
  • 网络Market Power;market force
  1. 市场势力(marketpower)是指在不完全竞争的市场条件下,一定时期内厂商将价格维持在边际成本之上的能力。

    Market power is an ability that in terms of imperfect market , a factory owner maintains price over marginal cost in certain time .

  2. 借助于结构行为绩效(SCP)分析,本文得出如下结论:(1)对于享有高市场势力的网络垄断者,进入阻挠将成为监管焦点;

    Conclusions are drawn that : ( 1 ) for a monopoly with substantial market power , regulatory focus should be on entry deterrence ;

  3. 结果表明,1996~2008年,市场势力导致的福利损失占GDP的比重在总体水平上呈震荡下降趋势。

    The results showed that from 1996 to 2008 , the proportion of the welfare losses to the GDP showed a shock downward trend at an aggregate level .

  4. 接下来阐释的是市场势力的决定因素。

    The determinants of " market power " are explained next .

  5. 我国电子信息业的国际市场势力:一个实证分析

    Chinese ICT Industries ' Global Market Power : an Empirical Analysis

  6. 发电市场势力研究与交易方式对发电市场势力影响的分析

    Generation market power and the influence of bilateral trade on it

  7. 互联电力系统中发电市场势力刍议

    Discussion about Market Power of Generation in Interconnect Power System

  8. 私有经济、外资经济和出口显著降低了市场势力。

    Private economy , foreign investment and export significantly reduce market power .

  9. 产业的市场势力理论及其估计方法

    Industries ' market Forces Theory and the Estimated Method

  10. 首先,它会产生市场势力。

    Firstly , it can produce the market influence .

  11. 具体准则着重于市场势力的认定;

    In the concrete norms , to the recognition of the market power ;

  12. 银行垄断及其市场势力研究

    Research on the Bank Monopoly and Its Market Power

  13. 发电商市场势力规制研究

    The Study on Regulation of Force in Power Market

  14. 知识产权与市场势力的关系&反垄断法的视角

    Intellectual Property Rights and Market Power : From the Perspective of Anti-Monopoly Law

  15. 国际海运企业市场势力测度模型的构建

    Study on the Econometric Model in Measuring Market Power of International Shipping Company

  16. 市场势力是产业组织研究的中心议题,它既反映市场竞争程度,也反映市场绩效。

    It can reflect the degree of market competition , but also market performance .

  17. 我国制药产业市场势力解析

    Analysis on market power of Chinese pharmaceutical industry

  18. 市场势力是指在市场上取得了支配地位的企业。

    The market influence refers to the business enterprises that obtain the domination position .

  19. 判断发电商市场势力的指标分析

    Analysis of Evaluating Generator 's Market Power Index

  20. 市场势力的存在阻碍着电力工业完全竞争市场的形成。

    Existence of market power hinders the emergence of complete competitive market in power industry .

  21. 市场势力是电力市场正常运行的一大障碍。

    The market influence are a big obstructs for the power market under normal operation .

  22. 该结论表明进口会通过对企业市场势力的约束而间接对企业并购的反垄断规制产生影响。

    This result shows that import will influence anti-monopoly regulation indirectly by disciplining market power .

  23. 论全球价值链中我国企业创新与市场势力构建的良性互动

    The Favorable Interaction of Firms ' Innovation and Market Power Formation in Global Value Chain

  24. 以上分析使得创新在企业市场势力形成中的作用机理得以清晰浮现。

    This makes the function of innovation to the forming of companies ' market power clear .

  25. 高市场势力导致经济效率缺损是阻滞经济增长速度的主要原因,因而我国现阶段的产业组织政策应以促进竞争为主要目标。

    The market power is the antitrust main talent of the present stage in our country .

  26. 市场势力的存在或丧失已经成为现代反垄断分析的基础。

    The presence or absence of market power has become the cornerstone of modern antitrust analysis .

  27. 反垄断法和竞争政策与市场势力的创立和维持有关。

    Antitrust laws and competition policy are concerned with the creation and maintenance of market power .

  28. 下游制造业市场势力依然偏低,特别是劳动密集型行业更加突出。

    The market power of the downstream manufacturing is still low , especially the labor-intensive industries .

  29. 中国出口企业市场势力研究

    Market Power of Chinese Export Firms

  30. 而企业间边界模糊与市场势力相结合更容易导致企业集团产生垄断行为。

    The firm 's obscurity boundary together with business groups ' market power facilitates monopolistic conduct .