
zōng zhǔ quán
  • suzerainty;domination
宗主权 [zōng zhǔ quán]
  • (1) [suzerainty]∶宗主国关于其臣民或属国尤其在这样一个国家的外交事务方面的统治、权力或关系

  • (2) [domination]∶支配权

宗主权[zōng zhǔ quán]
  1. 第二部分,李鸿章与越南宗主权的丧失。

    The second part explains how Li Hongzhang dealt with Vietnam issue .

  2. 1763年在法国印第安人战争中取得胜利,获得加拿大和密西西比河河谷以东的领土,也取得印度的宗主权。

    With its victory in the French and Indian War ( 1763 ), it secured Canada and the eastern Mississippi Valley and gained supremacy in India .

  3. 但由于俄国的政治讹诈、国际环境的孤立,国内政局的动荡和为了政权的巩固,袁世凯最终妥协,放弃了对外蒙古的统治权,只获得空头宗主权。

    But because of Russian blackmail , the isolated international environment and the internally unstable political situation , Yuan Shikai was ultimately forced to compromise with Russia and give up dominion over Outer Mongolia .

  4. 这是许多周以来第二宗与近期主权财富基金直接投资趋势相逆的交易,反映出这些基金日益担忧可能遭到国内批评。

    The deal is the second in as many weeks to buck the recent trend of direct investment by sovereign wealth funds , reflecting their growing concern at the potential for domestic criticism .