
  1. 系统是一个不断循环的过程,先是通过Web站点采集数据,作必要的数据预处理工作后,接着结合预处理以后的数据并结合站点结构数据进行数据挖掘,最后把获得的知识投入应用。

    The system is a continuous cycle process , firstly collected data through the web site , then carried out data mining with the data of site framework and the data which after the necessary data pre-processing work , put the acquired knowledge into application finally .

  2. 知识投入与产出的计量

    Measurement of the input and output of knowledge

  3. 构建了包含资本投入、劳动力投入、知识投入和制度在内的经济增长模型。

    The paper builds a economic growth model , including capital , labor , knowledge , institution .

  4. 资本投入和知识投入采用了永续盘存法,这种方法的好处在于同时考虑了存量和增量的影响。

    Capital and knowledge are computed with Perpetual Inventory Method , and give attention to stock and additional .

  5. 引文回馈率指标从一个侧面反映了研究对象的知识投入-知识产出效率,是全新的思路和全新的方法。

    In essence , citation feedback rate reflect the efficiency of knowledge input - knowledge out , which is an entirely new indicator .

  6. 提出城市经济的知识投入和产出指标,更新传统的城市现代化指标体系;建议以工业化战略、城市可持续发展战略、面向知识经济战略三种战略思想相结合,指导城市发展战略的制定。

    The paper represented indexes of knowledge input-output in urban economy and proposed that joining of industrializing strategy , urban sustainable tactic and knowledge economy-oriented strategy to guide making up the strategy of urban development .

  7. Scrum和其他的敏捷方法,在协作、交流和分享知识方面投入很多。

    Scrum , and other agile approaches , put great store in collaboration , communication and knowledge sharing .

  8. 基于典则相关分析的制造业知识性投入与产出效率评估

    Evaluation of Production Efficiency of Manufacturing Industrial Knowledge Input & Output Based on CAN

  9. 中国孩子在理论知识上投入更多的关注,西方孩子有更好的实践技巧。

    Chinese children pay more attention on theory knowledge ; western children have better practical skills .

  10. 人力资源管理有知识资本投入和希望收到的未来社会效益、经济效益分析。

    The administration of human resources includes knowledge capital investment , expected social and economic benefit analysis .

  11. 这些活动通常情况下都是在内部进行,很少需要其他来源知识的投入。

    These activities are usually carried out in-house , and seldom require the input of knowledge from other sources .

  12. 中外合作办学者的知识产权投入不得超过各自投入的三分之一。

    Contribution of intellectual property rights by a Chinese or foreign cooperator in running a school shall not exceed one-third of its total contribution .

  13. 农民依据个人感觉、经验、惯例、盘算等来分享这种知识,投入到农民画创作的队伍中。

    Peasants based on personal feeling , experience , practices to share this knowledge and attend into the ranks of the peasants ' paintings .

  14. 不幸的是,医生在通常情况下无法得知患者的基因组信息,所以这项宝贵的知识无法投入使用。

    Unfortunately , its still uncommon for docs to get genome info about patients , so that wealth of knowledge isnt often put into practice .

  15. 为此,本文从知识的投入和知识的产出两方面入手,建立了制造业知识密集程度评价指标体系。

    So , from the aspect of knowledge input and knowledge output , this article establishs an index system to evaluate the knowledge intensity of manufacture industries .

  16. 再次,资本知识复合投入品的跨境流动会对生产网络中的产品内分工格局产生影响。

    Moreover , the cross-border flows of the " complex inputs of capital and knowledge " can change the pattern of the intra-product specialization in the production network .

  17. 知识的投入代替物质的消耗,可以给人类带来巨大的财富,推动社会走向新的形态,并为教育的发展开拓出广阔的空间,知识经济的发展也对保护知识产权提出更高的要求。

    The input of knowledge which takes the place of material consumption may bring great wealth to human beings , promote the society and develop education . The development of knowledge-based economy also induces more strict requirements for protection of intellectual property right .

  18. 超越知识取向的投入控制和能力取向的产出控制:论经验、学习和教学之间的关系

    Beyond the knowledge-oriented Input-control and competence-oriented Output-control : on the Relationship between Experience , Learning and Teaching

  19. 但是,本研究认为能够产生较优的公司绩效之成果,其决定因素不应只是知识管理的投入与努力。

    However , the outcome of having better corporate performance is not merely dependant on the effort invested in KM .

  20. 如何围绕知识资本进行投入管理,确立投入方向,关系到高校发展何去何从的根本问题。

    How to manage the intellectual capital investment and establish the investment direction is the fundamental problem related to the development of colleges and universities .

  21. 面对日本经济与社会文化研究无可规避的课题,中国社会整体尤其是知识界的投入不足应该是不争的事实。

    The inevitable problem questioned about research on Japan economy and culture , partly because that academe devoted little attention to it , which is undoubted .

  22. 在世纪之交,四位来自美国纽约的青年才骏将他们所有的资金、知识和技术投入到了牙科器材行业,成立了登士柏公司。

    Towards the close of the century , four young businessmen from New York City pooled their resources , knowledge and skills to enter the retail dental business for themselves .

  23. 由于双方投资巨大,也由于现有知识产权的投入和新知识产权的创生,中国方面很合理地询问了双方具体的收益来源。

    Given the high level of investment by both sides , the input of existing IPRs and the likely creation of new IPRs , they reasonably asked who was going to benefit from what .

  24. 企业还必须具有合理的利益分配机制,才能激励物质资本与知识资本所有者投入相应的资本,这两种资本是企业生存与发展的决定性因素。

    Firms should also have reasonable profit distribution system , to stimulate owners of physical capital and knowledge capital to input their respective capital , and these kinds of capital are the determinants of subsistence and development for firms .

  25. 在此基础上,以知识管理、投入学习、交互等理论为指导,提出了高中研究性学习平台的总体设计和功能模块的详细设计,依据设计进行开发。

    On this basis , with the guiding of knowledge management , learning , input , interaction theory as the guide , the overall design and detailed design of functional modules of Inquiry Learning platform have been done , and develop as the design .

  26. 集成情境知识递阶生产系统投入产出优化

    Input and Output Optimizing on Hierachical Manufacture Systems Integrating Context Knowledge

  27. 知识产品生产的投入产出表现为一种随机梯级增长概率关系;

    Input and produce of knowledge product production is a kind of radom terraced increase probability relation .

  28. 需要回答的最根本问题是,是否需要为了改善父母对疫苗接种的知识和态度而投入资源。

    The fundamental question is whether or not resources should be invested in improving parents ' knowledge of and attitudes towards vaccination .

  29. 知识资本的大量投入是决定这些国家经济增长和结构变化的关键因素。

    The extensive input of knowledge capital is the key factor that has decided their eco - nomic growth and structural change .

  30. 企业要获得长远的发展和长足的利益,就要不断加大对知识和技术的投入。

    Enterprises who want to obtain long-term development and the considerable interest , they must continue to increase investment in knowledge and technology .