
  • 网络The Psychology of Religion;religion psychology
  1. 这是根据《国际宗教心理学杂志》(InternationalJournalforthePsychologyofReligion)上发表的一项研究得出的结论。

    That 's according to research published in the International Journal for the Psychology of Religion .

  2. 高峰体验与人格完善&论马斯洛的宗教心理学

    The Peak Experience and a Complete Personality-on Maslow 's Psychology of Religion

  3. 宗教心理学可以有两种不同的含义。

    There are two meanings of the religious psychology .

  4. 宗教心理学学院也在研究这一问题。

    The Institute of Religious Psychology is also working on the problem there .

  5. 美国宗教心理学研究的历史、现状与问题

    The Psychology of Religion in the USA : History , Present Situation and Problems

  6. 宗教心理学在美国的发展历程及态势探析

    An Exploring for Developmental Course , State and Tendency of Psychology of Religion in the USA

  7. 本文从宗教心理学的起源出发,阐明宗教心理学发展的现状。

    The paper describes the present situations of the religious psychology , from the origin of the Religious Psychology .

  8. 两支研究队伍的分歧及心理学取向的研究者在研究方法方面的分歧,系美国宗教心理学研究值得重视的问题。

    The divergences of two faculties and methods used by psychology - oriented researchers should be paid much attention .

  9. 美国的宗教心理学经历了兴起、衰落、复兴的曲折发展过程。

    Psychology of religion in the USA has demonstrated a rise , fall , and resurgence course over the years .

  10. 在西方宗教学和宗教心理学中,宗教应对方式是个十分重要的概念。

    Religious coping style is a very important concept in subjects of religion and psychology of religion in the west .

  11. 在回顾美国宗教心理学发展历史的基础上,分析了美国宗教心理学研究的现状,并从中揭示出美国宗教心理学研究存在的问题。

    Based on reviewing its history , the present situation of research on psychology of religion in the USA was analysed .

  12. 这个新的兴趣促使我来到乔治亚(前苏联)大学,并获得了第二个博士学位:宗教心理学博士。

    This new interest led me to attend the University of Georgia , where I took my second Ph.D. , in the psychology of religion .

  13. 本文通过对美国宗教心理学发展历程的梳理,从中揭示出美国宗教心理学当前的发展态势及存在的问题。

    The authors of this paper analyze the present situation of research on psychology of religion in the USA and point out its problems , based on reviewing its history .

  14. 一是科学的含义或是科学传统中的宗教心理学,是科学家运用科学方法对宗教心理的研究。

    The first is the religious psychology in scientific meanings or the religious psychology in scientific tradition , That is the studies on the religious mind that scientists have used scientific methods .

  15. 对人有其独特研究方式的常识心理学、宗教心理学和哲学心理学形成了主客同一研究范式的心理学雏形。

    At the same time , common-sense psychologies , religious psychologies and philosophical psychologies , with their unique research method for studying human being , provide the embryonic form of paradigm of fusion of subject and object .

  16. 他思想深刻、才华横溢,一生虽然短暂,但论著颇多,在哲学、宗教、心理学、文化批评等领域都有独道的见解。

    Gifted with profoundly thought and brilliant talents , his life is short but left abundant works and unique insight in philosophy , religion , psychology and cultural criticism .

  17. 宗教形态的心理学述评&心理学的五种历史形态考察之三

    The Review Of The Formation Of Religious Psychology & Investigating The Five Formations Of Psychology

  18. 假若要将影片定位,可从形而上学、宗教或纯粹心理学来看。

    It depends on one 's point of view whether the film is metaphysical or religious or simply psychological .

  19. 心理学有五种历史的形态,包括常识形态的心理学、哲学形态的心理学、宗教形态的心理学、类同形态的心理学、科学形态的心理学。

    There are five historical formations of psychology , including the commonsense , philosophical , religious , duplicative , and scientific formation of psychology .

  20. 酒文化并不是一种表面现象,它是一个和人类学,社会学,民俗学,历史学,宗教学,心理学等学科都有着紧密联系的文化,具有很重要的研究价值。

    Wine culture is not a kind of surface phenomenon , it is an important culture closely connected with anthropology , sociology , folklore , history , religion and psychology , so it is a discipline which has very important research value .

  21. 宗教观念、宗教体验、宗教行为构成美国宗教心理学研究的基本维度,宗教与人格的关系、宗教与心理健康的关系在美国宗教心理学的研究中处于突出地位。

    Religious perspective , religious experience , and religious behavior are the fundamental dimensions of research on psychology of religion in the USA , and the relations between religion and personality , religion and mental health are in the prominent position .

  22. 宗教经验是宗教意识的主要内容之一,宗教意识是宗教心理学着重研究的对象。

    Religious experience is one of the main contents of the religious consciousness which is the subject of religious psychology .

  23. 宗教社会科学是从社会科学的视角,对宗教的实证研究,包括宗教社会学、宗教人类学、宗教心理学和宗教经济学等分支学科。

    Social science of religion is the empirical research to religion from the approach of social science , including the branches such as sociology of religion , anthropology of religion , psychology of religion , and economic of religion .