
  • 网络modernization theory;theory of modernization
  1. 在经过自我反思和修正之后,现代化理论步入了一个更新和完善的时期。

    The modernization theory came into a time it renewed through self-reflection .

  2. 基于生态现代化理论的我国石油资源可持续利用研究

    Research on Sustainable Utilization of Chinese Oil Resources Based on Ecological Modernization Theory

  3. 浙江地区小康与现代化理论

    Theory of Being Fairly Well-off and Rich in Zhejiang Regional Construction

  4. 马克思主义现代化理论中国化的根本问题

    The Fundamental Problems for the Chinese Characterization of Marxism Modernization Theories

  5. 经典现代化理论的局限性及其重要启示

    The Limitations and the Important Revelations of the Classical Modern Theory

  6. 马克思恩格斯的现代化理论及其对中国现代化运动的启示

    Marx and Engels ' Theory on Modernization and its Revelation to China

  7. 它们是党的现代化理论形成的不可或缺的理论渊源。

    They are indispensable to the formation of the Theory .

  8. 第四部分介绍马克思的社会现代化理论。

    The forth part introduces the theory of social modernization in Marxism .

  9. 马克思的现代化理论及其在中国的创造性发展

    Marxist Theory of Modernism and Its Creative Development in China

  10. 高度现代化理论:现代化研究的新近探索

    High-modernization Theory : A Recent Exploration in Studies of Modernization

  11. 科学发展观:马克思主义现代化理论的新发展

    Scientific Outlook of Development : the New Development of Marxist Modern Theory

  12. 分析了可持续发展对现代化理论的扬弃与创新。

    It analyzes what sustainable development sublets and innovates the theory of modernization .

  13. 中国现代化理论的新发展

    The New Development of the Modernization Theory in China

  14. 近年来我国现代化理论研究综述

    A Summary of Studies on Modernization Theory of Our Country in Recent Years

  15. 第一部分对现代化理论进行梳理。

    The first part focuses on the modernization theory .

  16. 现代化理论与现代化实践必须渗透进文化的意识。

    The theory and practice of modernization must incorporate the consciousness of culture .

  17. 现代化理论与拉美的现实

    Theory of Modernization and Reality in Latin - America

  18. 现代化理论学派及其利弊分析

    Modernization Theories and Analyses on Its Advantages and Disadvantages

  19. 马克思主义现代化理论与中国实践

    Marxism Theories on Modernization and their Practice in China

  20. 合理性理论的发展与现代化理论

    The Development of Rationality Theory and Modernization Theory

  21. 现代化理论视野中的城市规划&写在中国城市规划设计研究院成立50周年的时候

    Urban planning in the perspective of modern theories

  22. 这说明他的现代化理论还不成熟,不系统。

    This shows that the modernization of his theories are not mature and systematic .

  23. 第二次现代化理论与中国现代化

    The Second Modernization and The Modernization of China

  24. 唯物史观与西方现代化理论的关系

    Relation between Historical Materialism and Western Modern Theory

  25. 论七大对中国现代化理论的贡献

    The Contribution of the 7th CPC Congress to The Theory of Modernization of China

  26. 四个现代化理论评析

    TX An Analysis on the Four Modernizations Theory

  27. 中国当代现代化理论的超越

    Surpass of the contemporary era Chinese modernization theory

  28. 七大对中国现代化理论的贡献仍有重要的现实意义。

    It still has important realistic meaning for the contribution to the Chinese modernization theory .

  29. 第二章探讨了现代化理论与当代史学研究的互动影响。

    The second chapter discusses the interactive influence between modernized theory and the contemporary history .

  30. 现代化理论中的社会心理学说

    Social Psychological Theories in The Modernization Theory