
jīnɡ shén biàn tài
  • psychopathy;psychopathia
  1. 在Damon一本关于精神变态的书中,他谈到一个13岁的行凶劫匪,他专门行凶抢劫盲人。

    In Damon 's book , a wonderful book on psychopathy , he talks about a thirteen-year-old mugger who specialized in mugging blind people .

  2. 调查访问之后研究人员会进行标准心理测试评估,也就是所谓的精神变态测试。

    The inmates'responses were then rated against a standard psychological test , called the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised .

  3. 这次谋杀是精神变态者所为。

    The murder was the act of a psychopath .

  4. 他是个精神变态杀人者。

    He 's a psychopath , a killer .

  5. 然后,Bartels和Pizarro把电车测试的结果和人格测试结果联系起来,他们发现对道德抉择(即把那个胖子推下桥)的实用主义选择和精神变态、不择手段或是厌世情绪的人格有着很大联系。

    Dr Bartels and Dr Pizarro then correlated the results from the trolleyology with those from the personality tests . They found a strong link between utilitarian answers to moral dilemmas ( push the fat guy off the bridge ) and personalities that were psychopathic , Machiavellian or tended to view life as meaningless .

  6. 万一我是个精神变态呢?

    In case I turned out to be a psycho ?

  7. 你知道精神变态者大多被哪种职业吸引吗

    Do you know what profession psychopaths disproportionately gravitate to ?

  8. 精神变态者应对不成比例的犯罪数额负责人。

    Psychopaths are responsible for a disproportionate amount of crime .

  9. 我搜索了“精神变态”,看了一览表

    I. .. Googled " psychopaths , " went down the checklist ,

  10. 瞧瞧我们,一群精神变态互相帮助

    Here we are , a bunch of psychopaths helping each other out .

  11. 在电影《斯坦洛夫博士》中,赛勒斯刻画了一个卓越的但精神变态的物理学家。

    In the movie Dr. Strangelove , Sellers portrays a brilliant but psychotic physicist .

  12. 你不是精神变态,但精神变态能吸引�

    You 're not a psychopath , although you may be attracted to them .

  13. 最暴烈的囚犯常常被诊断为精神变态者或精神分裂者。

    The most violent prisoners are often men who have been diagnosed as psychopaths or schizophrenics .

  14. 梦是一种精神变态,凡是精神变态所具有的一切荒谬、妄念和幻想,它无不具备。&弗洛伊德

    A dream is a psychosis , with all the absurdities , delusion and illusions of a psychosis . & Sigmund Freud

  15. “我不想杀了你,”希斯。莱吉尔扮演的精神变态者“小丑”对克利斯汀。贝尔扮演的坚毅的蝙蝠侠说。

    " I don 't want to kill you ," Heath Ledger 's psycho Joker tells Christian Bale 's stalwart Batman .

  16. 温加德说他当时在寻找一位能颠覆观众预期的演员,他将从好人变成一种威胁,后来证明是彻底的精神变态。

    Mr. Wingard said he had been looking for an actor to upend expectations by turning from nice to menacing to flat-out psycho .

  17. 一个精神变态者对他/她来说很不幸的,是缺乏对其他人类真正的同情能力。

    A psychopath is a person who , unfortunately for him or her , lacks the ability to really empathize with other human beings .

  18. 这些以及其他类似的表达都是专门设计分别来检测精神变态、权术主义和人生价值观的。

    These statements , and others like them , were designed to measure , respectively , psychopathy , Machiavellianism and a person 's sense of how meaningful life is .

  19. 如今有一项研究表明当精神变态者观看身陷痛苦的人的画面时,他们大脑的活动方式与精神正常者十分不同。

    Now a study finds that when psychopaths see images of people in pain , there 's a pattern of activity in their brains that is quite different from brain activity in non-psychopaths .

  20. 与总统相关的丰富的历史资料,再加上详尽的专家排名,为我们了解这一新生理论打开了一扇窗,让我们意识到精神变态的某些方面也许在特定社会情境下会变成积极的适应能力。

    The rich historical data on presidents , combined with detailed expert rankings , provided a window into an emerging theory some aspects of psychopathy may actually be positive adaptations in certain social situations .

  21. 将那些精神变态特征方面得分较高的参与者与那些非精神病人比较后显示,前者的影响情绪反应、社交行为和决策的大脑区域活性大为减少。

    Participants who scored high in psychopathy traits , versus those who were not considered psychopaths , showed much less activation in the areas of the brain involved in emotional reactions , social behavior and decision making .

  22. 这些参与者接受了在线调查测试他们自己的性取向,五大人格特征,以及马基雅维里主义的“黑暗性格”特征(操纵别人的意愿),精神变态(无法与他人沟通自己的内心状态),或者是自恋。

    Those participants took online surveys measuring their sexual orientation , their Big Five personality traits , and whether they had " dark triad " traits of Machiavellianism ( the willingness to manipulate people ) , psychopathy ( the inability to relate to others " interior states ) , or narcissism .