
  • 网络Joint Production;co-production;co-production agreement
  1. 煤基多产品联合生产系统集成众多高新洁净先进成熟的煤炭气化、发电和化工生产工艺于一体,不仅能大幅减少系统的投资和运行费用,而且能进一步提同系统的热效率。

    This co-production system is the combination of advanced coal gasification , power generation and chemical production technologies that are clean and mature in nature . Co-production system not only minimizes the investment and operating cost needed , but also improves the overall thermal efficiency of the entire production system .

  2. 煤基洁净高效多产品联合生产系统

    Clean , highly efficient coal based multi product co-production system

  3. 浅谈钢铁冶炼的短流程与CSP联合生产技术

    Discuss about the short process of iron and steel melting and CSP united production technique

  4. 1月24日,宝马(BMW)与丰田(Toyota)宣布,至2020年,两家公司将联合生产一款氢燃料电池汽车。

    On January 24 , BMW and Toyota ( TM ) announced that they would collaborate to release a hydrogen fuel cell-powered car by 2020 .

  5. 以料浆法与传统法联合生产磷酸一铵(MAP)、磷酸二铵(DAP),既可解决现有引进的大型生产装置存在的一些问题,又能改善其运行状况,提高生产能力。

    Joint production of MAP and DAP by the slurry and conventional processes will not only solve the problems in the large production units introduced from abroad but also improve the operation and raise the production capacity .

  6. 到目前为止,巴基斯坦一直是中国出口武器的最大客户。在对南瓦济里斯坦(SouthWaziristan)伊斯兰武装分子的打击中,巴方使用了无人机和中巴联合生产的JF-17战斗机(中国称为枭龙,代号FC-1——译者注)。

    Until now , China 's largest arms client has been Pakistan , which has used drones and a jointly produced fighter aircraft , the J-17 , against Islamist militants in South Waziristan .

  7. 过去10年来,中国和巴基斯坦一直在合作研制雷电战斗机(JF-17,中国称为枭龙,代号FC-1),这是两国第一种联合生产的先进战机。

    Over the past decade , China and Pakistan have collaborated on building their first jointly produced advanced fighter jet , known as the JF-17 , or Thunder .

  8. 现代冷轧带钢生产技术飞速发展,工艺与设备不断更新,新式除鳞设备、轧机、退火设备、多种联合生产线的出现及AGC计算机系统的采用,都极大地提高了冷轧带钢的质量。

    With the rapid development of morden cold rolling strip prodution and renewal of technology and equipment , the quality of cold rolled strip are improved abruptly by use of new descaler , rolling mill , annealing equipment , sorts of combined production line as well as AGC computer system .

  9. 谷歌之前已经开始与多家硬件商联合生产Chromebook,现在,它开始认真测试技术用户是否完全能在云端实现数字生活这个想法。

    With its line of Chromebooks made by various hardware partners , Google ( GOOG ) began testing in earnest the idea that tech users could live their digital lives almost entirely in the cloud .

  10. 介绍了低温铜基NC306型甲醇合成催化剂在天然气与水煤气联合生产甲醇装置上的应用情况,总结了使用过程中的注意事项;

    The application status of low temperature Cu base NC306 type catalyst for synthetic methanol in allied production equipment using natural gas and water gas as feed gas was introduced .

  11. 热电冷联合生产的热经济性分析

    A Thermal Economical Analysis of the Heating Electric-cooling Tri-generation Power Set

  12. 热带酸洗和镀锌联合生产线的趋势与发展

    Trends and developments for combined pickling and hot strip galvanizing lines

  13. 不同产权安排下联合生产决策的比较研究

    The Comparison of Combined Production Policies with Different Property Rights Settlements

  14. 森林联合生产的经济分析及模型

    The Economic Analyzing and Model of Joint Production of Forest

  15. 熔融还原炼铁与清洁能源化工联合生产工艺

    Combined Technology of Smelting Reduction Iron-Making and Clean Fuel Manufacture

  16. 设计了该联合生产方式的原则性热力系统图。

    The principal thermodynamic system diagram of thermoeleric generating set is designed .

  17. 不同纯度微细氧化铝粉联合生产的绿色新工艺

    A new combined process for production of fine alumina powders

  18. 氯化苄和苯甲醛联合生产装置的技术经济分析

    Techno-economic Analysis of Joint Production of Benzyl Chloride and Benzaldehyde

  19. 动态联合生产型投入产出模型及其在矿物工程中的应用

    The Dynamic United Production Input-Output Model and Its Application in Mineral Engineering

  20. 苹果白酒与苹果醋联合生产工艺的研究

    Research on the technology of apple liquor and apple vinegar joint production

  21. 本文就熔融还原炼铁与清洁能源的联合生产工艺方法和特点进行了探讨。

    Method and characteristics of the combined technology are discussed in this paper .

  22. 单供货商多销售商联合生产库存模型

    Production inventory models for a one-vendor multi-buyer integrated system

  23. 光电检测技术在邮袋联合生产线中的应用

    The Application of Photoelectric Detection Technology to the United Production Line for Postbag

  24. 试剂溴化钾与工业溴化钾联合生产工艺

    Combined technology for producing reagent and industrial grades KBr

  25. 联合生产存储问题的模拟退火算法

    Simulated Annealing Algorithm of the Joint Production Inventory Problem

  26. 时变需求下供货商与销售商联合生产库存模型

    The vendor-buyer integrated production-inventory model with time varying demand

  27. 联合生产盐酸、氯化钙及硫酸铵的实验

    Test of United Production of Calcium Chloride 、 Ammonium Sulfate and Hydrochloric Acid

  28. 小型钢铁联合生产线

    A midget integral iron and steel production line

  29. 三联产是热、电、冷联合生产的一种能源综合利用方式。

    Trigeneration is an energy-utilizing model of combined cold , heat and power production .

  30. 卷烟厂联合生产工房火灾自动报警系统设计

    Fire alarming system design in tobacco factory