
  1. 工业园区的产业链优化路径探讨

    On Methods of Optimization of Industry Chain in the Industrial Park

  2. 实践证明,产业链优化是缓解和改进这些问题的有效途径。

    As been proved by the practice , improving industry chain of coal enterprise is the best choice to relieve and solve the problems .

  3. 探讨了农业产业链优化的原则,强调在产业链优化中应特别注重农业和农民的利益。

    This paper also discusses the principles for optimization of agricultural chain and it is stressed that agriculture and peasants ' interest should be paid much attention to .

  4. 二是特色工业园的产业链优化的两个主要方向:产业集群、产业集群与生态产业链并行优化园区。

    Secondly , industrial clusters and optimized industrial park of industrial clusters combining with eco-industry chain are the two main directions of optimizing industry chain for a specialized industrial park .

  5. 基于产业链的优化和提升,发展高端化的特色产业集群;

    We need to develop high-end distinctive industrial clusters based on the optimization and improvement of industrial chains ;

  6. 以电价为纽带的中国电力产业价值链优化研究

    Take Electric Price as a Key Link to Study Optimization of Electric Power Industry 's Value Chain in China

  7. 另外,在对文化产业链的优化应做到以下几个方面:完善投融资体系,建立稳固的人才体系,打造良好的创新机制。

    In addition , the optimization of the culture industry chain should do the following aspects : to improve the investment and financing system , establish a solid talent system , to create innovative mechanisms .

  8. 根据工业园区的不同类型,提出了工业园区产业链的优化路径:一是综合型工业园区的产业链优化的两个主要方向:产业集群与生态产业链工业园区;

    Different methods of optimizing industry chain are put forward for different types of industrial parks . Firstly ; industrial clusters and industrial park of eco-industry chain are the two main directions for a comprehensive industrial park to optimize its industry chain .

  9. 第三部分内容,主要运用层次分析法(AHP),从旅游地内部十五大要素对旅游产业链构建和优化的贡献入手,确立旅游产业链构建完善度评价模型。

    In part three , AHP is used to set up a tourism industrial chain and to build a perfect degree evaluation model , based on the contribution which the fifteen elements has done for the construction and the optimization of tourism industrial chain .

  10. 我国房地产产业价值链的优化政策组合

    On the Value Chain of China 's Real Estate Industry

  11. 通过对以上问题的分析,笔者随后提出若干手机阅读产业价值链的优化措施。

    Subsequently , on the basis of the analysis of the problems , a number of optimizing measures are proposed for mobile reading industry value chain .

  12. 中国煤电产业链协调发展的优化模型研究

    A Research on the Coordinated Development Optimization Models of China 's Coal and Electricity Industry

  13. 广西与越南旅游合作项目产业链的构建与优化

    On the Tourism Cooperation Projects ' Industrial Chain of Construction and Optimization Between Guangxi and Vietnam

  14. 分析研究了冶金产业链的技术经济优化问题,建立了矿产资源最优利用的数学模型。

    In this paper , the optimization of metallurgical industry chain is studied based on technique and economy , and a mathematical model for the optimum utilization of mineral resources is established .

  15. 重庆旅游业经过20多年的发展,已经进入以产业链的培植与优化为核心的竞争阶段,旅游产业链的构建已经成为了各旅游地迫切需要解决的问题。

    After more than 20 years ' development , the tourist industry of Chongqing is at a new stage of competition with cultivation and optimization of the industry chain as its core meaning .

  16. 国外石油公司从事纵向一体化发展的起点、模式都不同,但最后他们都选择了上下游业务体化作为企业发展的方向,并不断对其一体化产业链进行完善和优化。

    The foreign oil companies engaged in vertical integration in different foundation and patens , but they choose the integration of the upstream and downstream business in the end and continuously improve their integrated industry chain .

  17. 要运用区域产业集群模式,加强产业链整体优化与改造,创造区域产业集群优势;

    Applying " regional industrial group " pattern to strengthen the effects of overall industrial links , and realizing the advantage of regional industrial group ;

  18. 相对农业产业化模式来说,贸工农产业链是较为优化的帕累托改进模式。

    Compared with agriculture industrialization , agribusiness integration is the more optimization pattern of Pareto .

  19. 从产业经济的角度看旅游产业链的构建与优化已经成为了各旅游地迫切需要解决的问题。

    From the angle of industrial economy , the construction and the optimization of tourism industrial chain become an urgent problem to be solved .

  20. 结合世界各国电力产业的改革成果,对我国当前电力产业价值链优化现状进行分析并指出存在的问题;

    Combining with the reform outcome of countries in the world , this paper analyzes the current electric power industry 's value chain in China , and argues that there are a lot of problems .

  21. 运用系统动力学方法对各产业未来的发展趋势进行了仿真模拟,并构建了产业链优化模型。

    Using systemic dynamics , it makes a simulation on the direction of the future development of each industrial chain . and it builds the model for improving industrial chain .

  22. 对我国这三个环节的产值和利润进行计算,说明产业链中不同环节价值和利润分布的差异,并且分析差异产生的原因,为产业链优化整合提供经验支持。

    After that It illustrates the difference and its reason for the distribution of value and profit in different chain link . Therefore it provides experience support for chain optimization and coordination .

  23. 因此,煤炭产业链成为国内官、产、学、研竞相研究的热点,尤其是煤炭产业链演化机理、优化整合更成为热点中的焦点。

    Therefore , the coal industrial chain becomes the hot spot researched by the domestic official , enterprise , university and research institutions , particularly Evolution Mechanism , Formation Mechanism , Optimize and Integration of the coal industrial chain become the focal point in the hot spot .

  24. 分析安溪县茶叶产业发展现状及存在的问题、安溪茶叶产业发展与安溪县经济发展的关联度以及安溪县茶叶产业链整合管理优化与延长拓宽的重要意义。

    It analyses the present situation and the existing problems of tea industry in Anxi county , the association between the development of tea industry and the economic development of Anxi , the significance of the integration management optimization and lengthening and widening of tea industry chain .