
  • 网络performance management system;performance system
  1. 为了进一步提升企业竞争力,本文针对改制后X工程咨询公司的战略性绩效管理体系的构建问题进行了研究。

    The article studied the construction of strategic performance management system of reformed X company .

  2. MW公司绩效管理体系的建立与实施

    The Establishment and Implementation of Performance Management System for MW Corporation

  3. E公司网络支持部客户服务中心绩效管理体系设计与实施研究

    Performance Management Scheme Design and Implementation of Customer Interaction Center in E Company

  4. 对X支行绩效管理体系评价,包括对目标制定、绩效沟通、绩效考评、结果运用方面的评价。关键词:银行支行;

    The evaluation is on goal setting , performance communication , performance evaluation , and result application .

  5. ML公司基于目标管理的绩效管理体系研究

    Research on Performance Management System of ML Co. , Ltd Based on Management by Object

  6. AA化学股份有限公司绩效管理体系设计与研究

    AA Chemical Co. , Ltd. Performance Management System Design and Research

  7. 本文完整地阐述了F公司建立人力资源绩效管理体系的过程。

    This paper explains in detail the whole process of developing a performance management system in F Corporation .

  8. 第六部分是PP发电公司绩效管理体系的评价。

    The sixth part of is about the evaluation of PP Power Generation Company performance management system .

  9. BC商城营运部门绩效管理体系设计

    Performance Management System Design in Operation Department of BC Shopping Center

  10. HM太阳能公司绩效管理体系设计与实施研究

    The Study of Solar HM 's Comprehensive Performance Management System

  11. PG食品公司绩效管理体系设计与研究

    Design and Research on the Performance Management System of PG Foods Corporation

  12. 本文以Q市邮政局绩效管理体系作为研究对象,就国有企业绩效管理改革进行探究。

    This paper cites Q City Post Office 's performance management system as the study object and explores state-owned companies'performance management reform .

  13. 基于战略导向的SF公司绩效管理体系设计

    SF Corporation Strategy-Based Designment of Performance Management System

  14. XY公司职能部门绩效管理体系研究

    The Research on Functional Departments Performance Management System of XY Company

  15. 建立有效的战略绩效管理体系,对W公司应对市场竞争,达到行业领导者地位有重要意义。

    It is of great importance for W to cope with the market competition and to achieve the status of the industry leader .

  16. 第三章介绍了使用平衡计分卡构建X航空公司战略性绩效管理体系的一系列步骤及方法及后续的维护工作。

    Chapter 3 introduces a series of steps and methods how to use The Balanced Scorecard to establish the system of strategic KPI management for a company .

  17. 最后,在设计出一套H高校图书馆绩效管理体系后,将其应用于实践中,并指出新建体系的优点。

    Finally , the new performance management system of H University Library is used in practice , and the virtue of the new performance management system is pointed out .

  18. 为了确保HD选矿有限公司绩效管理体系优化的顺利实施,应当做好实施前得宣传教育与培训工作。

    To ensure the successful execution of the optimization , pre-implementation education , publicity and training should be carried out .

  19. JB公司项目经理绩效管理体系再设计

    System Redesign of Project Mangers ' Performance Management in JB Company

  20. JF公司以KPI为基础的绩效管理体系设计

    Index System Design of Performance Appraisal in JF Company

  21. 成都热电厂SJ部绩效管理体系研究与设计

    P.M. System 's Research and Design of SJ Department in ChengDu Heat and Power Plant

  22. 本文希望建立科学、合理、具备导向功能和可操作性的知识型员工绩效管理体系,从而能对CS所绩效管理工作的推进产生积极作用。

    The author hopes to establish a scientific , rational , directional and operable performance management system for the knowledge-based staff to promote the performance management in CS Institute .

  23. 对于商业银行这一类特殊性质的企业来说,EVA绩效管理体系也已逐步成为我国商业银行绩效管理的核心,因此,采用EVA对其进行估值显得更为合理。

    For commercial banks , EVA is progressively becoming the core of its performance management system . Therefore , the use of EVA seems more reasonable for commercial banks .

  24. 第一章,F公司基本情况。介绍F公司的基本情况,对公司的年度方针目标管理进行调查分析,找出其中存在的问题,并提出F公司绩效管理体系设计的必要性。

    In the first part , the paper gives the performance management situation of the F Company , including the basic company situation , the year policy target management and the defaults of this management .

  25. 因此,本文选择AB银行本部员工绩效管理体系作为研究对象,通过了解现状,找寻存在的问题,剖析其中的原因。

    Therefore , we choose AB Bank headquarters staff performance management system as the research object , by understanding the situation , find the problems , analyze the reasons .

  26. 第四章:JZ供电公司绩效管理体系的改进。

    Chapter ⅳ states the improvement of the performance management system on the JZ Power Supply Branch .

  27. 对于我国商业银行来说,引进EVA的评估理念和技术,构建科学的内部绩效管理体系以应对银行业全面对外开放带来的挑战,具有重要的现实意义。

    For the commercial banks of China , EVA theory has an important significance in building internal scientific performance management system to deal with the banking industry comprehensive foreign opening challenge .

  28. 本人参加了WH公司人力资源管理项目组,并在导师的指导下完成了公司绩效管理体系的设计。

    Being an intern , I participated in the performance management design of WH Corporation under the guidance of my supervisor .

  29. 在此基础上,提出了DG公司绩效管理体系优化的方案,并对具体实施过程中需要注意的问题提出了对策。

    On this basis , DG presented the corporate performance management system to optimize the program , and specific implementation issues that need attention during the proposed countermeasures .

  30. 最后,以上述的理论与实际研究为基础,对F鞋材公司营销人员绩效管理体系现状做了相应的分析,提出了相应的改进方案。

    Finally , take the above theory and the actual research as the foundation , has made the corresponding analysis to the F shoes material company marketing personnel achievements management system present situation , proposed the corresponding improvement program .