
  • 网络Bond value;Value of Bond;Bond valuation;Straight-Debt Value
  1. 可转债的内在价值可以近似为max(内嵌债券价值,转股价值),可转债的时间价值等于可转债价值减去其内在价值。

    The intrinsic value of convertible bonds is approximate to max ( bond value , conversion value ), and the time value of convertible bonds is the difference of convertible bonds ' value minus their intrinsic value .

  2. 从持期的含义出发,揭示了持期是表示债券价值关于1+利息率的点弹性,并介绍了Redington关于持期匹配的基本模型及其严格的假设前提。

    This paper gives out the interpretation of duration as the elasticity of the bond value with respect to 1 + yield per period , then introduces Redington 's basic model of duration matching , which is based on very strict hypothesis .

  3. 无论是谁,若他拥有的CDS超过他所持有的基础债券价值,就能从债务违约中获利,由此产生明显的道德风险。

    Anyone who owns CDS in excess of the value of the bonds he owns benefits when the debt defaults , creating obvious moral hazard .

  4. 本文应用最小价值原理以及考虑到股票发行红利的情况对Black-Scholes期权定价模型进行修正,得出可转换债券价值应等于纯债券价值和转换价值两者中较大者,与期权价值之和。

    The article uses The Least Value Theory and the modified Black-Scholes Model which considering the complexion of stock bonus .

  5. 若CDS的价值远远大于其基础债券价值,则CDS发行机构有着相反的道德风险:既存在人为降低或消除违约风险的动机。

    The issuer of CDS whose value is much larger than the underlying bonds has the opposite moral hazard : there is an incentive artificially to reduce or eliminate default risk .

  6. 结果表明,可转换债券价值被明显低估。

    The results show that the convertible bonds are significantly underpriced .

  7. 可转换债券价值评估模型及影响因素分析

    The Pricing Model of Convertible Bond and the Influential Factors Analyses

  8. 有交易费的套期保值未定权益的最小债券价值量

    The Minimal Bond Asset of Hedging of Contingent Claims under Transaction Costs

  9. 可转换债券价值与条款设计研究

    The Research on Valuation and Provision Design of Convertible Bonds

  10. 中国可转换债券价值分析及投资策略研究

    Analysis of the Value of Chinese Convertible Bond and Tactics of Investment

  11. 债券价值对市场利率变化的敏感度

    The degree of responsiveness of bond value to changes in market interest rate

  12. 影响债券价值的经济因素

    Economic Factors Affecting the Valuation of Corporate Bonds

  13. 他们应该很清楚这些债券价值多少。

    They should know what they are worth .

  14. 可转换债券价值低估的影响因素研究

    Research on the Determinants of Convertible Bonds Underpricing

  15. 上市公司可转换债券价值分析

    Value Analysis of Listed Company Convertible Bonds

  16. 因此债券价值的下跌意味着这家银行的债务减少了500万美元。

    The decline in the bonds'value means the bank 's liabilities fell by $ 5 million .

  17. 但最近,随着债券价值缩水,新的信贷亏损开始出现。

    But recently , new credit losses have started to emerge as debt values have fallen .

  18. 由于股票和债券价值蒸发、公司暂停交易,银行在亚洲的手续费收入不断下滑。

    Fees in Asia are falling as stock and debt offerings evaporate and companies hold back on deals .

  19. 该公司的意图实质上是,迫使投资者接受其持有的债券价值减半。

    The company was essentially pushing investors to accept roughly 50 percent of the value of their holdings .

  20. 压力测试假定,仅有记入交易账簿的债券价值会进一步遭受损失。

    The stress tests assumed some further loss only on the value of those bonds in the trading books .

  21. 希腊债券价值持续下跌,部分官员现在承认,这是因为早期救援贷款不足。

    Greek debt continues to drop in value as some officials now admit that earlier rescue loans were not enough .

  22. 第三,在本文的最后一部分,通过对可转换债券价值构成的研究后,着重分析了可转换债券的投资策略和套利策略。

    Lastly , by researching on composing of convertible bonds value , mostly analyses strategies of investment and arbitrage on convertible bonds .

  23. 因此,如果你的抵押债券价值5000万美元,你会得到4300万美元的贷款。

    So , if you put up $ 50 million worth of securities , you would receive a loan worth $ 43 million .

  24. 这一数据确认了上月有关未偿付欧元债券价值首次超过美元债券的消息。

    The data consolidate news last month that the value of euro notes in circulation had overtaken the dollar for the first time .

  25. 这些债券价值64亿元人民币,约合9.9亿美元,将用于资助碳减排项目。

    The bonds , worth 6.4 billion yuan , or about 990 million U.S. dollars , will be used to finance carbon-reduction projects .

  26. 其价值可分为纯粹债券价值和期权价值,其中期权价值的确定有一定的困难。

    Its value can be divided into pure bond value and option value , among which option value is somewhat hard to make sure .

  27. 美国第四大投行雷曼兄弟申请破产以来的一周里,其债券价值已出现暴跌。

    In the week since Lehman Brothers , the fourth largest investment bank in the US , filed for bankruptcy , the value of its bonds have plummeted .

  28. 本文采用修正的二叉树模型,对影响可转换债券价值的影响因素进行敏感度分析。

    This paper intends to conduct sensitivity analysis on the eight factors affecting the conversion value in Chinese stock market by employing binomial tree model revised by us .

  29. 检验发现了影响债券价值的几个显著性经济因素:流动性、违约概率、息票率、回收率及发行时间。

    In this paper we show that several bond economic characteristics : liquidity , default risk , coupon , recovery rate and bond age leads to better estimates of spot curves and pricing bonds .

  30. 因此,挑战在于找到一个合适的方法,把违约拖延足够长的时间,以便在希腊、葡萄牙和爱尔兰同时违约的情况下,债权人能够承受债券价值减记的后果。

    The challenge , therefore , is to find a way to postpone the defaults long enough for creditors to withstand the writedowns of bond values if Greece , Portugal and Ireland default simultaneously .