
  • 网络subsistence economies;Self-sufficiency Economy;Autarky;autarkic economy
  1. 分析中运用Bagwell和Staiger(1999)模型,从自给自足经济、贸易、引入心理外部性的贸易层层递进。

    And from the aspect of psychological externality , using the model of Bagwell and Staiger ( 1999 ), mis paper do a analysis on the relations of labor standards and international trade .

  2. 也许这是他们成为自给自足经济和掌控他们本人生活的一种信心。

    Perhaps it is a belief in becoming economically self-sufficient , and in taking control of their own lives .

  3. 首先,我们确定了发展生产是经济建设的基础,也是打破敌人封锁、建设自给自足经济的基础,而发展农业和手工业,则是生产的重心。

    First of all , we have come to the conclusion that expanded production provides the foundation for developing our economy and also for breaking the enemy 's blockade and building a self-sufficient economy , with agriculture and the handicraft industry as the main production activities .

  4. 各国农业现代化过程中,都面临着农业适度规模经营问题,对于我国农业来说,正处在由自给自足经济向商品经济转化,由传统生产方式向现代生产方式转换的阶段。

    In the process of agricultural modernization , all the countries face the problem of appropriate scale of agricultural operation . To our country , agriculture is in the stage of transforming from self-sufficient economy to commodity economy , from traditional mode of production to modern mode of production .

  5. 自给自足的经济体系

    A closed economic system

  6. 在长期的农业社会里,在自给自足的经济格局中,稻作文化曾对壮族的发展产生了极大的促进作用。

    During agricultural society where the model of self-sufficiency continuously predominated Chinese economic model , rice culture boosted the development of the Zhuang people .

  7. 如果发生在封闭或自给自足的经济体,奥地利和德国银行的倒闭本不会把世界从衰退拖入萧条。

    Austrian and German bank collapses would not have knocked the world from recession into depression if they had been isolated or self-contained economies .

  8. 三者的同构性在于:它们都受自给自足小农经济基础上产生的祖权的制约&都必须遵守群体利益至上的祖宗成法。

    The three were all restricted by the ancestor power based on the self-sufficient farmer economy , that is to say , they had to obey the c.

  9. 中国从一个严重贫穷落后、自给自足的经济体到“世界工厂”只用了二十几年的时间。

    China 's journey from a seriously poor , autarkic , economy to the " shop floor of the world ," took a bit more than two decades .

  10. 而手工业的发展,正可以推动农业的生产,正可以抵制敌货的大量倾销,实现自给自足的经济。

    Development of this industry , in turn , can propel agricultural production and allow us to boycott the enemy 's dumping of goods , bringing about a self-sufficient economy .

  11. 摘要17世纪,中国东南沿海率先展开了由传统自给自足自然经济向以海洋经济为导向的商品经济过渡的结构性转型。

    In the17th century , the Chinese southeast coastal region took the lead in a structural transformation for transitioning into commodity economy from a traditional self-sufficient natural economy to the one with overseas-orientation .

  12. 此外,国家应该是一个自给自足的经济单位,国外贸易应被减少到绝对最小,必要时,应通过政府自己继续实施。

    Moreover , the state should be a self-contained economic unit , foreign trade should be reduced to an absolute minimum , and when essential it should be carried on through the government itself .

  13. 二是,随着商品货币关系的发展和俄国资本主义因素的增长,欧俄农民经济一改以往相对与世隔绝、自给自足的经济状态,加强了与市场的联系。

    Secondly , along with the development of the commodity money relationship and the growth of Russia capitalism , the peasant economy of European Russia changed from closed to open . They strengthened contacting with the market .

  14. 全国范围的港口贸易为传统商业模式和市场流通结构注入了新鲜血液,震动了延续几千年的自给自足小农经济模式,将广阔的内地市场和世界各国沟通起来。

    Nationwide port trade market for the traditional business model and injected fresh blood circulation structure , vibration of the continuation of small-scale peasant mode of self-sufficiency for thousands of years , the vast Mainland market and the world to communicate together .

  15. 但总体来说,明清青海经济发展仍然是建立在自给自足自然经济还相当牢固的基础上的商品经济,在这种经济条件下,它的市场发育往往表现出空间的不完善与区域发展不平衡性。

    But on the whole , the economic development of the Ming and Qing Dynasties in Qinghai was still built on the natural economy . Self-sufficiency was still very firm . In this economy , the market development often shows imperfect in space and the imbalance development .

