
  • 网络Interactive Media;intermedia
  1. 本次罢工前,双方进行了长达19个月的谈判,但未能成功。而此前,双方签订的名为“互动媒体协议”的现有劳动合同已于2014年底到期。

    The strike comes in light of an unsuccessful 19 months of negotiations after the existing labor contract known as the Interactive Media Agreement expired in late 2014 .

  2. 这是第一个冠军的All3Media作为其推出的互动媒体和发牌活动的一部分。

    This is the first title launched by All3Media as part of its interactive media and licensing activity .

  3. 基于Processing的互动媒体设计研究

    The Research of Processing-based Interactive Multimedia Design

  4. 阿什在2012年从哥伦比亚广播集团(CBSInteractive)旗下的互动媒体公司CBSInteractive跳槽加盟沃尔玛,一直负责把电子商务变成这家公司的核心业务。

    Ashe , who joined Wal-Mart in 2012 from CBS Interactive , has been tasked with making e-commerce central to the company .

  5. 为帮助改变这一现状,沃尔玛于去年聘请了之前在哥伦比亚广播公司互动媒体集团(CBSInteractive)CBS担任负责人的阿什。

    Ashe was brought in last year from his previous job as the head of CBS Interactive ( CBS ) to help change that .

  6. 视频会议、内容分发、互动媒体等组播应用对QoS有严格要求,光网络组播可以保证QoS,因此适用于电视频道传送,电视频道传送是自动交换光网的一个重要增值应用。

    Multi-cast applications such as video conference , content distribution and interactive multi-media have stringent QoS requirements , and since optical multi-cast can ensure QoS , it is suitable for television channel transport . Television channel transport is an important profitable application of ASON .

  7. 据英国行业协会互动媒体零售集团(IMRG)所说,2/5的网上购物者表示,如果一家网站的货物配送服务很糟糕,他们就不会在这儿购买产品了。

    Two-fifths of online shoppers said they stopped buying products from a website following a troublesome delivery , according to the Interactive Media in Retail Group ( IMRG ), a British industry association .

  8. 据英国行业协会“互动媒体零售集团(IMRG)”所说,2/5的网上购物者表示,如果一家网站的货物配送服务很糟糕,他们就不会在这儿购买产品了。

    Two-fifths of online shoppers said they stopped buying products from a website following a troublesome delivery , according to the Interactive Media in Retail Group ( IMRG ) , a British industry association .

  9. 互动媒体活动将帮助同学了解路由权值。

    The Interactive Media Activity will help students understand route metrics .

  10. 最后,多元化的互动媒体的发展正在影响政治。

    Finally , the rise of pluralistic interactive media is affecting politics .

  11. 互动媒体活动显折射如何运作。

    The Interactive Media Activity shows how refraction works .

  12. 职位要求:1、广告、互动媒体和营销相关专业本科以上学历;

    Motivate and train team members in advertising industry best practices Requirements : 1 .

  13. 从皮影艺术到互动媒体设计

    From Shadow Play to Interactive Media Design

  14. 高效的三维互动媒体内容创作系统

    Efficient 3 D Interactive Content Authoring System

  15. 今天科技的发展使广告可以通过一系列可寻址的媒体和互动媒体有效地传递给我们。

    Today technology enables advertising to reach us efficiently through a variety of addressable media and interactive media .

  16. 我们是你在亚太地区的互动媒体营销推广的主要合作伙伴。

    We are your partner for premier interactive media sales and advertising solutions in the Asia Pacific region .

  17. 互动媒体艺术广泛应用在会展博览产业、互动广告、舞台美术与表演业、互动游戏等领域。

    Interactive media art is widely used in exhibition , interactive advertising , stage art , performance , interactive games and other fields .

  18. 在受访公司中,72%的公司希望有运用最新技术的经验,67%重视创造力,45%希望应聘者有互动媒体经验。

    Of those surveyed , 72 % wanted experience using the newest technologies while 67 % valued creative ability and 45 % wanted employees with experience with interactive media .

