
xíng zǒu
  • walk;run;step;cover;treads;go on foot;Xingzou,official post
行走 [xíng zǒu]
  • [walk;go on foot] 行路;走动

  • [Xingzou,official post] 清代把不设专官的机构或非专任的官职称为行走(如章京上行走,军机处上行走),北洋军阀统治时期,把额外派遣的官职称为行走,不属正式编制

行走[xíng zǒu]
  1. 夜间独自一人在大街上行走安全吗?

    Is it safe to walk the streets alone at night ?

  2. 她多处受伤,今后能否行走还很难说。

    With her injuries it 's doubtful that she 'll ever walk again .

  3. 她倚靠着她儿子的手臂缓慢行走。

    She walked slowly , leaning on her son 's arm .

  4. 她小心翼翼地在高低不平的地面上行走。

    She picked her way delicately over the rough ground .

  5. 她行走时衣裙拖在地上。

    Her dress swept the ground as she walked .

  6. 靠马路的右边行走。

    Keep on the right side of the road .

  7. 他们绕着湖边行走。

    They walked around the lake .

  8. 他现在能独自行走了。

    He can now walk unaided .

  9. 他们不能肯定他经过那场事故后还能行走。

    They could not say with confidence that he would be able to walk again after the accident .

  10. 快步行走常常会使人感到身心舒畅。

    Taking a brisk walk can often induce a feeling of well-being

  11. 他们穿上外套,拖着沉重的步子行走在飞雪中。

    They put on their coats and tramped through the falling snow

  12. 他已经可以正常行走了,而且正在进行康复练习。

    He is already walking normally and doing remedial exercises .

  13. 他摇摇晃晃地行走在停车场凹凸不平的地面上。

    He staggered on the uneven surface of the car park

  14. 负重行走时肩膀很容易受伤。

    Walking with weights makes the shoulders very susceptible to injury

  15. 她行走到莫纳卡拉的一个居民区附近时遭人攻击。

    The attacker struck as she was walking near a housing estate at Monacurra

  16. 不管年轻人还是老人,每天快步行走仍是最好的锻炼方式。

    Brisk daily walks are still the best exercise for young and old alike

  17. “奋进”号的两名宇航员将穿上太空服进行太空行走。

    Two members of Endeavour 's crew will suit up for a space walk

  18. 其他时候,他会强迫她在完全无人帮助的情况下自己行走。

    At other times , he 'd force her to walk totally unassisted .

  19. 这孩子无法正常说话、行走,大小便失禁。

    The child was not able to speak , walk properly or control bodily functions .

  20. 骆驼的蹄子虽然非常适合于在干沙上行走,碰到泥泞时却无计可施。

    The camel 's feet , well adapted for dry sand , are useless on mud .

  21. 白天的时候,妇女可以安全地在街上行走,而到了夜晚人行道上会变得很危险。

    By day a woman could safely walk the streets , but at night the pavements became dangerous

  22. 那个腿部被截肢的女人可以装假肢并学着用它来行走。

    The woman whose leg had been amputated could get a prosthesis and learn to walk on it .

  23. 多项调查一致显示,男性认为天黑后在大街上行走是安全的。比如,参见欣德朗和加罗法洛(1978)。

    Surveys consistently find that men report feeling safe on the street after dark . See , for example , Hindelang and Garofalo ( 1978 )

  24. 我们沿着小路行走,欣赏着自然风光。

    We walked along the path , enjoying the natural scenery .

  25. 一个穿深色短风雨衣的人在雨中行走。

    A man in a dark anorak was walking in the rain .

  26. 猎人们拖着沉重的步子行走在飞雪中。

    The hunters tramped through the falling snow .

  27. 我的拐杖帮助我行走。

    My cane helps me walk .

  28. 在深深的雪地里行走花了我很长时间。

    It took me so long to walk through the deep snow .

  29. 他们三三两两地并肩行走。

    They walked two or three abreast .

  30. 它们走向北西,雁行斜列,左行走滑。

    They are all northwest strikes , echelons and left-lateral strike-slips .