用。

    He was a stickler for the correct usage of English .

  9. 格兰特在他的绘画中特别注重天气。

    Grant puts a special emphasis on weather in his paintings .

  10. 该课程比硕士学位课程更注重实践。

    The course is more practically based than the Masters degree

  11. 龙尼非常注重自己的外表。

    Ronnie put a high value on his appearance .

  12. “墨西哥的烹调注重俭省,”她说,“任何东西都不会浪费。”

    Mexican cookery is economical , she says . Nothing goes to waste .

  13. 现今的有机葡萄酒生产商一般是注重品质的小型家族企业。

    Today 's organic wine producer is typically a small , quality-conscious family concern

  14. 该地区的发展以注重生态为指导原则。

    Development has been guided by a concern for the ecology of the area

  15. 英国式的社会主义更加注重改革,而不是革命。

    The British brand of socialism was more interested in reform than revolution .

  16. 我们的孩子所受的教育是凡事都要注重环保。

    Our children are being educated to be green in everything they do .

  17. 这家人非常注重学习犹太文化。

    The family were deeply involved in Jewish culture .

  18. 就像子女一样,父母也常常很注重保护他们的私生活。

    Like their children , parents are often defensive about their private lives .

  19. 他的独木舟以其风格独特、注重细节和做工精细著称。

    His canoes are known for their style , fine detail and craftsmanship .

  20. 八步功法瑜伽注重呼吸和放松,是一种舒缓身心的锻炼方法。

    Astanga Yoga is a therapeutic physical exercise that focuses on breathing and relaxation .

  21. 他们也会迫使学校更加注重基础科目的教学。

    They will also force schools to put more emphasis on teaching basic subjects .

  22. 玛丽亚,你以前一向很注重实效。

    You were always so practical , Maria

  23. 享乐主义时代正让位于一个注重节制的时代。

    The age of hedonism is being ushered out by a new era of temperance .

  24. 拥有一大片湖区的普罗斯佩克特公园吸引着所有注重健康的人。

    Prospect Park , with its vast lake , is a magnet for all health freaks

  25. 我们很注重让员工随时了解我们正在做的事情。

    We were very concerned to keep the staff informed about what we were doing .

  26. 英国人不是以其哲学思想闻名,而是往往更注重实际。

    The British are not famed for their philosophy and tend to be more practically minded .

  27. 二手车车商总是会更加注重车身外观而非引擎。

    A second hand car dealer will always look at the bodywork rather than the engine .

  28. 在很注重政治上是否正确的部门,我因此事受到了批评。

    In some sectors , where political correctness is a powerful force , I 've been criticized for that .

  29. 我觉得我现在更加注重精神生活,而且我真的相信善恶报应。

    I think I 'm more aware now of some spiritual things and I do believe in good and evil .

  30. 必须十分注重理论联系实际。

    Great attention must be paid to linking theory with practice .