
  • 网络manchesterism;free trade doctrine
  1. 麦凯恩是一个标志明显的自由贸易主义者

    Mr McCain is a commendably committed free-trader .

  2. 美国第26任总统西奥多罗斯福(TheodoreRoosevelt)曾说过:感谢上帝,我不是自由贸易主义者。

    Theodore Roosevelt , 26th president , said : Thank God I am not a free trader .

  3. 因此,全球各地的自由贸易主义者都不能丧失警惕。

    Free traders everywhere cannot drop their guard .

  4. 自由贸易主义者应该告诉奥巴马:采纳美国国际贸易委员会的建议,才能通过这场测试。

    Free-traders should be telling Mr Obama to pass the test by accepting the ITC recommendations .

  5. 随着美韩贸易协定的缔结,自由贸易主义者在2011年可能可以为之欢呼。

    Free-traders could get something to cheer in 2011 , with the passage of a US-South Korean trade agreement .

  6. 所以,倾销不仅是一种不正当的竞争行为,而且是一种滥用自由贸易主义的行为。

    Thus , dumping is not only an undue competition , but also an abuse of the free trade .

  7. 绿色贸易壁垒兴起的背景是环境保护主义、贸易保护主义与自由贸易主义的对峙。

    The background of Green Trade Barriers ' spread is the conflict between environmentalism , trade protectionism and trade liberalism .

  8. 自由贸易主义者总是认为市场的全球化程度越高,赢家所获得的嘉奖就越大。

    Free-traders have always accepted that the more global a market , the greater the rewards will be for the winners .

  9. 单方面默许另一方的挑衅性举措(传统单边自由贸易主义者的回应)必输无疑。

    Unilateral acquiescence to the aggressive initiatives of another player ( the orthodox unilateral free-trade response ) is a sure way to lose .

  10. 经过多哈会议的失望之后,自由贸易主义者通过达成多边和区域贸易协议来聊表安慰。比如在新加坡达成的区域贸易协议。

    After the Geneva disappointment , some free traders find consolation in the success of bilateral and regional deals , such as those agreed on in Singapore .

  11. 要说2006年的中期选举迎来了一个新的保护主义共识,这样的说法可能有点过头,但自由贸易主义确实已经不再主导国会山。

    It would be going too far to say that the 2006 election ushers in a new protectionist consensus . But free trade has definitely left the building .

  12. 传统的单边自由贸易主义者辩称,即便美国轮胎业的工人丢掉了工作,消费价格下降也将给美国经济带来净利益。

    Orthodox unilateral free-traders argue that , even if the US tyre workers lose their jobs , the US economy will enjoy a net benefit from lower consumer prices .

  13. 经济高速增长时期,日本面临国际经济大发展、自由贸易主义盛行的宽松环境,拥有良好的国民素质、高储蓄率和工业发展的背景。

    During the high speed economical growth , Japan confronted the opportunity background of the international rapid economical development , the free trade principle in vogue , the good national quality , the high saving ratio and the industrial basis .

  14. 对“自由贸易保守主义者”来说,两者的差别比较细微,不过希拉里仍会胜出。

    For " free-trade conservatives " the contrast is more nuanced but Mrs Clinton still wins .

  15. 该党在自由贸易和保护主义之间摇摆不定。

    The party wavered between free trade and protectionism .

  16. 农业:自由贸易与保护主义之争

    Agriculture : Liberalization or Protection

  17. 自由贸易与贸易保护主义&公平与效率问题

    Free trade and protectionism & fairness and efficiency problem

  18. 贸易自由化与贸易保护主义抬头

    Trade Liberalization and the Rising Trade Protectionism

  19. 任何一个国家在国际贸易中都面临着保持贸易自由与实行贸易保护主义的两难选择。

    Any one country is faced with the dilemma between free trade and protectionism in the international trade .

  20. 目前,全球经济仍笼罩在金融危机的阴影下,且历次危机都伴随着贸易保护主义的复苏,自由贸易再次面临保护主义的挑战,全球反倾销形势依然严峻。

    World economy still mired in the finance crisis at this moment , and expectedly trade liberalization is facing challenge from trade protection again . The situation of world antidumping is still tough .

  21. 管理贸易是战后贸易自由化与贸易保护主义协调下出现的一种新型贸易制度,它是目前西方发达国家基本的对外贸易制度。

    Managerial trade is a kind of new trade institution based on the coordination of trade liberalization and protectionism after World War ⅱ . It has now become the main trade institution in current western countries .

  22. 随着事实真相在媒体上逐渐明朗,许多贸易经济学家纷纷质疑保护主义者对事实的自私扭曲,人们重新看到了强健的自由贸易共识,保护主义者的鼓噪销声匿迹。

    As the truth of the matter became manifest in the media , with many trade economists challenging the self-serving distortions by protectionists , the free trade consensus was again seen to be robust and the protectionist buzz died down .

  23. 中德作为负责任的大国,旗帜鲜明地支持自由贸易,反对保护主义,加强国际合作,有利于维护双方共同利益,有利于维护世界和平、稳定与发展。

    China and Germany , as two major responsible countries , should unequivocally support free trade , oppose protectionism and step up international cooperation , as this is conducive to our common interests as well as world peace , stability and development .

  24. 自由市场和自由贸易可以做到保护主义做不了的事情。

    Free Markets and Free Exchange have been able to do what no amount of protection ism has be able to do .