
  • 网络industrial specialization;industrial division
  1. 财政分权体制下地方政府竞争行为是否扭曲了产业分工结构?

    Whether local government competition behaviors have distorted the structure of industrial specialization ?

  2. 产业分工细化与经济中介组织的发展

    Industrial Specialization Development of Economic Intermediaries

  3. OEM就是委托生产,实际上是一种“代工生产”的方式,OEM正是经济全球化带来的国际产业分工的必然结果。

    OEM production is commissioned , in fact , is a " foundry production " approach , OEM is the economic globalization , the international industrial division of labor brought about by the inevitable result .

  4. 南贵昆经济区产业分工与合作研究

    A Study of Industrial Division and Cooperation in Nan-Gui-Kun Economic Region

  5. 在各级政府之间实行明确的产业分工;

    Clear industrial division of labor between governments of all levels ;

  6. 东北亚区域产业分工体系转变的趋势

    The Trend of Industrial Division System Changes in Northeast Asia

  7. 泛珠江三角洲的产业分工与协调机制研究

    Studies of the Industrial Division and Cooperative Mechanism in Pan-Pearl River Delta

  8. 雁行模式与东亚地区产业分工的新变化

    On the New Trend of the Division of Labor in Northeast Asia

  9. 实施产业分工战略深化我省产业结构调整

    To Carry Out Industrial Division Strategy and To Deepen Industrial Structure Adjustment

  10. 论长江三角洲城市圈的产业分工模式

    The Changing Pattern of Manufacturing Specialization in Yangtze Delta Region

  11. 京津第三产业分工协作特征

    Character of division and cooperation in tertiary industry between Beijing and Tianjin

  12. 东亚地区产业分工模式的演进及中国的对策

    The Evolution of Industrial Division in East Asia and the Strategy of China

  13. 循环经济产业分工的动力、结构和矛盾

    The Dynamics , Strcture and Conflict of the Labour Division in Cycle Industry

  14. 目标与途径:产业分工与重组的新思路

    Object and Way : New Thoughts about Industrial Redivision of Labor and Reorganization

  15. 第一,合理的产业分工布局是城乡产业合作的基础。

    Reasonable industrial division and distribution is the basis of urban-rural industrial cooperation .

  16. 城市区域产业分工的一体化;

    The integration of Urban Regional industrial distribution ;

  17. 区域产业分工与合作的实证研究

    Positive Study on Regional Industrial Division and Cooperation

  18. 区域产业分工是产生经济联系的根源。

    The division of regional industries is the root cause of economic contact generating .

  19. 兰州、西宁、银川产业分工与协同可行性研究

    The Feasibility Study on the Industrial Division and Collaboration in Lanzhou , Xining and Yinchuan

  20. 有效组织带转包的采购计划对企业提高竞争力和参与全球产业分工有重要意义。

    Research on Models and Algorithms for Purchase Planning with Outsourcing in Global Business Environment ;

  21. 而产业分工与合作是区域分工与合作的重要形式。

    And the industrial division is an important form of the regional division and cooperation .

  22. 三是加入国际产业分工和协作网络;

    Third , join the international affiliation of the business division and work harmoniously network up ;

  23. 中原城市群产业分工与经济联系研究

    The Study on the Industrial Division of Labor and the Economic Linkages in Zhongyuan Urban Agglomerations

  24. 皖江流域产业分工协作与区域经济一体化

    The Industry Collaboration and Regional Integration in the Valley along the Yangtze River in Anhui Province

  25. 在这种情况下,作为国际产业分工的产物&国际外包应运而生,并且不断发展壮大。

    In this case , As the product of International division-International outsourcing emerged and continued to grow .

  26. 东亚地区经济内部化及产业分工体系研究

    Economic Internalization and Specialization System

  27. 推动技术进步,创造比较优势,促进产业分工的深化。

    Promotes the technology advancement , the creation comparison superiority , the promotion industry division of labor deepening .

  28. 大都市区新型产业分工与冲突管理&基于产业链分工的视角

    The New Industrial Division and Conflict Management in Metropolitan Region & Based on the Perspective of Industrial-chain Division

  29. 广告的产生和发展是阶级社会里产业分工的必然产物。

    The starting to exist of advertisement and its development are output of industrial division of labor of ranking societies .

  30. 随着经济的发展和产业分工的深化,印刷产业进入了一个蓬勃发展的时期。

    With the development of economy and the deepening industrial division , printing industry has entered a rapid development period .