
  • 网络World Trade Center
  1. 威胁之一与恐怖主义活动有关,就像纽约世贸中心或俄克拉何马城发生的惨案那样,恐怖活动会越来越趋向于个人行为而非组织行为,并带有大规模毁伤武器扩散的征兆。

    One has to do with the potential combination of a terrorism whose nature is changing towards more individual and less organized forms , as we see in the world trade center or Oklahoma city , with the prospect of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction .

  2. 对于将在纽约世贸中心遗址建造的一栋摩天办公楼,世界最大传媒帝国接班人詹姆斯•默多克(JamesMurdoch)刚刚否决了英国建筑大师福斯特勋爵(LordFoster)的设计,转而采用40岁的丹麦建筑师比亚克•英厄尔斯(BjarkeIngels)的前卫创意。

    For an office skyscraper at the World Trade Center site in New York , James Murdoch , scion of the media dynasty , has just replaced a design by Britain 's venerable Lord Foster with a jazzier idea by Bjarke Ingels , the 40-year-old Danish architect .

  3. 纽约世贸中心重建最终方案延期出台

    New York World Trade Center Final Reconstruction Scheme Delayed

  4. 重建纽约世贸中心区&一个城市行为

    Reconstruction of ground zero : a public action

  5. 纽约世贸中心油燃致塌说质疑

    Arguments against the version that burning gasoline cause the collapse of New York World Trade Center

  6. 纽约世贸中心大楼遭飞机撞击和大楼坍塌产生的地震波

    Seismic waves generated by aircraft impacts and building collapses at World Trade Center , New York City

  7. 在纽约世贸中心大厦遗址,发掘出了更多的尸骸。

    At the World Trade Center site in New York , more human remains have been uncovered .

  8. 就在8天后,针对纽约世贸中心的9/11恐怖袭击让全世界战栗不已。

    Just eight days later , the September 11 attacks on the world trade center sent the world reeling .

  9. 2001年针对纽约世贸中心和五角大楼的袭击,会考验最伟大政治家的勇气。

    The attacks on the twin towers and the Pentagon in 2001 would have tested the mettle of the greatest statesman .

  10. 随着纽约世贸中心的倒塌,摩天大楼的安全性已经受到了质疑。

    The safety of skyscrapers has been called into question in the wake of the destruction of New York 's World Trade Center .

  11. 许多美国人表示,他们反对在纽约世贸中心遗址附近建立伊斯兰中心的计划。

    A large number of Americans say they plans to build an Islamic center near the World Trade Center site in New York .

  12. 事实上,你的大脑的信息存量相当于两座纽约世贸中心大小的高楼。

    In fact , it would take two buildings the size of the World Trade Center to house the storage capacity of your brain .

  13. 官方的纪念活动在纽约世贸中心遗址开始,当时被劫持的客机撞毁了双子大厦。

    The official commemorations began in New York at the site of the World Trade Center , where hijacked passenger planes destroyed the twin towers .

  14. 美国军队击毙本•拉登四天后,奥巴马走访了纽约世贸中心遗址。

    Four days after American troops killed Osama Bin Laden , President Obama has visited the site of the former World Trade Center in New York .

  15. 美国将新建纽约世贸中心大厦,一旦建成,它将取代芝加哥威利斯大厦全国最高的建筑的地位。

    New York 's new World Trade Center Tower , once it 's finished , will replace Chicago 's Willis Tower as the nation 's tallest building .

  16. 高层建筑问题背后的生存环境危机&纽约世贸中心双塔坍塌两周年追思

    The crises of subsistence-entironment on the backside of issue about tall-buildings : to meditate on double anniversaries to the world trade center of new york was stricken to collapse

  17. 在纽约世贸中心遗址新建成的纪念馆,幸存的家人大声宣读了遇难者的名字。

    At a newly constructed memorial in New York where the World Trade Center once stood , the names of all who ed were read by surviving family members .

  18. 这五家事务所都曾参与世界各地的重大开发计画。丹尼尔.李伯斯金事务所是重建纽约世贸中心的幕后总策画。佛斯特与帕特纳事务所也参与了这项重建计画。

    Libeskind is the master planner behind the redevelopment of New York 's World Trade Center site , which is expected to face years of delays and significant cost over-runs .

  19. 当年,第一架飞机撞上了纽约世贸中心的北塔,然后是五角大楼、南塔,随后宾夕法尼亚州有一架飞机坠毁,而双子塔也同时倒塌。

    The first plane hit the North Tower in New York , then the Pentagon , the South Tower , the down plane in Pennsylvania and when the two towers fell .

  20. 第二架飞机撞上纽约世贸中心大楼时造成巨大破坏:烈火和浓烟从大楼里滚滚而出,随后大楼垮塌,产生巨大烟浪。

    The consequences of the second aircraft crashing into New York 's WTC were devastating : fireballs erupted and smoke billowed from the skyscrapers anticipating the towers ' collapse and monstrous dust clouds .

  21. 菲利普-帕特是著名的走钢丝艺人。他曾在上世纪70年代在纽约世贸中心双子塔之间表演高空走钢丝。他认为其他走钢丝人一直试图将走钢丝搞得看上去很难。

    Philippe Petit , famous for his high-wire walk between the Twin Towers of New York City 's World Trade Center in the 1970s , believed other wire-walkers were trying to make it look hard .

  22. 牧师GayRahn度假结束驾车回家时听到收音机上正在针对在纽约市世贸中心附近建立伊斯兰中心的提议进行辩论。

    Virginia Christians , Jews , Muslims to Gather for Prayer on September 11 Reverend Gay Rahn was driving home from vacation recently when she heard a radio debate about a proposed Islamic center in New York City , near the site of the World Trade Center .

  23. 在纽约,世贸中心废墟之上,一座新的高楼渐露峥嵘。

    In New York a new tower is taking shape at Ground Zero .

  24. 纽约重建世贸中心,意味着城市即将换上新貌。

    In new york , the physical regeneration of the world trade centre area symbolises the re-birth of the city .

  25. 代表着悲痛的时刻,很多美国人极力反对在纽约的世贸中心附近建立穆斯林中心的计划。

    But this September eleventh comes at an uneasy time . A large number of Americans say they oppose plans to build an Islamic center near the World Trade Center site in New York.9-11 .

  26. 在经历了被美国人称之为“黄金时代”的20世纪60年代强劲、持续的经济繁荣后,纽约的世贸中心和芝加哥的西尔斯大厦开始兴建。

    After experiencing the robust and sustained economic prosperity in 1960s , which is called by Americans " the golden age " , the construction of World Trade Center in New York and Sears Tower in Chicago was started .

  27. 撞上了纽约市的世贸中心大楼

    crash into the World Trade Center towers in New York .