- 网络historical sociology

Historical Sociology in International Relations : A Review of the School
These needs to be analysised multiply ina point of historical sociology .
Comment on Anderson 's Theory and Method of Historical Sociology
The Historical Sociology Approach of Raymond Aron
An Analysis from the Social Relationships Visual Angle : the Assignment Evasion System in Qing Dynasty
This essay tries to analyze her views on marriage and their significance of reality from historical sociology angle .
Alexis de Tocqueville offered an original explanation on the cause of the French revolution in terms of historical sociology .
Raymond Aron , a famous French theorist in different disciplines , is well known for his historical sociological approach in building IR theories .
MacKenzie , Donald . Inventing Accuracy : A Historical Sociology of Nuclear Missile Guidance . Cambridge , Mass . : MIT Press , 1990 .
The author analyzes the complicated connotations of the historical sociological approach from the perspective of epistemology and the reasons why this approach cannot be applied to other IR studies .
This paper reviewed the current studies on this field and their applications in the study of paleoclimate and environment , ecophysiology , forest management , forest community and history etc.
An overview of the history of Chinese Christian education & Researches based on the mainland ; A Study on Ed Schools from a Perspective of Historical Sociology : A Commentary on " The Trouble with Ed Schools ";
Taking the research characteristic of society history and historical sociology into the research on Chinese modern sports history is an important way to solve aforesaid problem . It also point a new way to deal with the historical science crisis for research on Chinese modern sports history .
Beginning in1988 , the STS Program , in collaboration with the History Faculty and Anthropology Program , created a doctoral program in the History and Social Study of Science and Technology ( HSSST ) .
I 'll be teaching history and soci-ology next term .
The circumstances that birthed Jewish Christmas are also deeply historical , sociological , and religious .
Next is social science . This includes history , sociology , literature , public relations and political science .
Japanese scholars have accumulated enormous research on war responsibility from the angle of history , sociology , and international politics .
The story is told not from a religious angle per se , but is effectively presented in a historical , sociological , and humanistic manner by today 's leading New Testament academics .
Samantha Lin is a graduate of US-based Northwestern University . She said the reading list she got from the university spans topics from history and sociology to post modern novels and literature classics .
Traditional Culture Etaphor : Sociological Survey of the Historical Changes in SHEN HOU Jun Porcelain
Symbolism of Space and Space of Power : Sociological Observation on the Historic Evolution of European Urban Square
As an ancient cultural heritage of local opera , Guangchang " MengXi " has unique values of art , history and sociology .
Return to Historical Reality from a Top-down Perspective : The Impact of Sociology and Anthropology on Studies of China 's Early Modern History
Up till now , most of the research and studies on American racial problem can be divided into two categories : historical and sociological .
We also love when our students take courses in our history , philosophy , sociality and education .
Since then four chapters followed , each chapter includes history retrospect , sociological exploration and a summary .
The review of this history is of positive significance to the combination of sociological theoretical studies with empirical social research .
The evolution on the policy target in United States Intellectual Property Antitrust Law & From the angle of history and sociology of law
Main Subjects : Geography , Literacy , Math , Science , Music , P.E. , History , Art , Social Science , Business , Spanish , French .