
  1. 在全球性的金融体系下,没有20国集团(g20)和欧盟提供的政治领导监督下的有效全球标准和监督,就不可能有稳定和信心。

    With a global financial system there can be no stability and confidence without effective international standards and supervision , overseen by the political leadership provided through the group of 20 nations and the European Union .

  2. 建立在护理部直接领导监督下的护士长负责、主管护师督查指导、护师巡查指导的三级督查制度。

    Objective : The purpose of the study was to improve standard management and insure nursing safety . Method : Some rules were established to lead and inspect directly by the Nursing Department .

  3. 然而,调查显示未成年人的消防安全素质现状不容乐观,当前的消防安全教育也存在诸多问题,因此有必要从消防安全教育的内容、方法、途径和领导监督等方面进行加强和改进。

    However , investigation shows that the minors have a low quality and there exist some problems in the education of fire-prevention security . Therefore , there is a necessity in strengthening and improving fire-prevention security education in contents , methods , leadership supervision etc.

  4. 主要领导干部监督中存在的问题与强化的途径

    Problems of supervision to the supreme leader of the units

  5. 要铲除高校存在的消极腐败现象,必须加强和改进高校领导干部监督工作。

    Therefore , we should enhance and improve the cadre supervision system in colleges .

  6. 对国有企业领导人员监督约束的思考

    Supervision and Restrain over Managers of State-run Enterprises

  7. 遵守人力资源总监和人事经理的统一领导与监督,服从公司的规章制度。

    Under the HR Dir and Personnel manager within the campany policies and procedure .

  8. 二要建好组织领导、监督保证、考核评估机制;

    Be sure to construct the system how to organize and lead , supervise and assure , check and estimate ;

  9. 领导干部监督与被监督的重点&对领导干部监督问题的思考

    On the key points for leading cadres to supervise and to be supervised & Some reconsiderations of tightening supervision over leading cadres

  10. 经济责任审计是加强领导干部监督管理,促进领导干部廉洁自律、认真履行工作职责,促进依法行政的一项重要措施。

    Economic duty audit is an important measure to enhance management , promote leaders ' self-discipline , implement work duty , regulate administration by iaw .

  11. 经济责任审计作为强化领导干部监督的措施,其对于强化领导干部履行自身经济职责有重要意义。

    As a measure to strengthen surveillance for leading cadres , audit in economic responsibility has important significance to strengthen leading cadres to do their duties .

  12. 他将领导,监督和协调综合性的反恐怖主义国家战略以保卫我们的国家,并对可能发生的所有袭击事件作出反应。

    He will lead , oversee and coordinate a comprehensive national strategy to safeguard our country against terrorism and respond to any attacks that may come .

  13. 本文以马克思主义理论为指导,全面分析了加强高校领导干部监督工作的重要性,高校领导干部监督工作的现状、主要内容、基本途径,以及如何构建高校领导干部监督工作的运行机制等。

    The article analyzes all-round the importance , current situation , main contents , basic approaches of the cadres ' supervision system and explains how to construct it .

  14. 规划控制是规程的一个方面,它创建了用以指导规划和提供高级领导、监督和控制的结构和实践。

    Program governance is the aspect of the discipline that creates both the structure and practices to guide the program and provide senior-level leadership , oversight , and control .

  15. 各地方、各部门、各单位的领导人领导和监督统计机构、统计人员和其他有关人员执行本法和统计制度。

    Leading members of local authorities , departments and units shall direct and supervise statistics institutions and statisticians and other persons concerned in enforcing this Law and the rules governing statistical work .

  16. 草案规定,企业、农村、学校和部队中的党的基层组织,应当领导和监督本单位行政机构和群众组织的工作。

    The draft stipulates that primary Party organizations in enterprises , villages , schools and army units should guide and supervise the work of the administrative bodies and mass organizations in their respective units .

  17. 包括实行宪政,立法机关对于政治责任实现的举措,政党要发挥其组织、领导、监督作用等。

    Including the introduction of constitutional government , the legislature of the political responsibility for the implementation of the initiatives , political parties should play their organization , leadership , oversight role and so on .

  18. 有些地方别的知识分子很少,有这么一种需要,让他们在党支部、合作社管理委员会的领导和监督之下担任文化教员的工作。

    In places where there are very few other intellectuals , there is a need to have them serve as literacy teachers under the leadership and supervision of the Party branch and the co-operative management committee .

  19. 新形势下党员发展工作应从提高思想认识、明确指导思想和基本要求、做好各个阶层和群体的党员发展工作、加强领导和监督等方面着手。

    Under new situation , Party member developing work should start from the aspects such as strengthening ideological knowledge , making clear guiding ideology and basic request , implementing Party member development work of each estate and group , reinforcing lead and supervise .

  20. 当前,我国进入社会主义法治国家建设新时期,监督机制建设是依法治国的重要方面,而公民权利监督因其特殊性成为领导权力监督机制的一个重要组成部分。

    At present , China has entered the new period of socialist rule of law in nation-building , monitoring mechanisms is an important aspect of the rule of law , and civil rights oversight authority because of their uniqueness as a monitoring mechanism leading an important part .

  21. 论加强领导干部的监督管理

    On Strengthening the Supervision and Administration of Leading Cadres

  22. 加强对党内监督重点&领导干部的监督管理。

    Reinforce the supervision of leading cadres , which is the key point in inner-party supervision .

  23. 新时期对领导干部党内监督的思考

    Reflection on the Supervision in the Party over the Leaders during the New Period Commission for Inspecting Discipline

  24. 关键要加强对领导干部的监督,保证他们正确运用手中的权力。

    The key to it is the supervision over leading cadres to ensure that they exercise their power appropriately .

  25. 法律顾问处是事业单位。受国家司法行政机关的组织领导和业务监督。

    Legal advisory offices shall be public institutions under the organizational leadership and professional supervision of the judicial administrative organs of the state .

  26. 该过程应该由联邦机构领导并带有监督环境卫生与安全风险的明确要求,比如环境保护总署。

    The process should be led by federal agencies with a clear mandate for overseeing EH & S risk , such as the Environmental Protection Agency .

  27. 强化领导班子内部监督,完善重大事项和重要干部任免的决定程序。

    We should tighten internal supervision of leading groups and improve the procedures for deciding on important matters and the appointment or dismissal of cadres in important positions .

  28. 第二章内容事基于作者将近三个月的实际调研结果,总结而来的浙江省地方政府网站公众参与版块现状,从领导信箱、监督投诉等七大模块逐一叙述。

    Chapter ⅱ concludes status on public participation section of local government websites in Zhejiang Province from seven modules , based on do nearly three months actual research results .

  29. 从而启示我们,必须重视县乡政权建设,加强对县乡领导干部的监督、管理和教育;

    It 's a great inspiration to us that we should pay attention to the construction of county political power , strengthen the supervision , mangement and education of the officials .

  30. 加强农业科研事业单位内部审计工作是健全领导干部管理监督机制,提高单位领导经济工作水平的有效手段。当前,农业科研事业单位内部审计存在着机构设置缺乏独立性;

    It is an effective way to consummate the managing and supervising system of leaders and enhance their level for leading the economic works by strengthening the internal audit of agricultural science research units .