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  1. 新华社的另一则报道称,本周早些时候,中国山西省的相关部门拘留了一名引发类似轩然大波的教师,监控摄像头发现,这名教师狂扇一名五岁儿童耳光。

    Earlier this week , officials in China 's northern Shanxi province detained a teacher who had ignited a similar uproar after she was captured on surveillance camera repeatedly slapping a five-year old on the face , according to a separate report from Xinhua .

  2. 我在之前跟踪案件中见过移情现象发生,但从没见过一个跟踪狂同时跟踪两名女子。

    I 've seen transference in stalking before , but I 've never encountered one man who was stalking two women at the same time .