
  • 网络public property rights;communal property rights;Common Property Rights
  1. 公共部门产权若干属性探析

    An Inquiry into Some Attributes of the Property Rights of Public Sector

  2. 公共部门产权条件下的交易费用特点探析

    Some Characteristics of the Transaction Cost under the Property Rights of Public Sectors

  3. 本研究认为:农业开发造成流域水资源分配利用失衡,以及生态环境恶化的原因有三方面:一是水土公共物品产权不清与市场机制缺失导致流域管理失灵。

    There are three reasons : First , Indistinct property right of the common goods and the lack of the market mechanism lead to the failure of river management .

  4. 产权理论之于公共企业的产权制度改革;

    Theory of property ownership for public enterprises property ownership reform ;

  5. 企业制度的演进过程,就是不断创新公共领域的产权规则,以减少管理者在公共领域产生的机会主义。

    The evolution process of the enterprise system lies creating property rule , in order to reduce the opportunism .

  6. 本文探讨的问题,在产权界定方面,主要是集体企业中国有资产产权界定问题、假集体的产权界定问题、集体企业公共积累的产权界定问题;

    Main problems in definition of property right are how to define state owned property , " counterfeit collective ownership ", and public accumulation ;

  7. 介绍了科斯定理、租值消散理论和产权的公共领域、产权与价格关系等理论,作为本文研究的理论基础,后续章节也都是基于本章阐述的相关理论进行研究和分析。

    Otherwise , the author introduces the Coase Theorem , rent dissipation theory and properly in the public domain , the theory of relationship between property and price .

  8. 根据第五章的原因分析,提出利益主体激励机制和完善供给机制的对策建议,如强化政府职能、明晰公共品的产权、决策机制改革等。

    According to the reasons given by Chapter five , it puts forward some incentive mechanisms for the interest-subjects and suggestions to improve the supply mechanism , such as strengthening governmental functions , clearing property rights for public goods , reforming the decision-making mechanism and so on .

  9. 公共物品的私有产权基础

    Private Property Right Base of Public Property

  10. 社会公共利益是知识产权权利限制的主要动机和目的。

    Social public interest is the main motivation and aim of limiting intellectual property rights ' right .

  11. 公共资源与社团产权&我看浙江永嘉的江河承包

    Public Resources and Social Property Right & My view on the Contract of the Rivers in Yongjia , Zhejiang

  12. 考虑到此地大部分研究都不属于公共资助以及知识产权盗窃的普遍性,知识产权可能还需要不同的方法。

    Intellectual Property may again require a different approach , given that research here is largely not publicly-funded and also given the ubiquity of IP theft .

  13. 作为我国科技创新的重要力量,公共研究机构知识产权保护和管理工作开展的是否成功,直接影响到我国自主创新能力的提高。

    Public Research Institutes ( PRIs ) are of great significance in advancing Chinese innovation of science and technology . Their IP protection and management influence the national innovation ability directly .

  14. 人们对喀斯特旅游资源价值的认识不足、资源所表现的公共物品特征、产权界定不清等是造成资源环境经济损害或效益的因子。

    People lack the understanding of karst tourist resources , and public goods , distinct of property right etc , are the factors , which cased the economic losses and profits of environment .

  15. 在此基础上,认真查找了行政单位国有资产规范化管理的理论依据,包括公共财政理论、产权理论和委托代理理论,并对三个理论的核心观点作了阐述。

    On the basis of the concepts , some theories about the management of state property managed by administrative departments , including public finance theory , property-right theory and principal-agent theory , have been studied .

  16. 首先,从公共选择理论、产权理论和委托代理理论入手,深层次地挖掘国有资产管理的理论基础,为非经营性国有资产管理构建了一个理论平台。

    Firstly , starting from theories of public choice , commissioned agency , and property right , seeks for theoretical foundations of management of state-owned assets , providing theoretical platform for management of non-operationally state-owned assets .

  17. 文章以我国公共财政的建设为出发点,对公共部门产权问题进行了分析探讨。

    Starting from the founding of public finance in China , this article tries to make an inquiry into the property fights of public sector .

  18. 因此,从公共选择、委托&代理、公共行政、生态经济、公共物品、产权及外部性等方面阐述了城市生态经营的基础理论。

    Therefore , I explicated the basic theory of urban ecological management on the following points : public choices , consignation-agent , public administration , ecological economy , public goods , property , external characteristics and so on .