
shè huì cái fù
  • social wealth;wealth of society
  1. e当量与社会财富配置

    The e - Equivalent and the Disposition of Social Wealth

  2. 近年来在我国和世界范围内,AD的发病率和检出率正逐年上升,消耗了大量的医学资源与社会财富。

    In recent years , the prevalence of AD has been increasing in the world , which leads to high consumption of medical resources and social wealth .

  3. 随着时间的推移,它们已成为社会财富和地位的象征。

    As time goes by , they have become a symbol of wealth and position ( ) in society .

  4. ERP系统的顺利实施可以实现对企业资源的合理调配,满足最大化地创造社会财富的要求。

    Smooth implementation of ERP system can make it possible to distribute enterprise resources reasonably and fulfill the requirement of bringing maximum financial profits .

  5. 如果GNP或NNP增加,这意味着经济增长或社会财富的增加。

    The growth of GNP or NNP means economy increase or social wealth growth .

  6. 同时本文通过模拟实验完整的PFI执行流程,证明PFI可以发挥转移政府风险、提高公共服务品质、扩大民间从业领域、增加经济活力和社会财富的作用。

    Through the simulation experiment of the complete operating process , it is proved that PFI can play roles of transferring the government risks , improving the quality of public service , enlarging employment , increasing economy activity and social wealth .

  7. 文化旅游业兴旺,关键是能创造特别多的社会财富,经济效益显著。

    The prosperity of culture tourism can absolutely create social wealth .

  8. 从自利假设到社会财富的增加

    Hypothesizing the Selfish Nature and Increasing the Wealth of Society

  9. 社会财富是由劳动人民创造的。

    The wealth of society is created bythe labouring people .

  10. 社会财富的积累能提高退休金担负能力。

    A wealthier society would find it easier to afford paying pensions .

  11. 中国占有社会财富的比例非常不合理。

    Chinese share the wealth of society is very unreasonable .

  12. 简论信息产品导致的社会财富分配

    Research on the Distribution of Wealth of Society Resulting from Information Products

  13. 金钱是社会财富的一般代表。

    Money is the general representative of social wealth .

  14. 社会财富值总量的模型分析

    Modeling Analysis of the Total Amount of Social Wealth

  15. 最后,使社会财富尤其是金融资产的增长速度加快。

    Speeded up the growth of social wealth , especially in financial assets .

  16. 新疆绿洲集中了全疆90%以上的人口和95%以上的社会财富。

    In Xinjiang 90 % population and 95 % fortune are concentrated in oases .

  17. 最后提出构建社会主义和谐社会财富观的主要对策。

    Finally presented the main countermeasure of constructing the socialism harmonious public wealth view .

  18. 论创造社会财富的新源泉

    On the New Sources of Creating Social Wealth

  19. 客观上造成了社会财富分配的不公平。

    This has caused unfairness in social-wealth distribution .

  20. 再次阐述社会主义和谐社会财富观的主要内容;

    The third elaborates the main content of the socialism harmonious public wealth view ;

  21. 论劳动力供给膨胀对社会财富分配的不良影响

    Bad Influences on the Distribution of Social Welfare by Supply Inflation of Labor Force

  22. 空前的新科技革命,使发达国家的生产率大幅度提高,社会财富不断增加;

    Second , new science and technology revolution increases the productivity and social wealth highly .

  23. 人类生存环境极大改善,社会财富急剧膨胀。

    The human great improvement of living environment , the wealth of society expands sharply .

  24. 与此同时,社会财富分配相对集中,收入分配差距持续扩大且趋势不减的现象日趋严重。

    Meanwhile , the social wealth is centralizing relatively , Income distribution gap is expanding .

  25. 该模型可以刻划社会财富在整个社会中的动态分布。

    This model gives a clear picture of the dynamical distribution of property among all citizens .

  26. 一方面,剥削是社会财富积累、资本积累的动力;

    On one hand , exploitation is the impetus of accumulating wealth and capital for society ;

  27. 当前,信息资源已经成为重要的生产要素、无形资产和社会财富。

    At present , information resource has become important production factor , immaterial asset and society wealth .

  28. 在社会财富日益增多的同时,导致发生火灾的危险性也在增多,火灾的危害性也越来越大。

    With the increase of society wealth , the danger and damage of fire is also growing .

  29. 它在促进经济增长、扩大劳动就业、推动技术进步、创造社会财富等方面越来越凸显其重要性,中小企业的发展已为越来越多的人们所关注。

    Especially in the field of economic growth , employments expand technology innovation and social wealthy creation .

  30. 精神财富是日益重要的一种财富形式,是创造社会财富的重要动力。

    Spiritual wealth is an increasingly important form of social wealth and the power of creating social wealth .