
  1. 载运工具运用工程课程教学改革

    Teaching Innovation of the Course of Mean of Transport Applied Engineering

  2. 载运工具(汽车)状态远程实时监测与故障诊断

    Remote Real-time Monitoring and Failure Diagnosis of Vehicle Condition

  3. 铁路是我国交通运输的重要基础设施,而列车是铁路运输的具体载运工具。

    Railway is the important infrastructure of transportation , and the train is the specific carrying vehicle of rail transport .

  4. 三维地形实时可视化近年来一直受到普遍关注,是载运工具运行仿真中不可缺少的因素。

    Real-time rendering of3D terrain that is essential factor in operation emulation of vehicle has being interesting in recent years .

  5. 电力机车作为载运工具,其运行状态直接影响到列车的安全性和舒适性。

    The locomotive being a means of conveyance , its running state affects directly the security and comfort of the train .

  6. 在载运工具运用工程研究领域,振动所带来的危害一直是困扰人们的一大难题。

    In the research domain of vehicle operation engineering , the harm of vibration is a great problem to people all along .

  7. “倾倒”不包括船舶、航空器及其他载运工具和设施正常操作产生的废弃物的排放。

    " Dumping " does not include the drainage from the vessels , aircraft , and other means of transportation and equipment working under normal conditions .

  8. 港口是综合运输枢纽,是船舶与其他载运工具的衔接点,还是物流的节点和贸易的门户。

    They are the terminals of multi-transport , the connecting points between ships and other transport vessels . They are nodes of modern logistics and doors to trade .

  9. 安全始终是运输业永恒的主题,作为承担运输业务的载运工具&船舶在极其恶劣的环境中工作,它的安全性就显得尤为重要。

    Safety is all the time the eternal theme of the transportation service . As a tool for undertaking the transporting business , Ship works under the extremely abominable environment .

  10. 本实用新型涉及一种储存车辆刹车的能量并释放利用的发条回能装置,属于载运工具技术领域。

    The utility model relates to a spring resilience device for storing the braking energy and releasing the energy for utilization , pertaining to the technical field of carrying tool .

  11. 任何单位和船舶、航空器、平台及其他载运工具,未依法经主管部门批准,不得向海洋倾倒废弃物。

    No entities , ships , aircraft , platforms or other vehicles shall be allowed to dump wastes at sea without the approval of the Competent Authority in accordance with law .

  12. 并以载运工具运用效率为着眼点,从整个交通运输行业的角度,对各统计指标进行比较分析、概括抽象,建立了运输业载运工具运用效率统一的指标体系。

    From the angle of the whole transport industry , focusing on vehicles operation efficiency , this thesis established the unified index system for operation efficiency of transport industry by comparing and generalizing each statistical index .

  13. 轻轨车辆具有容量大、噪声低、乘坐舒适、无环境污染、节约能源、比较经济等特点,它作为载运工具在轻轨交通中起着关键的作用。

    Light rail vehicles have the characteristic of great capacity , low-noise , comfortable ride , no environment pollution , energy saving , economy etc. As carrying tools , light rail vehicles are vital to light rail traffic .

  14. 将载运工具运用效率的质量指标分为三类,即:载运工具装载能力利用程度指标,载运工具周转时间指标,载运工具运用效率综合考核指标。其次,提出累加动态对比分析法。

    The quality index can be classified into three categories : vehicles load capacity utilization indicator , vehicles turnover time indicator and vehicle operation efficiency composite indicator . Secondly , this thesis has proposed the accumulated dynamic contrast analysis .

  15. 搅拌摩擦焊具有接头质量好,应力变形小,疲劳强度高等优点,在航空、航天、船舶、车辆等载运工具制造技术领域已得到实际应用。

    Friction stir welding has many advantages such as good joint quality , low residual stress and distortion , and high fatigue strength , so it has been used in the manufacturing of aeronautics , astronautics , shipbuilding and vehicle .

  16. 综合交通运输系统是由不同运输方式的运输网络设备、载运工具、客货流和组织管理等四个方面构成的复杂动态系统,是支持整个社会经济大系统正常运转的基础设施系统。

    Comprehensive transportation system is a complex dynamic system which consists of next four parts : transportation network equipments , conveyances , passenger and freight traffic flow , organizer administer of various transportation mode . It is the basic establishment system which sustains the whole society economy system .

  17. 城市轨道客车是城市中比较先进的载运交通工具,在我国的一些大城市,如北京、上海、大连等都修建了地铁或轻轨,用来运输大量的乘客。

    Metro is a more advanced carrying transport supplicant . For these advantages , in some big cities in China , such as Beijing , Shanghai , Dalian and some other cities have built a subway or light railroad to transport large numbers of passengers .

  18. 许多报关员还帮助客户选择载运方式和运输工具,这就需要他们对大量的各类信息进行分析。

    Many brokers help clients choose modes of transportation and appropriate carriers , which require analyses of a vast body of data .