
chū kǒu xǔ kě zhènɡ
  • export license/permit
  1. 其中的一名研究员伊恩•斯图尔特(IanStewart)表示,商家并未要求提供最终用户证明,而且商家也没有该产品的出口许可证。

    Ian Stewart , one of the researchers , said the merchant did not request an end-user certificate , nor did the merchant have an export licence for the product .

  2. 2006年实行出口许可证管理的46种货物(312个8位HS编码),分别实行出口配额许可证、出口配额招标和出口许可证管理。

    There are46 commodities subject to export license in2006 ( 312 HS codes of8 places ) . They are separately subject to export quota license , tender of export quota and export license .

  3. 要从这家东京公司直接采购这种碳纤维,需要有日本经产省(METI)下发的出口许可证以及两页长的最终用户证明。

    To buy it directly from Tokyo-based Toray requires an export licence from Japan 's Ministry of Economics , Trade and Industry and a two-page end-user certificate .

  4. 本厂生产的真丝面料,持有出口许可证。

    Pure silk produced By our factory possesses export license .

  5. 在京的中央管理企业的出口许可证。

    Issue export license for other goods stipulated by Ministry of Commerce .

  6. 外商投资企业出口许可证商品计划;

    Export plan of FIEs for products under export licenses ;

  7. 出口许可证申请人应与外贸部联系。

    Applicants for export licenses should contact the Ministry of Foreign Trade .

  8. 中国煤炭、焦炭出口许可证变脸

    The Evolvement of Coke & Coal 's Export Licences

  9. 由受益人出具一份正本证明,证明不需要出口许可证!

    The beneficiary 's statement certifying that no export license is required in1 original .

  10. 如果所交付的货物需要出口许可证,我们应被立即告知。

    We must be notified immediately if the delivered goods require an export license .

  11. 出口许可证申请的审批时间一般为3个工作日。

    A decision on the request for an export licence normally took three working days .

  12. 补偿贸易项下出口许可证管理的货物;

    The goods subject to export license administration exported under the item of compensation trade ;

  13. 出口许可证备注栏内应当注明“货样”字样。

    The word " Sample " should be indicated in remarks column of export license .

  14. 出口许可证修改证明书

    Certificate for alteration of export permit

  15. 出口许可证修改申请书

    Application for alteration of export permit

  16. 其中一些国家曾请求美国颁发出口许可证,但遭到了美方拒绝。

    Several of those were turned down by the US when they asked for export licences .

  17. 申请出口许可证涉及如此繁琐的程序,以至于我们变得非常灰心丧气。

    EXAMPLE : Applying for an export license involved so much rigamarole that we became quite frustrated .

  18. 实行网上申领出口许可证的,按照有关程序和规定办理。

    Applying for export license through inter-net should be handled in accordance with related procedures and regulations .

  19. 我国政府迄今已发布总共有152种商品需在获得出口许可证后才允许出口的商品目录。

    Our government has announced a list of 152 commodities which are permitted for exportation under licenses only .

  20. 英特尔公司向美国政府申请了出口许可证,以出口数万芯片帮助天河2号计算机的升级。

    Intel applied for a licence to export tens of thousands of chips to update the Tianhe-2 computer .

  21. 出口许可证、保险单、产地证书和检验证书。

    An export licence , an insurance policy , a certificate of origin and a certificate of inspection .

  22. 其他任何发证机关无权签发配额有偿招标商品的出口许可证。

    Any other licensing organizations have no rights to issue license for the export products under compensated quota bidding system .

  23. 本公告所列钢材出口许可证有效期为许可证签发之日起3个月内有效。

    The export license of steels listed in the announcement shall be effective in3 months as from release of the license .

  24. 网上申请的,领取出口许可证时提交上述材料;

    The abovementioned materials shall be submitted at the time of collection of an export license as for an online application ;

  25. 当您从美国向国际目的地运输产品时,您需要遵守出口许可证规定。

    When shipping products from the United States to international destinations , you need to stay on top of export license requirements .

  26. 按照商务部规定的《出口许可证管理分级发证目录》,签发《出口许可证管理分级发证目录》授权范围内的出口许可证。

    Issue export license for local managers in accordance with License-Issuing Catalogue in Grades of Export License Administration stipulated by Ministry of Commerce ;

  27. 出口许可证管理部门应当自收到申请之日起30天内决定是否许可。

    The administrative departments of export licenses shall decide whether to grant a license or not within 30 days after receiving the application .

  28. 158.中国代表表示,中国对部分农产品、资源性产品和化学品实行出口许可证制度。

    158 . The representative of China said that China applied its export licence system to certain agricultural products , resource products and chemicals .

  29. 商务部可视具体情况,调整某些货物出口许可证的有效期和申领时间。

    Ministry of Commerce may revise the term of validity of export license for some goods and the application time in light of concrete conditions .

  30. 对以欺骗或者其他不正当手段获取出口许可证的,商务部依法收缴其出口许可证。

    If any one obtains export License by other illegal ways , his export license will be collected by Ministry of Commerce in accordance with laws .