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  1. 据复兴资本(RenaissanceCapital)统计,这是科技泡沫破灭以来的年度美股IPO募资规模的新高。

    This is the highest total since the tech bubble , according to Renaissance Capital .

  2. 另一只侧重于上述一部分选股方法的基金是DFA大盘美股投资组合(DFAUSLargeCapEquityPortfolio)。

    Another fund that focuses on some of the same stock-picking methods is the DFA US Large Cap Equity Portfolio .

  3. 沃伦•巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)上周宣布,正通过个人账户买入美股。

    Warren Buffett announced last week that he was buying US stocks on his personal account .

  4. 昨日,美股交易疯狂,在最后一小时重挫,投资者对通用汽车(GeneralMotors)、摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)和数家大型保险公司的担忧加剧。

    Shares plunged in a catastrophic final hour of frenzied US trading yesterday amid growing concerns about General Motors , Morgan Stanley and several big insurance companies .

  5. 有一只是AQR销售的“防守型美股基金”(U.S.DefensiveEquityFund),年费率0.51%,即投资1万美元要交51美元的费用。

    One is offered by AQR : the U.S. Defensive Equity Fund , with an annual 0.51 % expense ratio , or $ 51 for every $ 10000 invested .

  6. 周二美股盘后,制造业巨头美国铝业(Alcoa)将率先拉开一季报序幕。

    After markets close on Tuesday , manufacturing giant Alcoa will kick off a slew of earnings results for the first quarter .

  7. 今年十大美股IPO大多是公司成立仅10多年&除了科技公司,大多集中于医疗保健和金融服务行业。

    The majority of the 10 biggest public offerings this year have come from companies that have been around for more than a decade – besides technology , they have been concentrated in health care and financial services .

  8. 通用汽车与克莱斯勒有所上升的破产威胁,导致美股急剧下跌,遏制了本已促使人们讨论股市可能已经触底的反弹,而此次反弹曾经帮助提升了美国财长蒂姆盖特纳(TimGeithner)的政治地位。

    The increased threat of bankruptcy at GM and Chrysler contributed to a steep fall in US share prices , choking off a rally that had prompted talk that the stock market might be bottoming out and which had helped lift the political fortunes of Tim Geithner , Treasury secretary .

  9. 制造业与服务业数据稳健亦刺激美股造好。

    Robust manufacturing and service sector data also boosted Wall Street .

  10. 当前美股的周期市盈率为24倍。

    US stocks now sell for 24 times their cyclical earnings .

  11. 整体来说,我们对美股的前景维持审慎。

    On balance , we remain cautious about the prospects for US equities .

  12. 除了那些规模较小的上市公司以外,现在美股市场上,大多数公司的年报都已经可以看到。

    Most companies ' reports are available now except for the smallest public firms .

  13. 最近没有关注美股的走势?

    Not paying attention to U.S. stocks recently ?

  14. 纳斯达克股票在美股早盘时下跌了0.22%,至26.85美元。

    Nasdaq stock fell 0.22 per cent to $ 26.85 in morning trading in the US .

  15. 一旦息口呈现见顶迹象,将会极有利于美股。

    Any sign that interest rates have peaked will likely be very positive for US equities .

  16. 当然,受经济滑坡担忧的拖累,美股此前跌了近60%。

    Of course , it had previously fallen nearly 60 % on fears of a slump .

  17. 美股后市将视乎美国经济能否达致软着陆和避过衰退。

    The outlook for Wall Street is dependent on the economy achieving a soft landing and avoiding recession .

  18. 这些交易平台大多由投资银行运营,交易量占美股交易量的12%左右。

    These trading platforms , run mostly by investment banks , trade around 12 % of US equities volume .

  19. 美股在周三冲高后回落,丢失了部分涨幅,而黄金和石油价格双双上涨。

    The markets gave back some of their gains today , as both gold and oil saw spike in price .

  20. 本月迄今,美股已下跌约10%;欧洲部分股指的跌幅更是接近20%。

    US stocks have dropped by about one-tenth , month to date . Some European indices are down by almost double that .

  21. 科技股也由高点回撤,市场风险偏好下降,美股涨幅收窄。

    The science and technology stocks falls from the high , And the market risk preference decreased , the amount of increase shrinks .

  22. 自那以来,希尔顿已从低谷反弹,酒店行业持续复苏,投资者希望能在美股大幅上涨的情况下套现。

    Hilton has since bounced back , as the hotel industry continues to recover and investors look to cash in as stock prices soar .

  23. 尽管经济数据普遍表现疲弱,但欧洲股市在5月份自基数较低的水平上扬,表现较美股优秀。

    European markets performed even better than those in the US over may , rallying from a lower base despite generally poor economic data .

  24. 一名纽约证券交易所的交易者形容周四美股下跌是灾难性的。

    Disastrous was the way one trader on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange described the drop in US shares on Thursday .

  25. 危机期间日经指数取代恒生指数而成为美股向亚洲市场的直接价格传导者;

    Taking the place of HSI , N255 becomes the direct fluctuation transmitter from the American market to the Asian markets during the crisis .

  26. 但斯托瓦尔指出,对于美股的九月厄运,由于很难找到合理的解释,投资者也不应大举做空股票。

    But with rational explanations hard to come by , investors should stop short of making big moves out of equities , Mr. Stovall says .

  27. 上半年经济增长较预期强劲,可继续为今年内的企业盈利增长提供支持。因此,一旦联储局表示利率周期确实见顶,美股应可进一步大幅上扬。

    Therefore , once the Federal Reserve has indicated that the interest-rate cycle has definitely peaked , Wall Street is likely to see a further strong rally .

  28. 研究看美股对我国物流个股在金融危机前,金融危机后,和全期间的影响。

    Studies look at the logistics stocks were among the stocks on the mainland before the crisis , the financial crisis , and the whole period studied .

  29. 危机期间日元套利资本在美日之间的大规模流动加剧了美股波动,同时一定程度上减弱了日股波动;

    The large flow of Japanese hot cashes is aggravating the fluctuation in the American stock market and alleviating the Japanese stock market fluctuation during the financial tsunami .

  30. 更简单的投资策略就是,将你的投资更多地投入到全球性投资组合(包括美股和海外股票)当中,并且按季度或年度重新调整这种投资组合。

    A simpler strategy is to hold more of your investments in a global portfolio of U.S. and overseas stocks and to rebalance it every quarter or every year .