
  • 网络the Federal Reserve System;the Fed
  1. 她的学术研究为她赢得了联邦储备体系理事会和欧洲中央银行的认可。

    Her research has earned her recognition from both the Federal Reserve System 's Board of Governors and the European Central Bank .

  2. 财政部越俎代庖只能加剧货币银行体系的动荡,改革这一弊端成了联邦储备体系产生的重要致因之一浅论金融英语文本词汇的英汉理解与翻译&以翻译美联储2005年货币政策报告为例

    English-Chinese Understanding and Translation of Specific Words in Written Financial English Text & A Case Study of Translating Monetary Policy Report to the Congress by Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

  3. 美国没有忘记此次教训:在数年后的1913年,美国建立了联邦储备体系(federalreservesystem),结束了美国80年来没有正式的最后贷款人的历史。

    The lesson was not lost : a few years later , in 1913 , the Federal Reserve System opened for business , ending 80 years in which the US had done without an official lender of last resort .

  4. 为了稳定金融市场,联邦储备体系两个星期前降低向银行借钱的利率。

    In ( a even to coming finicial ) an effort to calm financial markets , the federal reserve , 2 weeks ago , cut the rate it charges banks to borrowed money .

  5. 第二次新政时期,则主要包含重构联邦储备体系的《1935年银行法》,改革税务制度的《1935年税收法》等一系列法案和行政措施。

    In the second New Deal period , consists mainly of the Banking Act of 1935 which reconstructed the Federal Reserve System , 1935 Tax Law which reform the tax system , and a series of bills and administrative measures .