
  • 网络soka gakkai;SGI;sokagakkai
  1. 创价学会可以仔细挑选其继任人。

    Sokagakkai was able to hand-pick his successor .

  2. 池田作为日本最大的佛教团体&创价学会的实际领导人,在日本和全世界有着广泛的社会文化影响。

    Chi Tian Da Zou , the real leader of Chuang Jia Society , the biggest Buddhist organization in Japan , enjoys widely social and cultural influence at home and abroad .

  3. 绪论从日本的近代化历史过程出发,分析了战后日本民众的精神需要,从而说明创价学会这一新的宗教团体的兴起。

    The paper mainly consists of the following : Introduction : A historical investigation of Chuang Jia Society , which is a new religious organization , rising to meet the mental need of Japanese people at the war .