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jìn shēn
  • depth or length of a house, yard or room
进深 [jìn shēn]
  • [depth] 院子或建筑物的深度

  • 舞台进深二十多米

  1. 请问这个房子的进深和开间各是多少米?

    Can you tell me the depth and breadth of this house ?

  2. 对用一台CCD摄像机所摄得的微小气泡水图像要识别摄影进深方向的气泡,必须利用图像的像素灰度这一特征。

    In the micro-bubble images taken by only one CCD camera , the pixel gray-scale must be used to distinguish bubbles in depth of field .

  3. 树脂结合剂CBN砂轮缓进深磨钛合金&CBN砂轮在缓磨中的应用

    Creep Feed Grinding of Titanium Alloy with Resinoid Bonded CBN Wheel & The Application of CBN Wheel in Creep Feed Grinding

  4. 拱顶沉降在施工掌子面进展到9m之后其沉降值达到最大值,故控制6m的施工进深然后做拱部全断面的二次衬砌是十分必要的。

    The vault sedimentation maximizes behind tunnel heading reaching 9m , So 6m construction throat is necessary .

  5. 首都机场306×90m飞机库屋盖设计和施工北京首都机场A380机库跨度176m+176m,进深110m,建成后将是世界上规模最大的机库之一,抗风设计是其结构设计一项重要内容。

    Design and Construction of the 306 × 90m Hangar Roof of Capital Airport A380 hanger at Beijing Capital Airport , with ( 176 + 176 ) meters in span and 110 meters in width , will be one of the largest hangers in the world after completion .

  6. 缓进深磨的温度特征与烧伤机理

    The Workpiece Temperature Characteristics and Burn Mechanism in Creep Feed Grinding

  7. 房间进深有无特殊要求?

    Are there any special requirements on the depth of rooms ?

  8. 关于采光窗口采光效率和房屋进深问题的探讨

    Exploration on Day Lighting Efficiency of Window and Room Depth

  9. 商品住宅的进深、面宽、开间与容积率

    Depth , width , span and floor area ratio of commodity houses

  10. 衣橱高2米,宽1米,进深60厘米。

    The wardrobe is2m high , 1m wide and60cm deep .

  11. 基地面对大海,进深很大。

    The site faces the sea and has deep depth .

  12. 大进深建筑中的建筑腔体生态设计策略研究

    The Ecological Strategy of Architectural Chamber Design in Deep - plan Buildings

  13. 依据采光标准确定住宅合理进深

    Determine reasonable depth of house based upon lighting standards

  14. 缓进深磨烧伤时过程参量变化特征

    Variance Characteristics of Process Parameters during , before and after Creep Feed Grinding Burn

  15. 地基进深100英尺。

    The lot is 100 feet deep .

  16. GB16726-1997钢筋混凝土开间梁、进深梁

    Reinforced concrete horizontal beam and longitudinal beam

  17. 面向不同气候条件下低耗能、高效、大进深公共建筑的设计策略类型学

    A typology of design strategies for low-energy , efficient , deep-plan public buildings in various climates

  18. 利用遮蔽的室外生活区,比如走廊和进深比较大的阳台,带来荫凉并且冷却进入室内空气。

    Use covered outdoor living areas such as verandahs and deep balconies to shade and cool incoming air .

  19. 又通过有限元分析,得出了梁端垫块上的有效支承长度计算值与试验值的对比,并验算常用进深的有效支承长度,分析得出其简化计算公式。

    According to calculating the effective supporting length of common depth beam , a simplified counting formula was put forward .

  20. 建筑设计为矩形教学楼,以柱子定轴线,教室开间进深6.60m,办公室4.20m。

    Architecture design for rectangular building , set axis , the classroom to post office m , 6.60 deep bay4.20 m.

  21. 随后钓索开始往外溜了,老人跪下了,老大不愿地让它又渐渐回进深暗的水中。

    Then it started out and the old man knelt down and let it go grudgingly back into the dark water .

  22. 由于阳台设计中遮阳与得热的矛盾,应该规范阳台进深尺寸。

    Due to the contradiction of sun protection and heat gaining of the balcony designing , the balcony extension shall be specified .

  23. 飘窗位置移动至外墙结构外皮,在保证挑出深度的前提下,减小窗台的进深,避免开关窗户时爬上爬下,带来意外的危险。

    Design to avoid the need to climb up and down to open window , in order to reduce the possibility of accidents .

  24. 本文从商品住宅的进深、面宽、开间等方面着手,通过数学模型来探讨商品住宅的住宅容积率与居住品质问题。

    Through analysis on depth , width and span the author discusses floor area ratio and living quality by means of mathematical model .

  25. 岩石动弹性模量与弹性波速随水平进深的变化数据表明,动弹性模量对岩体质量的变化反应比弹性波速更灵敏。

    The relationships of dynamic elastic module , sonic wave velocity and horizontal depth , indicate that dynamic elastic module is more sensitive than sonic wave velocity .

  26. 本文从采光与照明的角度论述了智能办公楼设计中所需的楼房层高和进深。

    From the view-point of daylighting and artifical lighting , This article expounds the storey height and depth of buildings in the design of intelligent office building .

  27. 本文阐发了作者由范斯沃斯住宅创造的独特的空间关系所引发的关于进深、通透等空间概念的一些思考。

    Through studying the unique space design in Farnsworth house , the author mentions his thinking based on the notions of spatial depth and penetration in space design .

  28. 对设计过程中遇到的选址及基地规划、建筑布置、进深、维护结构等设计要素进行重点研究论述,并得出相应结论。

    Study the design factor such as site selection , layout , depth , exterior-protected construction act , which must be considered in design period , and make relevant conclusion .

  29. 多层大开间少内纵墙灵活住宅结构体系是在外砖内模大模板体系的基础上,扩大开间,减少内纵墙,使开间和进深两个方向都有灵活性,实现建筑平面的多样化。

    A structural system called multi-story RC-masonry mixed structure used for residential building with fewer internal longitudinal walls possesses many advantages , especially its flexibility in architectural layout of the building .

  30. 同时人们追求住宅的大空间,迫使乡村住宅开间、进深越来越大,层高越来越高,也造成了能源的巨大浪费。

    Meanwhile , people purses big space in residence so that the rural residence becomes larger and larger in length and breadth and the layer height becomes higher and higher as well .