  19. 还可以用在这里…这是一个音乐互动媒体,一个意大利学生制作的目前他正准备将它商业化。

    Or it 's used for ... So this is a musical interface built by a student from Italy , and he 's now turning this into a product .

  20. 同时,用户认为网络是一种互动媒体:他们不会长时间浏览电脑屏幕,肯定要输入相关内容。

    Users also consider the web a highly interactive medium : they are unlikely to watch a computer screen for long periods of time without giving some sort of input .

  21. 预计到2006年以后,宽带互动媒体将成为主流的宽带应用。宽带应用产业的总体发展趋势包括价值链复杂化、运营模式多样化、服务个性化与综合化。

    It is predicted that broadband interactive media will become mainstream application after 2006 . Its development trend includes value chain complication , operation mode diversification , service individuation and integration .

  22. 本文详细介绍了快速三维互动媒体创作系统设计实现,主要通过三个方面来介绍:(1)场景数据组织;

    This thesis presents the design and implementation of an efficient 3D interactive content authoring system . The main work focuses on the three aspects : ( 1 ) Scene Data Structure ;

  23. 基于对上海世博会互动媒体展示设计的研究和探讨,可以让我们了解和认识互动媒体展示的理念与方向,为我们艺术设计提供参照和借鉴。

    Based on the Shanghai World Expo will showcase interactive media research and study design allows us to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the concept of interactive media and direction , provide reference for our art and design and drawing .

  24. 在此二者的同时袭击下,媒体和教学发生了碰撞,产生了新的需求和形态,互动媒体的概念应运而生,而这一概念也必然走向与课堂教学的完全融合。

    Under the above two attacks , media and teaching collided , new requirement and morphology produced , and the concept of interactive media came into being , and this concept will inevitably move towards fully integrated with classroom instruction .

  25. 而今的上海世博会是世博史上规模最大,参展国家最多的一次世博会。自开幕以来,令人眼花缭乱的互动媒体技术,成为园中最大的看点之一。

    Now the Shanghai World Expo is the largest in the history of World Expo , the largest number of participating countries Expo . Since its opening , dazzling interactive media technology to become one of the biggest surprise in the garden .

  26. 如今数字时代悄然而至,人们已不再满足于对外部信息的被动接受,互动媒体作为新技术背景下的信息承载媒介,被赋予了更多的人文特征。

    Now the Digital Time is coming , people is no longer satisfied with the information on the passive acceptance of external , interactive media as a new technology in the context of information bearing media has been given a more humanistic characteristics .

  27. 揉合艺术与科技,我们为客户和他们的目标观众群建立真正的互动媒体平台,令观众能利用身体和动作与客户直接沟通,经历独特的互动体验。

    Through combining art and technology , we establish a genuine interactive media platform between our clients and their target audiences , thus audiences is able to communicate with the client in body language and movements , going through an unique interactive experience .

  28. 本文从设计师的角度出发,适当弱化功能实现的技术性分析,将重点放在设计思维的整理和提炼,后期理论运用于实践,设计出思路完整的互动媒体实例。

    This article from the designers point of view , weaken the function of the realization of the appropriate technical analysis , design thinking to focus on the collation and extraction , the latter theory into practice , and design complete examples of interactive media .

  29. 结合远程教育的特点,本文提出要在师生分离的状态下实现现代外语教学的理想,应以充分利用互动媒体的适应性学习的教学策略作为保障。

    This paper proposes teaching strategies for adaptability study according as features of distance education . Under the " Separation " condition between teachers and students , strategy based on interactive medium should be used sufficiently as a guarantee to realize the ideal of modern foreign language .

  30. 互动媒体艺术是新文化产业的重要组成部分,是艺术与技术结合的典型,它结合了视觉、听觉、空间设计、光、电效果等各种形式给人以新鲜充满活力的感觉。

    Interactive media art is an important part of the new cultural industry , for it is a typical combination of art and technology , which combines effects of vision , hearing , spatial design , light , electricity and other forms . And these various forms produce dynamic effect .