
  • 网络Panthera tigris tigris;Bengal tiger;P.t.tigris;Panthera tigris;bengals
  1. 但是他们遭遇了海难,最终只留下了Pi和一只孟加拉虎在一条小船上。

    But there is a disaster at sea . Pi ends up on a small boat with a Bengal tiger .

  2. 本文提出了cytb基因上识别东北虎、孟加拉虎、印支虎、苏门答腊虎4个亚种的特异性单倍型。

    We proposed specific haplotypes on cyt b gene for specifically identifying Amur tiger , Bengal tiger , Indo-China tiger and Sumatran tiger .

  3. 钢人队和孟加拉虎队同属AFC北部赛区,并且每个赛季有两次交手机会。

    The Steelers and Bengals both are in the AFC North , and play each other twice each season .

  4. 约翰内斯堡高级法院下达该中期济助令,以允许瓦提兄弟将两只孟加拉虎继续留存于自由邦菲利普利斯的TigerMoon野生动物保护区。

    The Johannesburg High Court granted the Vartys an interim order for the release of their two Bengal tigers on the Tiger Moon Wildlife Sanctuary outside Philippolis in the Free State .

  5. 本书讲述的是一个名叫Pi的印度男孩和一只孟加拉虎经历海难之后一起在太平洋上漂流了200多天的故事。

    It tells the adventure of an Indian boy Pi , the story 's protagonist , who spends over 200 days with a Bengal tiger on a lifeboat , drifting in the Pacific Ocean , after experiencing a shipwreck .

  6. 其实这家伙是一只170公斤的孟加拉虎,与MichaelJamison和他的女朋友JackieSmit一起生活在南非的布拉克潘市。

    In fact , he 's a 27-stone pet Bengal tiger who lives with Michael Jamison and his girlfriend Jackie Smit in Brakpan , South Africa .

  7. 每个船是不是还配有一只孟加拉虎?

    Did each boat also have a Bengal tiger in it ?

  8. 孟加拉虎是男性高达10英尺(3米)长。

    Male Bengal Tigers are up to10 ft ( 3 m ) long .

  9. 孟加拉虎目前严格保护。

    The Bengal Tiger is now strictly protected .

  10. 那我们可以叫“孟加拉虎队”。

    Then we could be the Bengal tigers .

  11. 一只叫做茜塔的母孟加拉虎正和他的幼崽休息在一起,这是她的三胞胎中的一只。

    A Bengal tigress called Sita rests with one of her trio of six-month-old cubs .

  12. .也许是这样,但是你不能用放大镜把一只孟加拉虎烧成灰。

    Maybe so , but you can 't incinerate a Bengal tiger with a magnifying glass

  13. 也许是这样,但是你不能用放大镜把一只孟加拉虎烧成灰。

    Maybe so , but you can 't incinerate a Bengal tiger with a magnifying glass .

  14. 美国女孩菲利希亚弗里斯克可谓真正的勇士:每晚她都要与一头六个月大的孟加拉虎“同床共枕”。

    American girl Felicia Frisco is a real brave : She sleeps with a six-month-old Bengal tiger !

  15. 游客说,游览车准备离开孟加拉虎区的时候,受到了袭击。

    Tourists said the bus was under attack as it was about to leave the Bengal tiger zone .

  16. 瓦提兄弟没有任何权利仍然将两只孟加拉虎留在保护区,对此协议中有明确规定。

    It is clear that the Vartys have no legal entitlement to keep those Bengal tigers on the sanctuary .

  17. 濒临绝种动物,被视为保护对象,美丽的孟加拉虎,通常是猎杀者的目标。

    Strictly protected as an endangered species , the magnificent Bengal tiger is nonetheless a common target for poachers .

  18. 在印度的斑德哈瓦加国家公园,一只少见的多产孟加拉虎在16年里产下了6胎。

    In the tender trap of her jaws , a Bengal tiger totes her cub in India 's Bandhavgarh National Park .

  19. 说全莉要加害他们本人和两只孟加拉虎纯粹是一派胡言,是公然的不诚实。

    To say Quan is planning to cause them or the Bengal tigers harm is a blatant lie and patently dishonest .

  20. 作者扬·马特尔,这是关于一个印度男孩和一头孟加拉虎在太平洋漂流的历险故事,一个扣人心弦的故事。

    By Yann Martel . A charming story of an Indian boy lost in the middle of the ocean with a tiger .

  21. 几年来,偷猎者正将国家级保护动物孟加拉虎赶尽杀绝,而印度政府官员对这个警告却置之不理。

    For years , Indian officials brushed off warnings that poachers were killing off the Bengal tiger , India 's national animal .

  22. 当你想到濒危物种你可能会首先想到孟加拉虎,蓝鲸或者黑犀牛。

    When you think of something endangered , you might think of the Bengal tiger , the blue whale or the black rhino .

  23. 我们的协议规定,一旦两只幼虎6月份从中国抵达南非,就必须把两只孟加拉虎送回加拿大。

    We had an agreement that once the tiger cubs arrive in June from China , the Bengal tigers will be sent back to Canada .

  24. 在法庭上,瓦提兄弟称,他们需要该禁令是因为他们担心自身和两只孟加拉虎的生命安全。

    The Varty brothers alleged in court they needed an order because they feared for their lives and for the safety of the Bengal tigers .

  25. 瓦提兄弟在最近几则新闻报道中称,全莉曾派人谋杀他们本人、他们的家人和保护区的两只孟加拉虎。

    The Varty brothers alleged in newspaper reports recently Quan had sent people to kill them , their families and the Bengal tigers on their farm .

  26. 该图是游览山山东荣成野生动物园时,一名游客拍下的可怕瞬间。图中三只西伯利亚虎正在残杀一只孟加拉虎幼崽。

    The shocking photos of Siberian tigers eating a rare white Bengal cub were taken by visitors touring the wildlife park in Rongcheng , Shandong province .

  27. 当他们在家后面的花园玩耍时,这只叫木兰的孟加拉虎还会模仿袭击,拥抱和亲吻她的这位伙伴。

    And Bengal Mulan is even known to ' mock attack ' , hug and kiss her companion when they play in the garden behind their home .

  28. 全莉、博锐夫妇认为瓦提兄弟留在保护区的两只孟加拉虎会对他们即将从亚洲运到南非的华南虎幼仔造成威胁。华南虎比孟加拉更加濒临灭绝。

    They believe the Vartys'two Bengal tigers on the sanctuary pose a threat to the more endangered South China tiger cubs they want to move there shortly from Asia .

  29. 皇家孟加拉虎和孟加拉虎的一个亚种虎发现,通过雨林和草原孟加拉国,不丹,缅甸,中国,印度和尼泊尔。

    The Bengal Tiger or Royal Bengal Tiger is a subspecies of tiger found through the rainforests and grasslands of Bangladesh , Bhutan , Burma , China , India and Nepal .

  30. 穿着神父长袍的父亲时不时弹起他那左撇子吉他,或是对着电视上的辛辛那提孟加拉虎橄榄球队呐喊助威,就是在这样的干扰下洛克伍德回忆记录着她直到现在的一生。

    Between the interruptions of her father , dressed in his cassock and jamming on one of his left-handed guitars or shouting at the Cincinnati Bengals on TV , she traced her life thus far .