
  • 网络enterprise property rights system
  1. 尤其提出的建立现代企业产权制度等理论,为铁路施工企业现代企业制度规范运行开辟了有效途径。

    Especially , the theory of establishing modern enterprise property rights system has been put forward , which contributes to the railway construction enterprise establishing modern enterprise system .

  2. 我国企业产权制度改革的终极发展,是实现企业法人所有权,而企业法人所有权则是现代民法的基础和核心。

    The ultimate development of our country 's enterprise property rights system reform is to realize enterprise corporate property rights , which is the base and core of modern civil law .

  3. 我国企业产权制度改革中推行MBO刍议

    Remark on Execution of MBO in Chinese Enterprise Property Right Reform

  4. 公司制与国有建筑企业产权制度改革

    The Company System and Property Right Reform of National Construction Enterprises

  5. 这些误区在一些方面误导了我国的企业产权制度改革。

    These mistakes mislead our property rights institution reform of enterprises .

  6. 家族制企业产权制度的诱致性变迁研究

    Research on Motivational Transition of Property Right System of Family Business

  7. 论企业产权制度的决定与演进

    On the Determination and Evolution of the Firm 's Property Rights

  8. 中美企业产权制度中委托人-代理人博弈的比较分析

    The principal-agent game between the enterprise of China and USA

  9. 人力资本理论与企业产权制度安排

    The Theory of Human Capital and the System of Enterprise Property Right

  10. 深化企业产权制度改革,广泛建立股份制、合作制企业;

    Deepening the reform of the ownership system in enterprises ;

  11. 中小企业产权制度的比较与调整

    Property Rights Institutions in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises : Comparison and Adjustment

  12. 论我国家族企业产权制度与治理结构的创新

    The Innovation of China Family Firm Property Right System and Government Structure

  13. 国有企业产权制度现存弊端及对策

    Countermeasure against the Disadvantages of the Property Right System of State-Owned Enterprises

  14. 关于国有企业产权制度改革的结构设计方面。

    Structural design about the state-owned enterprise property relation reform .

  15. 完善企业产权制度以后,企业信用就有了基本的保证。建立健全企业信用体系的措施主要有:对企业的信用状况进行资信调查;

    Enterprise credit will be guaranteed after perfect the enterprise ownership system .

  16. 论林区企业产权制度改革

    Reform on property right and tenure system for forestry enterprises

  17. 对我国私营企业产权制度创新的若干思考

    Reflections on innovation of property system in our private enterprises

  18. 资源型城市国有企业产权制度改革问题研究

    Research on state-owned enterprise property right reform in resource-based cities

  19. 我国国有企业产权制度变迁及改革措施

    Institutional change of state-owned enterprise property in China and the reform measures

  20. 乡镇企业产权制度的缺陷与创新

    The Defects and Innovation of Country Enterprise 's Equity System

  21. 从现代产权理论看国有企业产权制度改革

    Contemporary Property-Rights Theory and China 's SOE Property-Rights System Reform

  22. 乡镇集体企业产权制度改革的基本思路

    Basic Thinkings in Reforming Property System of Collective Enterprises in Villages and Towns

  23. 家族企业产权制度变迁路径

    The Change Path of Family Corporation Property Right System

  24. 当前林业企业产权制度改革中的几个倾向

    Tendency of property right system reform in forestry enterprise

  25. 我国乡办村办企业产权制度变革研究

    Reform of Township Enterprise Property Right System in China

  26. 现代企业产权制度&内涵、结构与激励机制

    On Property Rights for Modern Enterprise & Meaning , Structure and Incentive Mechanism

  27. 苏南乡镇企业产权制度改革模式的分析

    Analysis on Property Rights System Reform Models of Township Enterprises in South Jiangsu

  28. 建筑市场规范化与国有建筑企业产权制度的改革

    Perfecting Construction Market and Reforming Property Rights Institution of State Owned Construction Enterprise

  29. 试论建立健全现代煤田勘查企业产权制度

    On Establishment and Perfection of Modern Coal Geological Exploration Industry Property Right Sytem

  30. 齐齐哈尔市国有企业产权制度改革的原则、目标及途径

    The Principles , Objectives and Ways of Reform in Ownership of State-owned Enterprises