
  • 网络accumulate wealth;accumulated wealth;to accumulate wealth
  1. 家庭在以各种各样的资产形式积累财富。

    Households accumulate wealth across a broad spectrum of assets

  2. 不过,如果你下决心要积累财富,事情也不是太难

    But if you are determined to accumulate wealth , it isn 't inordinately difficult .

  3. 他是如何积累财富的呢?

    How had he amassed his fortune ?

  4. 获取钱财并以此积累财富的行为。

    The act of making money ( and accumulating wealth ) .

  5. 你就有了驾驭它的力量,并开始积累财富。

    you gain power over it and can begin building wealth .

  6. 积累财富未必是贪婪的标志。

    Accumulating wealth is not necessarily a mark of greed .

  7. 资本家只顾积累财富。

    The capitalists only care about the accumulation of wealth .

  8. 第三,一个健康的身体还需要积累财富。

    Third , a healthy body is also necessary for accumulating wealth .

  9. 积累财富可能也是一种修复儿时创伤的潜意识做法。

    Wealth accumulation may also be an unconscious attempt to repair childhood trauma .

  10. 花钱很容易,但积累财富却很困难。

    Spending money is as easy as pie ; accumulating wealth is tough .

  11. 别害怕,你的时间不多了,别再为自己积累财富了,仰赖上帝吧。

    Stop your goal to amass a fortune for yourself and turn to God .

  12. 成功地积累财富的人。

    Someone who is successful in accumulating wealth .

  13. 积累财富的一个密诀在于你能找到利益差价,把多余的钱用于储蓄和投资,然后就等着收利息吧。

    You can then put your extra money into savings accounts and investment portfolios .

  14. 首先,他通过自己的努力积累财富,出人头地。

    First he amassed his fortune , earning his spurs as a self-made man .

  15. 维系婚姻有助于积累财富?

    Marriage builds wealth more than being single ?

  16. 三类级差收益的大量存在,为许多私有企业迅速积累财富创造了条件。

    The high differential rents create conditions for private enterprises to accumulate wealth quickly .

  17. 增加收入或积累财富的第一步就是要进行自我教育。

    The first step to increasing your income or building wealth is to educate yourself .

  18. 你可以积累财富

    5 - You can build wealth

  19. 在积累财富的过程中,请不要害怕请求帮助。

    In your journey towards building wealth , dont ever be afraid to ask for help .

  20. 但可能有人会反驳说,积累财富的动力源自创业冲动。

    But one can counter that the drive to accumulate wealth is the spur to entrepreneurship .

  21. 然而,这或许能够让收入差距减小,却无助于帮助美国人积累财富。

    While that might help equalize incomes , it does nothing to help Americans build wealth .

  22. 积累财富五大妙招

    Five Ways to Accumulate Wealth

  23. 你有领导天赋与积累财富的能力。

    Liu Ning , you are gifted with natural leadership and the capacity to accumulate great wealth .

  24. 在座有多少人知道,Ichan是靠威胁其他公司恶意收购来积累财富的?

    How many people here realize that Ichan built his fortune by threatening companies with hostile takeovers ?

  25. 我仍关注基本面,并制定随着时间推移积累财富的长期战略。

    I can still focus on fundamentals and lay down a long-term strategy that builds wealth over time .

  26. 积累财富是件绝妙的事情——因为当你需要的时候就能够利用它们。

    Amassing wealth is terrific ─ as long as you can tap into it when you need to .

  27. 男性的价值观,例如包括竞争力,自信,有雄心,并积累财富和物质财富。

    Malevalues for example include competitiveness , assertiveness , ambition , and the accumulation of wealth and material possessions .

  28. 我的天,我想再没有人比欧洲人更喜欢积累财富了。

    My God , I don 't know anyone who likes to accumulate their wealth more than the Europeans .

  29. 在美国,由于家庭重新积累财富的需要,家庭储蓄率有所上升。

    The US household savings rate has risen , driven by the need for US households to rebuild wealth .

  30. 针对伊莉莎积累财富的决心家中没有一个人理解她。

    In the family , there is no one who understands Eliza as to her resolution to draw wealth .