
  • Typical examples;case history
  1. 但如果巴拉延续她的应对策略,她就很有可能被载入史册,成为一位CEO如何挽狂澜于既倒,扶大厦之将倾的典型例证。

    But if Barra keeps playing her cards the way she has so far , she could be held up for years as a textbook example of how a CEO should handle a potentially fatal crisis .

  2. 除了具有一切诸如开发式数据库连接之类的同类产品技术优点,工资数据库管理系统和遗产数据库管理系统也可以作为典型例证说明SSBCWM为整个系统提供了更可靠的安全保障。

    Besides having all the advanced features of its predecessor , such as open database connectivity , the Payroll Management System and the Heritage Management System are the ideal examples of how ( SSBCWM ) gives additional security to the entire system .

  3. 她的粗鲁正式她态度恶劣的典型例证。

    Her rudeness was an example of her typically bad manners .

  4. 这个声明是英国式风雅的典型例证。

    This statement was a classic illustration of British politeness .

  5. 青岛作为著名的中心城市,可以作为典型例证在中国引起讨论。

    Qingdao is a famous center that could be discussed in China .

  6. 这正是民间文学以民间一书面一民间这一传播方式进行传播的典型例证。

    This is the typical example of folk literature folk-in writing-folk spreading pattern .

  7. 老张就是个一夜成功,一举成名的典型例证。

    Lao Zhang was vaulted to fame , a classic example of overnight success .

  8. 例:“小燕子”赵薇就是个一夜成功,一举成名的典型例证。

    Zhao Wei was vaulted to fame , a classic example of overnight success .

  9. 热透镜腔等四个典型例证作了比较和讨论。

    Resonators with a thermal lens .

  10. 他们准备充分、精湛、充满幽默感的演讲和典型例证让我们受益匪浅。

    Their well prepared , skillful , humour lectures and typical examples benefit us a lot .

  11. 归纳出中医古籍亡佚的主要形式并论述典型例证。

    Summing up the main forms of ancient research of traditional Chinese medicine and discusses typical example .

  12. 二战后的欧美关系的发展就是一个认同与制度化良好互动的典型例证。

    The development of transatlantic relations is a good example for positive interaction of identification and institutionalization .

  13. 该时期的集体翻译,是赞助人极端操控的典型例证。

    Collective translation in the period is a case in point of the extreme manipulation of the patronage .

  14. 以哈特为代表的新分析实证主义法学方法便是逻辑和经验实证主义方法结合的典型例证。

    The methodology of new analytical positivist jurisprudence , the famous user of which is Hart is the typical example .

  15. 几个典型例证和中介的作用&关于列宁的对立统一规律(二)

    Several Typical Examples and the Function of Intermediary & About Lenins Law of the Unity of Opposites ( 2 );

  16. 新馆是中国现代建筑民族性表达的典型例证,其成功设计,为更大范围和更多领域内进行中国现代建筑民族性表达提供了参考。

    Its successful design provides a reference for the nationalization of Chinese modern architecture on a larger scope and more areas .

  17. 这些作品是李山所谓“生物艺术”的典型例证,即将生物学的最新进步与艺术相融合。

    These works are examples of what Li Shan calls " biological art ," which fuses the latest advancements in biology with art .

  18. 本章试图以流派唱腔为典型例证,剖析扬剧唱腔的戏剧性特征。

    Taking the genre aria as a typical example , this chapter attempts to analyze the dramatic feature of the Yangzhou opera aria .

  19. 老师今天用我的同桌作为典型例证,说明后进是如何变先进的。

    Today , the teacher used my desk-mate as a typical example of how the less advanced strive to become the more advanced .

  20. 1688年英国光荣革命和1787年美国制宪会议是通过正和博弈迅速取得立宪成功的两个典型例证。

    The Glorious Revolution of England in 1688 and American Constitutional Convention in 1787 were two typical cases of rapid successful constitutionality by positive-gaming .

  21. 这方面的典型例证当属著名高尔夫球手老虎•伍兹。他的无数风流韵事在媒体上传播了几天后,他就高调亮相,和盘托出全部真相。面对丑闻,千万不要一声不吭,这样做非常尴尬。

    The classic example is Tiger Woods , who let rumors of his affairs brew in the press for days until he came clean .

  22. 结合国内外项目,为柴油发电机的设计方案提供了参考意见和典型例证。

    Reference projects in china or other countries what we have done , it will provide references and exemplifications for the diesel generator sets design .

  23. 所有这些倾尽力量想要把难看的事物变得更加美好,但结局注定失败的行为都是“给猪涂口红”的典型例证。

    These attempts to make something unpleasant look more attractive which , despite our best efforts , are decidedly unsuccessful , are classic examples of lipstick on a pig .

  24. 本文着重论述的是数学应用于法律领域的历史状况、一般方法、相关数学分支及典型例证。

    In this article , I elaborate the history status , the general method , the correlative branches of mathematics and the typical illustrations about mathematics applied in the field of law .

  25. 《与台湾关系法》是美国用国内法处理国际事务的典型例证,是美台关系的法律依据。

    The Taiwan Relations Act is the typical model instance that the United States handles international affairs with the inter law , and having the leading function to the U.S. - Taiwan relations .

  26. 以沪宁杭地区为典型例证,就城市群规划的指导思想与总体思路、区域空间尺度的研究、各种要素的组合及其城市群规划深层发展等问题,进行初步的探索。

    This paper takes Hu-Ning-Hang district as an example to discuss the principle , general idea of urban agglomeration planning , spatial size , elements combination and counter measures of urban agglomeration planning .

  27. 以职权主义为背景吸收当事人主义因素,以增强庭审方式抗辩式色彩的我国刑事诉讼改革是世界范围内两大法系相互借鉴的又一典型例证。

    The reformation of criminal procedure which drew adversary factors into the litigious procedures of ex officio doctrine in our country was another typical case of mutual action between two law system around the world ?

  28. 以有关的研究成果为依托,对英语学习者在听力教学和测试中面临的主要障碍进行了归纳、总结,提出克服障碍的对策和方法,并对部分典型例证作了案例分析。

    The paper , based on the research findings concerned , gives a summary of major obstacles to listening comprehension for English learners and examinees , and recommends strategies and tactics followed by some case studies .

  29. 在此部分笔者以我国的代表人诉讼制度为典型例证,首先分析了我国代表人诉讼制度的不合理之处,然后提出了完善我国代表人诉讼制度的建议。

    In this part I focuses on our system of representative litigation . I analyze the unreasonable place of our representative litigation system , and then I put forward a suggestion about our representative litigation system .

  30. 通过简单句、并列句和复合句等几个方面的典型例证,阐述了不同结构的英语省略句在翻译时的不同特点和规律。

    This paper presents different typical examples in simple sentences , compound sentences and complex sentences , through which certain features and rules of different kinds of elliptical sentences are demonstrated for the sake of accurate translation .