  16. 自给自足的自然经济占主要地位。

    A self-sufficient natural economy predominated .

  17. 集市中充斥的大量洋货,不仅逐步瓦解了自给自足的小农经济,而且促进了人们思想观念上的日益开化。

    Foreign goods in the market gradually disrupted self-sufficiency of small-scale peasant economy and promoted people more public-minded .

  18. 传统意义上自给自足的小农经济在生产管理、经营方式上被日益发展的大地产所取代。

    From the management and the manner of running , the traditional self-sufficient economy was increasingly replaced by the developing latifundium .

  19. 海阳秧歌是在自给自足的小农经济基础上产生并形成的,其形式中既有古风,又吸收了外省区的表演形式。

    Based on the self-sufficient peasant economy , it produced and formed and of course its form integrates the performances of other provinces .

  20. 我国传统政治文化,是与自给自足的小农经济相适应的,已经不适于建设社会主义政治文明的要求。

    The traditional political culture of China is fit for the economy of self-sufficiency in feudal society , unfit for the socialist political civilization .

  21. 商品经济逐渐兴起,自给自足的自然经济迅速瓦解。这种状况导致社会关系相应地发生了巨大变迁。

    The commodity economy grew gradually , while the natural economy collapsed . The economical changes resulted in the corresponsive movement in social relationship .

  22. 工矿业的开发使西北社会发生了深刻的变化,主要体现在自给自足的自然经济开始瓦解,传统的政治结构开始动摇,人们的思想观念开始发生变化。

    These changes are characterized by the decadence of natural economy , the debasement of traditional political structure and the refreshment of peoples ' ideas .

  23. 五是农村体制机制方面,实现了农村经济制度由自给自足的小农经济向社会主义市场经济的历史性跨越。

    Fifth , regarding rural systems and mechanisms , we have realized the historical leap from a self-sufficient smallholder economy to a socialist market economy .

  24. 中世纪西欧农奴制是西欧封建社会的一种经济形态,与自给自足的庄园经济相适应。

    The Western European serfdom is one kind of economic forms in Western European feudal society , and it was suitable for the self-sufficient manorial economy .

  25. 那里存在一种自给自足的自然经济。这是一种在自然界普遍存在的微生物,甚至在土壤和水源中都可以存在。

    There a self-sufficient natural economy prevailed . This is a ubiquitous germ that lives in nature and can be found in the soil or water .

  26. 目前,卢旺达已成为非洲局势最稳定的国家之一,同时制定了一系列规划,旨在2020年之前实现从自给自足型农业经济向知识型经济转变。

    It 's now one of the most stable countries in Africa , with plans to transform itself from a subsistence agricultural economy to a knowledge-based economy by2020 .

  27. 进入近代以后,在西方资本主义侵略的影响下,潍县的农村经济开始发生变化,农副产品商品化程度有所提高,但在二十世纪之前潍县的农村经济仍然以自给自足的自然经济为主。

    Since entering the modern era , the rural economy of Wei County began to change under the impact of modern western capitalist aggression , the commercialization of agricultural products has increased .

  28. 第二次布匿战争之后,罗马传统上自给自足的小农经济在生产管理、经营方式上逐渐被日益发展的大地产取代,奴隶成为社会生产的主要劳动力,商品经济也得到了发展。

    After the Second Punic War , Roman traditional self-sufficiency production was replaced by Latifundium in the management and administerial mode . Slaves become the main workers and commercial economy began to develop .

  29. 中国传统社会的人际关系建立在自给自足的自然经济基础上,以儒家伦理为内涵,具有道德性、等级性和仪式化的特点。

    The traditional interpersonal relationship of China is based on self-supporting and self-sufficient economy and the Confucian ethics is its major intension meaning , which has some characteristics of the morality , the estate and the ceremony .

  30. 然而,我国农村经济的发展水平仍较低,尤其是中西部地区的农村,仍停留在自给自足的小农经济发展的模式上。

    However , our development level in rural economy , especially in the central and west areas is still low . It still stays in the economical development model as we called small-scale peasant economy of self-sufficiency .